Europanto is a new language, born as a parody of the Esperanto. Probably you know that Esperanto is an artificial language that, according to someone, was to become a standard in international communications. But everybody knows that its supporter's forecasts didn't become true, and there are very few people that can talk in Esperanto.
So, from the ingenious (and a little crazy) mind of Diego Marani came the rigth opponent of the Esperanto, the funny Europanto, the only language that you can learn with no study. The creator himself gives us some examples of this. Here is a presentation of the new language:
NOTIZAAN DES LECTORES: Este test is èscrit in der erste overeuropese tongue: the Europanto. Ceci ist eine artificiele languag struktur that est uderstandibile by alle men qui pour le least know very mauvais French or tres bad English (...) Enjoy het !
He goes on with a paragraph from a chinese horoscope about the cat-fish year:
Mit der chinese horoscope, este is le jaar des piscekat y todos les piscekat will habe groote fortune. For les autres, der thinghen sein ein bishen more complicadas omdat el piscekat est un signo muy subdolous...
Obviously, everyone
can write in Europanto.
For example, a Web page could
start in this way:
Welcome to mina
maison-pagina ! Esta is a
STRANGE Home Page, and je non
quiero de scriverla en Anglais
und so je will write en
Europanto, a strange languag
(created da ein fool
italobelga) que est very mejo
than Esperanto. This pagina
està bajo costruction, porque
je non know bien the wonderful
TAGS que permettono tibi de
build una beautiful pagina.
Ecco aqui mina page, that je
scriverò in drei segundos
avec ein pulcher book de HTML,
id est un Linguaggio
Markuppato por la creation de
Hyper Test...
and so on !
Perhaps (or better
CERTAINLY) the Europanto WON'T
become the official european
language, but we are sure that
many people will enjoy it.
Now, the question is
this: who in the world created
a similar thing ?
"...the man talking in this way is Diego Marani (from Bruxelles, Belgium), who works as an interpreter at the European Union. His are, so, professional deformations..." (S.Bartezzaghi)
Marani, the inventor of the Europanto, defines his creation as "the first and the one language that everybody in Europe can understand and learn without studying. To talk in Europanto, you have simply to use your home language, inserting in your speech a little of foreign languages you know."
How to contact Diego Marani with Snail Mail:
175 rue de la Loi ( 01-GH-41 )
1048 Bruxelles
Phone Number: 02/285.74.65
But there is something faster than Snail Mail:
Diego Marani
Is an absurde language like the Europanto useful ? Look at what happens in Belgium and then you will understand...
Le Soir Illustré
Main cause of the spreading of Europanto is "The Illustrated Evening", a review printed in Belgium, for which Marani writes. Bartezzaghi tells us about the subject of his articles:
The well-known weekly review "Le Soir Illustre" asked Marani to write a column of "briko-politics", for the following reason: "Nowadays in the world there are absurde problems, and so Diego Marani will give his answers: absurde, of course.". The first article was dedicated to the "mad cow": "Komme de gekke vaches problema in der mundo definitly resolveren". The most embarassing fact is that the reades started to write mail in Europanto to the review's director, and of course he gives Marani the letters, to which he has to reply...
(S.Bartezzaghi, "Scrivo Europanto e pure Galattico", i.e. "I write Europanto and even Galactic", from La Stampa , June 19, 1997)
Visit the WWW site dedicated to Le Soir Illustré
Stefano Bartezzaghi
And so here is introduced the second divulger of the new language. In Italy, the Europanto is known thanks to Stefano Bartezzaghi and to his column titled "La posta in gioco" (it is a double-sensed puzzling-title, because in Italian it means "Mail in game" but even "Stake in beg") that is about enigmistical puzzles and other humoristic curiosities. Bartezzaghi loves every type of word-puzzle, he invents them and quotes the ones sent by his readers.
"I don't know if Marani knows there is a strong enigm-puzzling bond between an europaNthic language and a Neuropathic language", Bartezzaghi said.
The last challenge by Bartezzaghi is named " Time Streets , or The Day who finds his Way". The game consists in this: the readers have to look for streets, roads, squares, etc dedicated to year's dates (famous, like May 1 or July 4 or December 25, or less famous). Aim of the game is to complete a calendar using only this place-names. Possible or impossible ? The only way is to try. If you know place-names in your city dedicated to dates, write to Bartezzaghi ! You can read his articles on Tuttolibri (Allbooks) , the weekly of the newspaper La Stampa of Turin.
How to contact Stefano Bartezzaghi with Snail Mail:
Stefano Bartezzaghi
"La posta in gioco"
La Stampa - Tuttolibri
via Marenco 32
10126 Torino (Italy)
La Stampa : newspaper printed in Turin.
At Thursday with TUTTOLIBRI (All-Books), weekly about literature, essays and cultural activity.
Roland Why
This is the nickname of the author of this page. Soon the whole europanthic site will be written in Marani's language. But this isn't the only Web site dedicated to Europanto...
Sabine Husson
Probably the first Internet site dedicated to Europanto is the one created by Sabine Husson, a French student in Computer Engineering who lives in Belgium. There you'll be able to read most of Marani's articles.
Marani isn't the one inventing unknown languages. There is something of MORE STRANGE and more crazy of the Europanto, named Galactic Volgar. According to the news collected by Bartezzaghi and his reader Giuliano Giunchi, about ten years ago in Forli' (Italy) or in the neighborhoods, the
Universal Poetry Contest Luigi Casadei, Won by Himself
took place. Here we find a special note for the "Verso piu' Diverso" (Most Different Verse). We don't know what that really means, but certainly there is nothing more different than the following poem, by Claudio Mancini, multi-specialized doctor from Castrocaro. The poem isn't written in Italian, but in Galactic Volgar:
Sineste varna molibdoni geno
utur senanzia gabur-
semen dighena tulminente morho
catan pirante stasa--
Iten dubini tuleminte satur *
Unante vagor solimunte sorho
Translation (in a more common galactic dialect):
We're drifting thru the stars
with no more hope,
at the opposite part of the sky,
our return is broken forever.
Why this impossible dream ?
We'll play the game of life, till the end...
The justification of the contest explains:
This Message that comes from so far away, tiny like a stone thrown in the cosmic depth, is the echo of the psychological abyss deep inside everyone...
Or better, talking like Marani: esto message che arriba de so lontano...
Another creator of new languages is MF (sorry, but he doesn't want to say his real name). It is impossible for us quote here the original text of his song. According to our information, MF often sings this song in a non-exisiting language that he invents on the moment, and for which he gives a fake translation from African, playing a joke to people listening...
... and if you know other new languages WRITE ! (better if languages are very very very absurde...)
Well, I undetstand: you don't like Europanto. Well, this isn't a trouble, 'cause from here you can sail away to the neverending Internet ocean. Here in the GeoCities Neighborhoods there is Laetitia Casta waiting for you, and my Detractors Gallery, eternally under construction... ... and in the other worlds? There is Marco Gandolfo with his movies on the web, and the famous 500 italian car, and there are Laura and Paolo, the experts in madness and information technology... are you ready ?
For critics, advices, suggestions and so on send an e-mail to the author of this pages: