Travel Through Time in

Claire's Empire

Welcome to the only airport in the world that allows you to travel back in time! Due to the new technology used here, guides have been set up in each destination to show you around. To go back in time click on the picture where you want to go!!
Go see whats new in the Update Page

I am now in the banner making game! I am just starting but would love to help anyone who wants a banner in Titanic, Newsies, Swing Kids and more! I have my very first effort on the update page. EMAIL ME at and I will make you something original!

Time Travel Departures:


Year of Arrival:



 Newsies show visitors around turn of the century New York City. Hear their adventures, learn how to be a newsy, and have the time of your life!


 Board the grandest ship ever built- the Titanic! Dance with the 3rd class passengers, hear their stories, and dine with 1st class. Live life to the fullest


 Swing Kids will show you an amazing time as you try to escape the nazis, hear about their close calls, the music they love, and their favorite dances!

Exciting Day Trips:


Year of Arrival:

 Jack Kelly fan fic competition page

Enter your master piece by the end of December!!! Go see the winners thus far. Winners for the last contest were announced Oct 9/2000!!
 New and old fanfic accepted about any topic (newsies, swing kids, and titanic etc)
Numerous categories including characters, subject and age. is the place to sent it- you have nothing to loose!

Newsies Boot Camp

 Here is a once in a life time chance to take the test to become a newsy. Take a series of tests then register and become official!! Come and have a go if you are tough enough!

Newsies Community Script Game  

 Newsies minds meet!! A spin on the old party game where you add a line to a story. The more people that add a section in a creative way the better the story so come on!

Would you like to visit other worlds??


Year of Arrival:

  My So-Called Life


Visit Angela Chase and her family and friends. See and hear her so-called life!

Take That

 Go on tour with the world's greatest band!** Temporary delay on trip will be running as soon as possible**

Once upon a time!

  c. 1300
 Go back in time to the world of castles, knights and Robin Hood! As per films Ever After, The Princess Bride, Robin Hood and more!!. ** Temporary delay on trip will be running as soon as possible**

Travel to the Link Page!

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This page is a tribute to my favorite things. The purpose: a place where all my favorite things are located. The pics are from places that say you can use them only and all places are credited on link page. No money is made here! My name is Claire and I am a 21 year old student(history major) /physio assistant)

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