Catherine Sutherland as Kat
Nakia Burrise as Tanya
Steve Cardenas as Rocky
Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam
Jason David Frank as Tommy
David Yost as Billy
Paul Schrier as Bulk | Jason Narvy as Skull
Richard Genelle as Ernie | Gregg Bullock as Lt. Stone
Story opens in the Angel Grove Youth Center, where Tanya walks in and meets Tommy and Kat.
TANYA. Hi, guys!
KAT. Hi, Tanya!
TOMMY. What's up?
TANYA. Not much. It's just so hot everywhere.
TOMMY. No kidding. I wish Ernie would turn the air conditioning on!
KAT. So do I. Isn't there anywhere that we can go to be in cool air?
TOMMY. (into communicator) Billy, do you read me?
BILLY'S VOICE. Yes, I read you. What's up?
TOMMY. Is it really cool in there?
BILLY'S VOICE. You bet! It's about 60° in here.
TOMMY. Cool. We're on our way there. Over and out.
KAT. Don't you think we should find Rocky and Adam before we go?
TANYA. We'll beep them when we get there.
TOMMY. Let's go.
(Rocky and Adam are in Angel Grove Park. Meanwhile, on the Moon...)
K. MONDO. Oooh... the little puny Power Rangers are too hot...
Q. MACHINA. Isn't that a tragedy?
K. MONDO. Let's send down some Cogs to play with Zeo Rangers 3 and 4.
P. SPROCKET. Can we send down a monster, too? Please?
K. MONDO. Maybe later.
(Meanwhile, in Angel Grove Park...)
ROCKY. We got an A on our plant project!
ADAM. Even though you created the ultimate spaghetti spice plant.
ROCKY. It got us an A, didn't it?
ADAM. Good point.
(The Cogs appear! Oh, no!)
ROCKY. Look!
ADAM. Cogs!
ROCKY. It's morphin time!
(Zeonizer effect)
ROCKY. Zeo Ranger 3 - Blue!
ADAM. Zeo Ranger 4 - Green!
(They are now the Zeo Rangers!)
COG 1. Attack. We have orders.
COG 2. Yes. I see the Rangers.
ROCKY. Could you speed this up a little? We don't have all day.
COG 1. Attack!
(Rocky and Adam fight the Cogs, and the Cogs run away (as usual). They demorph...)
ROCKY. What do you suppose that was about?
ADAM. You got me. Let's get to the Power Chamber.
ROCKY. I sure hope that it's cooler in there than out here.
(Meanwhile, on the Moon...)
K. MONDO. You miserable Cogs! Can't you ever do anything right?
COG 1. The Rangers were too strong, Boss.
K. MONDO. Your job is to make them weaker! Not to give them experience!!
P. SPROCKET. Hey, dad! There were only two Zeo Rangers, and they defeated the Cogs. Shouldn't that tell you something?
K. MONDO. Hmmm... you do have a point there, Sprocket. What do you suggest we do?
P. SPROCKET. Let's send down a monster!
K. MONDO. Now, why didn't I think of that? But, what kind of a monster should we send down.
Q. MACHINA. How about a monster that freezes everything it touches?
K. MONDO. Good idea, dear. We'll send down the Ice-Man Of Doom and cool those Zeo Rangers off for good! Ha ha ha!
(Meanwhile, at the Power Chamber...)
TOMMY. Thanks, Billy, for letting us cool off in here! You wouldn't believe how hot it is out there!
BILLY. It can't be that hot out there!
KAT. Believe me, Billy. It can, and it is!
(The alarm starts going off. Oh, no!)
ADAM. What's going on?
ZORDON. King Mondo has sent the Ice-Man Of Doom to freeze the city.
ALPHA-5. Ai-yi-yi! Some relief from the heat!
ROCKY. Don't count on it, Alpha. The Machine Empire has never done anything good.
TANYA. Let's finish this monster!
TOMMY. It's morphin time!
(Zeonizer special effect)
KAT. Zeo Ranger 1, Pink!
TANYA. Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow!
ROCKY. Zeo Ranger 3, Blue!
ADAM. Zeo Ranger 4, Green!
TOMMY. Zeo Ranger 5, Red!
