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Welcome to "Slain By Sarah", the site dedicated to the beautiful, sexy, and talentd Sarah Michelle Gellar. While you are here, don't forget to grab my screensaver. You can brighten up those slow times as I do, by sitting and staring at loads of pics of one of the most beautiful young ladies in the world. I tried to use only the very best pics in my galleries. You won't find too many poor quality vidcaps and scans here. After all, Sarah's the best and she deserves to be shown in her full beauty, not a bunch of crappy quality pics that do her no justice at all. If you are interested in the rest of the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, check out my Buffy site. If it's just sweet, sexy Sarah you want, you're in the right place already.

If you have visited before, you will notice a few changes this time. I've redesigned a few things and eliminated a few things. The gallery now has many new pictures added and takes on a totally new, and hopefully better, format. There are now over 200 pictures. All are extremely good quality. I've kept the quality standards high. Please send me your feedback to let me know what you think of the site and/or the changes.

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