OnlineHost: Charles has entered the room.
Charles: Hi Everyone. Thanks for the welcome.
FORMALI: your welcome!
Lorin25: Folks, in case you don't know...Gaileliza is Gail who maintains the Charles Keating web page.
Snowrun506: Wow.. Hi again Gail.. Good Job!!!!!!!!
Charles: And Gail, I above all must thank you.
JAZKRZ: May I have the address?
Gaileliza: Well, thank you for the inspiration!
Gaileliza: Http:\\
Lorin25: Tom Freeman from The Another World Fan Brigade asked me to be host to a special guest and to announce his arrival.
Gaileliza: Who?
Lorin25: "Charles" is Charles Keating. Welcome, Charles! :)
Snowrun506: Who?
JAZKRZ: Charles?
Gaileliza: Yes, Charles
Snowrun506: Charles!!!! Welcome!KEWL ;)
JAZKRZ: WOW!! Welcome
Charles: Yes, Charles, or Carl Hutchins.
Lorin25: Nicole...welcome. Say hi to Charles Keating. :)
Gaileliza: LOL! Welcome online!
FORMALI: Charles, welcome! We are so happy you could join us.
JAZKRZ: Charles I loved Redemption. Was it hard to keep all the accents straight?
Gaileliza: Charles, why did you decide to join us this eve?
Lorin25: Cyn, hello there. Say hi to Charles...Charles Keating. :)
Nicolettah: Hi Charles- great to have you here!
Charles: Its a pleasure to be here in your world of cyberspace. And I don't know why, but I'm nervous.
Snowrun506: LOL Charles.. don't be nervous here ;)
JAZKRZ: We're friendly
Snowrun506: WE are nervous NOW :D
FORMALI: Charles, LOL!! How sweet!!
Gaileliza: Yes
Lorin25: LOL!!
SnowDrift7: Hi Charles, thrilled to have you here!
Charles: This is long overdue and something I hope to rectify in the future.
JAZKRZ: Loved your scenes with Rachel and Vicky this week.
Snowrun506: We really appreciate it Charles.
Kibaba99: Um.....HUH??
Lorin25: Karen...say hi to Charles Keating (aka "Charles")
Byndclulys: what? you're kidding right lorin.
Gaileliza: Charles, does that mean you may pop in again sometime?
Kibaba99: Hi Charles!! So glad you could join us this evening!
FORMALI: Charles, do you come online often, or is this new to you?
Charles: Certainly if invited.
Snowrun506: You are ALWAYS invited Charles ;)
SnowDrift7: You're always welcome in Bay City :)
Kibaba99: You are most definately invited! :)
JAZKRZ: YOU have a standing invitation : )
Jensfan: Charles did you receive an original painting from Suzanne Lewis AKA MangoBuns?
Lorin25: You're always welcome, Charles. :)
Gaileliza: Need we say more? Where is your arm...right this way! ;-)
JAZKRZ: Charles, You have such a wonderful voice. I loved your recording of Redemption]
SnowDrift7: Charles, is there much upheaval at AW these days?
Lorin25: Everyone, also with Charles is his wife Mary, who is doing the typing. Thanks Mary!!
JAZKRZ: Was it hard to keep the accents straight?
Snowrun506: <--is speechless... believe it or not ;)
Kibaba99: Hello Mary! Welcome!!
FORMALI: Hi, Mary!!!
Nicolettah: Hi Mary!
Snowrun506: Hi Mary :D Welcome!!!
Gaileliza: Hi again, Mary, and thank you!
Charles: I've hesitated to go online over the last couple of months because of contract negotiations.
JAZKRZ: Welcome Mary
SnowDrift7: Hi Mary, met you in NY at Love Letters!
Byndclulys: Snow, me too. my mind is blank.
JAZKRZ: Why aren't you being used since the Emmy? Are they trying to ruin the show?
Byndclulys: Charles it was great meeting you at the luncheon.
SnowDrift7: We miss your front burner storylines with Rachel!
Charles: I have no idea, all the powers that be tell me they love me, but they haven't used me. Mary says hi.
