This was Jennifer's second movie and her first leading role in a major motion picture. This page has many a pic from this
classic flick.
Here's how this flick goes; A beautiful but
basket case woman who writes dirty books
for a living goes to India after four failed
marriages seeking to find solace. She finds
two men instead, one is a nice chap who
cherishes the ground she walks on and the
other is a film star who just wants her for
a filthy fling. Of course she fancies the film
star. She flings, Then goes to a ping-pong
playing guru and back to the film star for
more flinging. Then the nice chap, the star
and the basket case goes partying. The star
leaves and the nice chap goes ballistic.
The End.
bombay2.jpg Jennifer stars as the basket case and
Shashi Kapoor is the frequent flinging
film star. In real life they were married
(Jennifer's first and only) so all the
exessive saliva swapping was OK.I didn't
see a point to the whole movie exept at
the very end and I still didn't get the
point, But Shashi did!
Adding to the confusion is a palm
reading tart who adds nothing to
the plot. She's only another fling...
Add to that the film star's sweet wife who
endures to the end of the movie and gets
chased by a porno picture pimp for her
troubles and you have the makings of a
most confusing but classic movie!
The Pics!
Below are progressive links that will take you to a series of 18
pictures for each link. Now, that's a lot!
plink1.jpg plink2.jpg plink3.jpg plink4.jpg plink5.jpg plink6.jpg plink7.jpg plink8.jpg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
plink9.jpg plink10.jpg plink11.jpg plink12.jpg plink13.jpg plink14.jpg plink15.jpg plink16.jpg
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1999 Good Wrench