Soap Opera's
50 Most Beautiful People

"...The 50 men and women featured in our special section are young and old, blond and brunette, heart-stoppingly gorgeous and heart-warmingly lovely. Some simply wake up in the morning, wash their faces, eat a hearty breakfast, walk out the door and stop traffic. Others work out at the gym every day, starve themselves, tweeze, blow-dry, walk out the door and stop traffic. A handful perhaps don't stop traffic but radiate such goodness, kindness and warmth that they contribute something even more important: a feeling of love and well-being. All of them make our day a little brighter by sharing their beauty with us. Because the real truth of beauty -- natural, man-made, physical or spiritual -- is that it makes those of us who gaze upon it feel good.
Lucky us."

Mimi Torchin, Editor-in-Chief,
Soap Opera Weekly, March 2, 1999

Our Heartfelt Congratulations, Mitch
You're a beautiful person,
inside and out!!

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