1999- Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Daytime Series

Mitch Longley
for "Port Charles" ABC

(Photos left and above provided courtesy of FAITA)
1999 Recipients, First Americans in the Arts Awards
click here to go to FAITA page

(Soaps in Depth)

Actor Mitch Longley (Passamoquodi / Penobscot) was awarded for Outstanding Performance by an Actor in Daytime TV for his role on Port Charles (ABC). The wheelchair bound actor said that "this award is a sacred seed from which a healthy tree will grow." His one-man non-profit organization, Sowoho (Spirit of the Wounded Horse, Inc.) benefits the specific needs of physically disabled Native Americans who can not afford the equipment they need. A recent trip to the Dine reservation resulted in the gift of a wheelchair to a young girl. When asked what color she wanted the wheelchair to be,
she thought for a moment then replied, "Turquoise blue, of course!"
(From OCB Tracker, First Americans in the Arts Awards, article by Gary Fuller, used with permission.
(c) 1999 OCB Tracker)


Mitch was a presenter at the 1998 Awards Ceremony
First Americans In the Arts

Photo right, from Soaps in Depth, April 7, 1998

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