JOmania / noun 1 A Web site about John Cusack: JOmania is a great site
2 A secret language John created in grade 6: JOmania is a great stie.

Thank you for droping by JOmania.
My name is Terry, I started this site because I am obsessed "beyond the point of no return".
My obsession begun shortly after I saw Grosse Pointe Blank.
Since that, I've trace back his carrer, watching all of his films.
My brother now calls me a "Cusack Junky"
I am very proud of my love for John.
I hope this is to be a speical site.
For "Cusack Junkies" everywhere.
A place for us to exchange our secrets and
Express our feelings for John.

Hope you enjoy your visit with us.

Sincirely Terry

(JOmania was started on 8/12/98)

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