Ewok Land
Nothing can compare to the furriest creatures in all of the Star Wars Trilogy. The Ewoks have become the favorite creatures in the Trilogy. These little primitive creatures live in their own little world which is turned upside down by Luke, Han, and the rest of the Rebel Alliance. By helping the Rebels, the Ewoks help save Endor and take a place in the hearts of all Star Wars fans everywhere.

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The most famous of all the Ewoks is Wicket. As the first to appear, Wicket is the Ewok most fans remember. Befriended by Princess Leia, Wicket forms a unique bond with her and the rest of the Rebels. By his help, the Rebels start a plan that finishes of the Emperor forever.



These little fury guys are just an example of what furocious warriors the Ewoks can be. Even though they are limited to primitive weapons, the Ewoks have become exceptional warriors due to their keen understanding of their environment and how they can use it to their advantage. Through intense teamwork and shades of trickery, the Ewoks helped the Rebels on Endor and eventually to destroy the Empire.




This little cute fellow is one of the Ewok babies. He is the first line of a long path that Ewoks take in their life. From their birth, an Ewok is linked to a tree, which is nutured throughout their lives. Through their religion, the wisest Ewoks develop a link to the wisest trees that help them in times of crisis.



This is an example of the night life of the Ewok Village. Located on the planet moon of Endor, the Ewok Villages are hidden among the trees and can reach heights nearing 1000 meters. Nights are spent in the villages doing such things as teeling stories or taking part in communal singing and dancing. The Villages are a very religious place for the Ewoks and for some thay are seen as spiritual guardians.


This little cute fellow is one of the Ewok babies. He is the first line of a long path that Ewoks take in their life. From their birth, an Ewok is linked to a tree, which is nutured throughout their lives. Through their religion, the wisest Ewoks develop a link to the wisest trees that help them in times of crisis.



Star Wars Explorer

Enchanted Forest


Home of George Lucas: Founderof Star Wars and the Ewoks





Lance Greenwalt

March 1, 1999

Images Courtesy of StarWars.COM
