
Trivia Quiz #5


Author : Lenore Hutton

"Christmas" Trivia Quiz #5


  1. What does Santa give Chuck for Christmas? What does he give Gary?
  2. How do Santa and Chuck break out of jail?
  3. Why was Chuck jailed in the first place? Where was he heading when he was arrested?
  4. Why couldn't Gary go with Chuck on his trip?
  5. On what floor of the hotel does Gary live?
  6. What had happened to Chuck's car when he went to get it at the impound lot?
  7. What kind of Christmas weather was the tomorrow Sun-Times calling for?
  8. What can make Santa ill enough to cough up blood?
  9. Who was the doorman Gary passed in the hall on the way to his hotel room?
  10. What did Chuck bring Gary as a little bit of Christmas cheer? Where did Chuck get it?


Author: LenoreHutton102@webtv.net

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