(The monster is attacking Downtown Angel Grove. He is full size and ready for the Zeo Rangers...)
I-M. OF DOOM. Oooh... it's the Zeo Rangers! Ooo, I'm so scared! Ha ha ha ha ha!
TOMMY. Time for Zeo Megabattlezord power!
ALL. Right! We need Zeo Zord power now!
(The Zeo Zords come from their hiding place in the mountains...)
TOMMY. Let's power up our crystals! Zeonizer crystal, power up!
KAT. Zeonizer crystal, power up!
TANYA. Zeonizer crystal, power up!
ROCKY. Zeonizer crystal, power up!
ADAM. Zeonizer crystal, power up!
(Zeo Zords 1 & 2 are the feet, Zeo Zord 4 is the legs, Zeo Zord 3 is the body, and Zeo Zord 5 is the head. They combine to form the Zeo Megazord...)
TOMMY. Tanya, you take over as pilot. I'll go into the Red Battlezord and see if I can get it to link with the Zeo Megazord.
TANYA. Gotcha!
TOMMY. I'll be back. Red Battlezord power now!
(The Red Battlezord is shot out of the cannon [ha ha ha] from the hiding place mentioned earlier. Tommy takes command...)
TOMMY. Let's see if I can keep my mind clear long enough to pilot this thing!
(Meanwhile, in the Zeo Megazord, which is now wearing the Zeo Zord 1 battle helmet for cannon power...)
KAT. Let's see what this puppy can do!
I-M. OF DOOM. You'll never defeat me, you puny Power Punks!
KAT. Oh, I think not. Fire!
(The helmet fires & hits the Ice-Man of Doom, causing him to be defeated!)
I-M. OF DOOM. Power Rangers, you haven't seen the last of me!
(Big explosion as monster blows up!)
TOMMY. (in Red Battlezord) Way to go, guys! I knew you could do it!
KAT. (in Zeo Megazord) Aw, it was nothing. He was just a big coward!
ROCKY. Yeah. There was no cause for alarm.
ALL. No cause for alarm?!?!?!?!?
ROCKY. O.K. Maybe there was cause for alarm.
TANYA. Let's go to the Youth Center and cool off with smoothies on me!
ADAM & TOMMY. Really?
TANYA. No! You all have to pay for your own!
(Later, at the Youth Center...)
ROCKY. Boy, it sure did cool off around here!
ERNIE. You should've seen the Power Rangers in action! There was this monster that froze everything and...
KAT. We believe you, Ernie!
(Bulk & Skull walk in...)
BULK. Ernie, you're under arrest!
ERNIE. For what? I haven't done anything wrong!
SKULL. You, um, were serving, um, frosty drinks, um, er, without a, um, hair tonic license. Yeah! That's it!
TANYA. What are you talking about?
ADAM. What have you been reading?
BILLY. Skull, reading? O.K., maybe once in a while, but I'd like to know why you need a hair tonic license to sell frosty drinks in a Juice Bar!
SKULL. Lieutenant Stone's mother told us to do this.
BULK. Shhh, keep it between the 9 of us. O.K.?
TOMMY. Yeah, sure.
(Lt. Stone walks in...)
LT. STONE. Bulkmeyer! Skullovich! What are you doing?
SKULL. Um, we're arresting Ernie.
LT. STONE. Let me guess... selling frosty drinks without a, um, hair tonic license?
BULK. How did you know that, sir?
LT. STONE. My mother put you up to this. Naturally, I'd have some part in it!
TOMMY. What part of it was your idea, Lieutenant?
LT. STONE. The part where those 2 tell you to keep it between the 9 of you.
TANYA. How did you know they'd tell us that?
LT. STONE. Call it past experience, young lady. Experience. Anyway, Bulk & Skull will pay for all your purchases here for the next month out of their paychecks.
ALL. Cool!
BULK. Aw, sir...
SKULL. How can you do that?
LT. STONE. I'm your boss. I can do whatever I want.
ROCKY. Let it go, you two.
ADAM. We promise you that we won't eat that much.
SKULL. Thanks, guys.
BILLY. Well, things definitely are back to normal, weather-wise and people-wise.
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