The mists part at your feet and you find yourself standing outside an old style theater, dilapidated and barely functional. But something seems to radiate from this place.......
You step into the lobby to see a grand arch decorated in an Oriental style....elephants and Buddhas. The walls of the lobby is covered in movie posters. The movies range from Citizen Kane to Mallrats. A lot of different ideas have played in this theater.
Intrigued, you make your way to the ticket booth…but you find out that the booth is actually one of those old fortune teller machines like in "Big". You drop a quarter in the slot and its eyes light up an eerie shade of yellow. It reaches into it's deck of tarot cards and draws three. They drop into the slot and you pull them out, along with them is your fortune. It says….
Coming Soon... Whitewater, WI
Showtimes: Tuesdays from 5:30-10:30 PM
You turn away from the eerie ticket counter, shivering slightly and make your way into the night....