Tommy Lee Jones

Picture Patchwork

What did you have to say about Tommy Lee Jones, Picture Patchwork?

"Subject: Tommy Lee Jones fan
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 19:30:29 -0300
From: (Charmaine)

Hi. I just discovered your Tommy Lee Jones webpage and have been surfing it for the last hour. It's excellent! Very impressive. A great actor such as Tommy Lee Jones deserves a well put together site like yours. He is my absolute favorite actor period. I'll watch whatever movie he is in simply because he has such an incredible onscreen presence. When he's in a scene, all my attention is focused soley on him. Such charisma! Thanks for all the great pics. I will certainly be visiting your site on a regular basis to keep up with your updates. Once again, keep up the great work on the TLJ site! Thanks


"Subject: Tommy Lee Jones's Gallery.
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 21:57:59 -0700
From: Melissa Doerksen

Great site, I've been here for the past 4 hours. I'm a huge TLJ fan, and have been so for a few years now. I've checked out almost every good site out there, and this one is in my top three.

One thing you could add is Coal Miners Daughter. I thought it was pretty good, all 30 times I saw it :-) Not nearly as suspensful as Volcano, The Fugitive, or Blown Away, but still worth your while I think. Maybe some other oldies but goodies.


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