Chuck's Home Page

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A little bit about myself

        My name is Chuck Porter.    I was born in Columbus, OH.  When I was young I moved to Franklin, PA where my parents and most of my extended family live and/or originated.  When my Dad's job was transferred from Franklin to Pittsburgh, when I was in 9th grade at Rocky Grove High School in Franklin, my family moved about half way in between  to Slippery Rock, PA so that my mother could keep her job in Franklin.  I graduated from Slippery Rock High School in 1993.

         I attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP).  I graduated with a degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) in August, 1998. I am currently living in Morristown, NJ. Feel free to look at my resume that is enclosed ------>My Resume.

        My sister Shawna was recently married to Jason Martin on Saturday, May 22, 1999.  To see some pictures from the wedding click on this link ------------------------------->Shawna & Jason's Wedding Gallery

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To see pictures of my friends, family, & pets click here-------> My Photo Gallery

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My favorite Sites:          

Jenny's Home Page Greenpeace
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Schwinn Bicycles: Weather Channel Recycling Information
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Friend's Web Pages:

Dan Broadbent

Brian Ford

Brady Weiss:      The Great Cheese Herder's Home Page        Brady Weiss - Phantom Four


Search Engines:

Yahoo! Lycos
Hotbot Altavista
Excite Webcrawler


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This page was last updated on: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:00 PM



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