Early Edition the TV series Drinking Game

by David Riches (samsimeon@hotmail.com) and friends


Each point represents a sip or bite. Play with a bunch of friends either by anticpation of an action or choosing a character. Use either a favorite beverage or loose fit snack that can be easily measured. I have seen beer, cola, and smarties (m & m's for you yanks). Use either a on-time broadcast or video-tape. Whomever finishes first is either the winner or loser depending on what you agree upon before you start.


1 Paper lands 1 point
2 Cat meows 1 point
3 Cat uses paper 2 points
4 Cat jumps up on something 1 point
5 Gary feeds the cat 2 points
6 Gary isn't up washed and dressed when the paper arrives 1 point
7 Gary is fully prepared for the paper when it arrives 2 points
8 Someone steals the paper from the step before Gary gets it 4 points
9 Someone (other than Gary or Chuck) glances at the paper 4 points
9.5 ...and capitalizes on it 5 points
10 Gary finds something about himself in the paper 2 points
11 It's in the obituary column 4 points
12 If it's Chuck or Marissa in the obits 5 points
13 The paper turns into a weekly 9 points
14 Something extra besides the paper (& cat) shows up 3 points
15 font size="2" face="Arial">Phone rings when paper lands 1 point
16 Phone rings right after the paper lands 1 point
17 Chuck asks for money 1 point
18 Chuck asks for help from paper for bet 1 point
19 Gary helps Chuck with bet 3 points
20 Chuck places a bet 1 point
21 Chuck does it without help and wins 3 points
22 Chuck becomes part of the situation 2 points
23 Chuck is the situation 3 points
24 Gary becomes apart of the situation 2 points
25 It wasn't susposed to happen 3 points
26 Gary fails to change the headline in the paper 5 points
27 Gary says "I just know" 2 points
28 Someone believes it without any more convincing 3 points
29 Gary tells someone about the paper 3 points
30 They don't believe it 1 point
31 They do believe it 2 points
32 They don't believe at first but become believers later 3 points
33 Chuck says "Yeah," cynically 1 point
34 Marissa says "Maybe," as if it's a rhetorical question 1 point
35 Chuck doesn't seem to be bothered by not going into the office 1 point
36 Gary gets a real job 2 points
37 Chuck finally loses his job 3 points
38 Marissa realizes she has a job 3 points
39 Marissa's dog does something on the paper 2 points
40 The Cat is called by name 2 points
41 The Dog is called by name 2 points
42 The papers day is a major character's birthday 2 points
43 It matters to the story 3 points
44 It's an actors birthday instead 1 point
45 There is an inside joke in the paper 2 points
46 You're the only one to know this 4 points
47 The paper changes before it's time 2 points
48 We actually see the paper change 3 points
49 All the news in the paper is happy 3 points
50 Gary tries to change it anyways 4 points
51 Gary finds something more about the origins of the paper 2 points
52 Chuck or Marissa finds out first 4 points
53 The Cat is involved in the story in a major way 3 points
54 The Dog is involved in the story in a major way 3 points
55 Either the Cat or the Dog more than Chuck or Marissa 4 points
56 The story of Gary and his paper gets out 2 points
57 It's front page news 4 points
58 Gary gets a date 2 points
59 The paper helped him get it 3 points
60 It's Marissa as his date 4 points
61 He scores a homerun ;) 5 points
62 It's Chuck as his date 9 points
63 The paper cures Marissa's blindness 9 points
64 Continuity error (IE mid November, mention of a baseball game) 2 points
65 We find out more about Chuck's family 2 points
66 We find more about Marissa's background 2 points
67 We find out more about Gary's history 3 points
68 The Doorman fills in some blanks 1 point
69 Gary has to dig for that info 1 point
70 Someone snide to Gary is a part of his daily revelation 1 point
71 Someone snide to Chuck is part of his daily revelation 1 point
72 Marissa is snide and it becomes ironic later on 1 point
73 Someone mentions this as too much of a coincidence 1 point
74 Explain to someone this is not Strange Luck or Sliders or QL 1 point
75 The daily forecast has real world connections 2 points
76 Traffic is a problem for the story 1 point
77 The paper hires Gary 3 points
78 We get nude shots of Gary (IE other than opening shower scene) 2 points
79 We get nude shots of Chuck or Marissa (skimpy bikini counts) 3 points
80 One story ends and we see another begin before the show ends 2 points
81 It actually leads into the next weeks episode 3 points
82 The bartender catches on to Gary and the paper 3 points
83 Gary gets a bill for the papers 4 points
84 Gary has to research an event 1 point
85 He does it with Chuck or Marissa 2 points
86 He does it without Chuck or Marissa 3 points
87 Gary falls for an April Fool's day edition of the paper 1 point
88 The daily event requires leaving town 2 points
89 Someone knows of the paper from Aloisous 2 points
90 Lucius helped out our cast in the past 4 points
91 Gary finds a personal addressed to himself 2 points
92 It's from Gary 3 points
93 Gary affects the weather forecast (IE carries umbrella) 1 point
94 Gary uses the paper for shopping specials 1 point
95 Gary cashes in 2 points
96 Someone other than Gary benefits 1 point
97 Only Gary benefits 3 points
98 Gary has a sick day 2 points

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