FORMALI: Charles, we love seeing you on the show. We hope to have you with us for a long time.
Lorin25: Ivan, hello!! Chatting with us tonight is Charles Keating ("Charles")!!
JAZKRZ: Your scenes this week with Vicky and rachel have been moving
FORMALI: They have left me in tears!
Steelhawk1: oh cool!
Snowrun506: LOL Ivan
Byndclulys: I was in tears.
Kibaba99: Charles, I LOVED the scenes between Carl and Vicky!! I was in tears!
Jensfan: Yes, Charles, you and Jensen were amazing yesterday.
Charles: Both actresses are superb. They're a pleasure to work with.
Lorin25: Charles, is Maggie DePriest going to start writing for Rachel and Carl? We want to see you front burner again, SOON!
Byndclulys: Charles, I really wish we saw more of you on the show.
Charles: I sincerely hope so. In fact, today, out of the blue, I received a call from VP NBC to tell me that I was important to the show and this will be reflected in the coming months.
Gaileliza: Charles, when you aren't on the you watch the show?
FORMALI: Is Carl going to bond somwhat with Bobby Reno?
Snowrun506: YES!!
Lorin25: That's great news, Charles!!!
Nicolettah: Glad to hear that Charles
Kibaba99: That is wonderful Charles!
JAZKRZ: WE KNEW this all along!!
SnowDrift7: Great news! I hope Carl discovers he's Kirk's grandfather!
Jensfan: YES!
Lorin25: ITA, Cyn!!
FORMALI: <-hopes that, also
Byndclulys: ITA
Nicolettah: It think we all wish that Cyn!
Kibaba99: <- Also hopes that!!
Charles: I wish I'd known it all along. Thank you one and all.
JAZKRZ: Yes, We want Kirk to be Ryan's. Any hope?
Snowrun506: Mary > To you ... is he the nasty Carl or the loving Carl at home?
Steelhawk1: We was afraid that the writers were transforming Carl into a bad character again.
Charles: Depends on his mood.
Snowrun506: LOL
SnowDrift7: ROFL!
FORMALI: LOL!!!! But that's men, anyway.
Byndclulys: LOL
JAZKRZ: Since he quote's poetry professionally does he do it at home?
Charles: We're LOL too. What is ROFL?
Lorin25: Becca, hi there!! Say hi to Charles Keating ("Charles")
Becca309: Hi everyone-- bad day today :(
Gaileliza: I for one refuse to believe that you have bad moods! :-)
SnowDrift7: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
FORMALI: "rolling on the floor"
Charles: Yes, he's forever spouting.
FORMALI: Don't ask what "ROFLMAO" is, however...!!
Kibaba99: LOL Lisa!!
Snowrun506: Or PIMP ;)
SnowDrift7: LOL Lisa and Mary!
Charles: Gail, you're absolutely right - Charles.
JAZKRZ: I don't always follow Carl's quotes but I love them and feel so clever when I do understand one!
LeighMW97: Hi Charles!!
Charles: Gail, he would say that - Mary.
FORMALI: Mary, that is so romantic and sweet.
Becca309: Hi Marie, Leigh, Nicole, Jenn, Lisa, Deanne, Kibs, Lor, Cyn, Ivan...
Kibaba99: LOL Deanne!!
Snowrun506: LOL. Charles and Mary
Lorin25: LOL
Charles: And I love you for trying JAZ
FORMALI: My husband spouts other things
Byndclulys: LOL
Kibaba99: ROFL Lisa!
FORMALI: wish it were poetry!!
Snowrun506: Mine too Lisa ;)
Charles: Well Formal1 enjoy it, enjoy it.
Gaileliza: What do you think of all this craziness...are you over your nerves yet?
Lorin25: Karen, also with us tonight is Charles Keating ("aka Charles"). :)
FORMALI: LOL!!! Thanks, I'll try!
JAZKRZ: Shakespere is not something one can fully appriciate alone
Charles: Yes, Gail, but I feel like I'm racing to keep up.
