There are plenty of PA jobs out there, and after you find one, you'll be surprised how fast other ones will come - especially if you take pride in what you do and do it well. Follow the guidelines given here and be you'll be sure to appear as professional as a seasoned PA. Remember to always be polite and courteous to all crew members and to all the cast. It can go a long way in making your career in film and television a successful one.
Attend as many industry related functions as possible. It's a good way to network and find future employment. If you can, go to a big studio, and try and track down the person responsible for hiring PA's. If you can go to parties, or places where Producers, or Production Managers hang out, then even better. An informal setting can be a great place to secure future work. Ask Production companies what organizations they belong to and find out if you can become a member. Ask fellow crew members what jobs they have coming up and ask them to recommend you to the Producer or hiring executive.
Working as a Production Assistant can be very rewarding. After a day's work, you can be proud of all the things you accomplished that helped to make the shoot a successful one. One thing is for sure - you'll never be bored because there's always something to be done. The day will pass by fast as you run around taking care of business. Lastly, enjoy your new occupation and you'll be sure to advance rapidly! Good luck!!!!
If you have any feedback from this site, let me know. Did you find it helpful? Did it help you find work? Any suggestions for improvements? etc. Also, if you would like to network, or share any information on future Productions then feel free to contact me.