The Charles Keating
Victoria Wyndham

Victoria and Charles in character

Rachel and Carl's wedding

VW and CK portrait

AW's past enemies

The Snowflake Ball

Carl and Rachel

The perfect couple

*Interview pic from AW's last tape day
Charles and Victoria out for their fans

CK's Farewell Speech 1998

1998 Fan Luncheon

Victoria and Charles signing autographs

Victoria and Charles with their co-stars

1999 Luncheon

*Melissa, Victoria and Charles

Victoria and Charles hit the town

P&G Christmas Party 1996

P&G Christmas Party 1997

Dancing in the rain

The original Peachtree Cottage

Victoria and Charles stop in London

*ARound town
Victoria and Charles Theatre Performances

Performing Couplets

P&G Christmas Party*

Who could forget their poetry readings?