SNORKELKEG: Hi Charles!!!, sorry I missed ya!!! :)
Lorin25: You're doing great!! I'm impressed. :)
Gaileliza: We all are!
SNORKELKEG: Suz, going to be upset!
Nicolettah: We all feel that way most of the time Charles
Steelhawk1: Yes and my mentor Edie!
Becca309: Charles!!!! Welcome to our chat!Your scenes today with Vick were excellent!
Charles: Thanks, Becca.
JAZKRZ: Charles, You did such a wonderful job with Redemption that I forgot it was beening done by one person. Was it hard to keep all the accents straight?
FORMALI: ..say what.??
Charles: Redemption was fun to do and completed in two days.
Charles: Somewhat, yes.
Gaileliza: Didn't you do Deceivers back in 1991? Another audio bk?
FORMALI: Please forgive me for not knowing, but what was "Redemption"? I'm still waiting to hear those Snapple commercials!
Lorin25: I've heard them, and's so hard to recognize your voice! You do GREAT, though!
Charles: Yes, I did. I think that written by Frederick Forsythe, and another challenge accent wise.
JAZKRZ: I heard that Couplets might be released on CD? Is this true? I can't wait
Nicolettah: The Snapple commercials are great- almost didn't recognize the voice
FORMALI: Are the Snapple commercials on the radio, or TV?
Gaileliza: I think it sucks that they made you americanize that lovely accent!
Kibaba99: I had trouble recognizing the voice too! Great job though!
Lorin25: Both, Lisa..that I've heard. :)
SNORKELKEG: <--haven't heard the snapple commercials yet:(
JAZKRZ: Redemption= audio book by Leon Uris. It's wonderful!
Charles: Yes, indeed it is true, and the delay is my fault. I'm in the process of getting the rights to poems.
FORMALI: Deanne, thank you!! :)
Gaileliza: Snapple ads are gone off the air.
Charles: They've evidently chosen another advertising company, good-bye to yours truly. Show biz.
JAZKRZ: I imagine that takes a while to line up
SNORKELKEG: Figures and I missed them!!
SNORKELKEG: So Charles, how the hell are you doing????
Lorin25: Oh no!! That stinks. :(
Snowrun506: They're Loss Charles ;) Me too Karen :(
FORMALI: Awww, Charles! That's too bad.
KPeter611: Who is Charles?? Keating???
Kibaba99: Boy, that was a quick run for the ads! I'm sorry. :(
FORMALI: They don't know what they have lost.
Becca309: Shame on Snapple-- I love those commercials!! Turn them up on the radio when I hear them
Charles: Easy come, easy go.
Lorin25: I'm not doing my job too well over here. <G>
KPeter611: Wow..great!
Becca309: Jenn-- you finally made a great chat!!
Kibaba99: Slacking off there Lorin <VBG>!
KPeter611: Of all nights to have trouble signing on!!!!!
JAZKRZ: We are all heartbroken about Frankie/Alice- How is the mood on the show?
Steelhawk1: Hi Charles, Could you please say Happy Birthday to one of your biggest fans Edie?. Her Birthday is on Monday
Lorin25: LOL, Kibbo...yup. ;)
Becca309: Ivan-- Edie is on her way now-- thanks to yours truly <g>
Byndclulys: I know, I'm about to pass out.
SnowDrift7: Charles, was Alice surprised by the fan outcry
KPeter611:'s great to have you here!
Lorin25: Say hi to Charles Keating, Edie. :)
Byndclulys: You of course made it again.
KPeter611: Hi Edie!!
FORMALI: I hope we don't have to be exposed to too much more of that, it's embarrassing
AWorldFan: Hi Charles
Snowrun506: you prefer playing Carl as good or evil?? I know, I know. . dumb question, but I'd really like to know ;)
Steelhawk1: Edie- Oh, I'm so glad your hear...look the big kahuna is here :)
Charles: Dear Edie, have the happiest birthday this year. Love, Charles.
SNORKELKEG: <---Mine is 2 days after Edies!!!!
AWorldFan: You're kidding right?
