Application For My Award

Criteria for applying:

1. Personal sites ONLY. No commercial sites will be reviewed.
2. No pornographic or adult sites need apply.
3. Your site must have content, not just links.
4. Please make your site relatively easy to navigate, short load times, and very few dead links.
5. Signing my guestbook is not required, but it won't hurt! :-)
6. Here is a sample of my award: Please do not take this one! If your site wins, you will be e-mailed your own. I don't think you want the word "sample" written across your award, either!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Site URL:

Description of site:

FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm

My award was created by Kim. My many thanks to her! Please visit her Homepage.
Kim's Homepage

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