Steelhawk1: Thank you Charles:)
Lorin25: Penny, hi there! Chatting with us is Charles Keating and his wife Mary ("Charles").
KPeter611: Who is "Charles", Charles too??
Kibaba99: Edie - you lucky girl!! :)
Steelhawk1: No, Edie I asked Charles to say HB to you :)
Lorin25: Nope, Edie..."Charles" is Charles. :)
Becca309: Hi Mary
KPeter611: the answer!!
SnowDrift7: Charles, what about the play your doing this Fall? Are you looking forward to it?
SNORKELKEG: Hi Mary...didn't say hey to you!
Kibaba99: HI Mary!
KPeter611: Hello Mary.....and welcome!
KPeter611: We are all such BIG fans of yours, Charles!!
AWorldFan: Hi Mary and Charles welcome
Charles: There is no single trait to an interesting character, before when they made Carl purely evil, they painted him into a corner and I had to leave.
Nicolettah: Hi Bucko<G>
Nicolettah: Hello Mary!
Shababy: Hey, whats going on?
Kibaba99: I think a dark side is always interesting. :)
SNORKELKEG: Mary, say hey to Charles before you leave!
Becca309: Charles-- my dad thinks you're cool <he told me to tell you>
FORMALI: Charles, absolutely, real people have many facets.
AWorldFan: Thanks for the birthday greeting This is Edie
JAZKRZ: The struggle is what makes it real and facinating.
Gaileliza: I would love to see Carl and Rachel get into a new caper!
Charles: Make no mistake, I love the dark side, but I love the humor too and therefore, the humanity of the man
Shababy: Is Charles Keating here?
SNORKELKEG: :( I didn't get a birthday greeting!
Lorin25: Yes, Sharon...Charles = Charles and his wife, Mary. :)
Snowrun506: Thank you Charles... never thought of it that way ;) I totally agree!!
Shababy: Happy B- day SNORK!
SNORKELKEG: Thanks Sha! I can always count on you!
Lorin25: That makes perfect sense, even for someone who hasn't a clue about acting. <G>
Snowrun506: Karen.. happy birthday ;)
Lorin25: Yes, Sharon...Charles = Charles and his wife, Mary.
Gaileliza: OH boy, are you in for a treat/
Snowrun506: Thank you Charles... never thought of it that way ;) I totally agree!!
Charles: Oh, dear Snorkel, happy birthday to you. Love, Charles.
JAZKRZ: Oh, You DO know what keeps us watching
Kibaba99: I love the humor too!
SNORKELKEG: Thanks the way I am Karen!!
SnowDrift7: <-really wish it were my birthday <sigh>
FORMALI: I loved Carl's scenes with Grant. Mark Pinter seems really nice in person.
Steelhawk1: Karen- Happy Birthday!
Lorin25: LOL, Cyn!!
Kibaba99: LOL Cyn!
JAZKRZ: Are the new writters going to give Rachel back her backbone?
KPeter611: was WONDERFUL meeting you at the Fan Club Luncheon!!
FORMALI: Where has Rachel been, anyway?
Charles: Mark is even better than nice, he's a pleasure to work with always.
Gaileliza: Charles, charles, charles...does Mary watch you on the telly?
Becca309: Charles-- any info about the off-B show, Everybody Smile? Dates, etc.? A bunch of us plan to go
Shababy: Charles and Mary... HI! How ya doing?
Byndclulys: Charles, I loved meeting last year at the luncheon. Are you going again next year?
FORMALI: That's great. It must be a lot of fun (and hard work, I'm sure) to work with such a great group of people
Charles: Because I don't watch the show, Mary becomes my eyes. She always tapes it and asks me if I want to see it. But she knows I can't bear watching myself. So every time, I tell her "no".
Shababy: My Nieces Sheri and Sarah would Like to Hi to all!
Lorin25: Charles, did you by chance receive a painting from a Suzanne Lewis (MangoBuns)?
JAZKRZ: Your acceptance at the Emmy was a great tribute to the entire cast
Gaileliza: It was a wonderful eve for you...
Snowrun506: You would be amazed Charles.. watch it sometime ;) You are GOOD!
Charles: Yes, indeed and charming it was.
SNORKELKEG: Charles-you SHOULD watch are very good!
Jensfan: I was at the Emmy's and my two friends and I were screaming like we were insane in the balcony!
FORMALI: You should watch yourself, Charles. You're one of the most entertaining actors on TV(or else where)
Bizyma: Very good!!!
SnowDrift7: Charles do you enjoy stage work more... you were SO WONDERFUL in Love Letters!
Snowrun506: Charles.. do you have any interest in doing movies??
Gaileliza: I would die to see LL- will you bring it to Seattle?
FORMALI: Charles, I remember seeing you in a motion picture, but just at the beginning, what was it?
Gaileliza: The Bodyguard
Charles: I can honestly say I love all of it. Theatre, film, t.v
Becca309: Everyone-- I was in a car accident today :(
**Lot's of well wishes for Becca in here**
Charles: Becca, hope you're well.
AWorldFan: Charles any dates for the play yet?
Becca309: Edie-- I asked that too <g>
Becca309: Back problems-- I was a passenger and we got hit from behind
JAZKRZ: Was the older love= peace and Passion your input? It was right on target
Charles: As to "Everybody Smile", the off-broadway play, there are still plans afoot, but nothing signed.
Becca309: Thanks everyone!! You guys are the best
KPeter611: Charles...just loved your scene with Vicky yesterday!!
AWorldFan: Mary look for a comparison suprise come Christmas time -Edie
Becca309: I need some TLC-- from who is the question?? :)
Byndclulys: maybe Charles can think of someone. LOL
JAZKRZ: I take it you don't mean us, Becca?
SNORKELKEG: NOT GABE!Becca I go far for you, but I won't give you Gabe!!!
Charles:Becca, TLC coming through cyberspace here and now.
Lorin25: Awwww!!!! That should help! :)
Becca309: I was thinking...How about Dave Gibbs?? alt;g>
Kibaba99: Boy, if that doesn't make you feel better <g>!
SnowDrift7: Charles, even when the writing is painfully dull, your scenes with Vicky are wonderful.
Snowrun506: Becca!! TLC from Charles & Mary Keating.. WOW ;)
Jensfan: I'm telling you!!
SNORKELKEG: Kibs......what do you have to say about that!!
Nicolettah: That would work, huh Becca?!!
Becca309: Thanks Charles!!!
FORMALI: Charles, I am 33. I don't wish to be famous, but I've always wanted to try acting in local productions. Am I tooold to start? Honestly.
Steelhawk1: Lisa- I didn't know you wanted to become an actress
Snowrun506: Charles ... she is also beautiful :D
SNORKELKEG: Charles....I have to say your scenes with Jensen on Monday were wonderful!! You tore my heart out!
JAZKRZ: Charles, Jensen hinted that more of the cast lurks than we know
JAZKRZ: Can you tell us more?
Shababy: Charles and Mary - i love yas!
Charles: NEVER! Check into it at once if you have the urge. We should always follow our urges.
Snowrun506: NEVAH.. Lisa!It's TRUE!!! :P
Lorin25: Good advice, Charles!
FORMALI: Thank you. That meant a lot coming from someone with your experience.
Steelhawk1: Lisa, can you act?<g>
Shababy: Charles - can you tell Tim Gibbs I love Him! I AM DESPERATE! He he
Jensfan: ooohhhhhh
Byndclulys: Charles, how would one go about getting started in acting. I've wanted to act since I was 2 but i have no idea where to begin.
**Lot's of LOL's at Sharon's comment here**
Charles: No, tell him yourself.
**A lot more LOL's at Charles' comment here**
Becca309: Sha wishes she could!!
Charles: You have been, darling, you just haven't been getting paid for it.
AWorldFan: LOL Charles
KPeter611: doew the cast feel about Frankie's demise??
Nicolettah: you tell her Charles!
Shababy: Charles, i am sorry ... I just love him so much! thanks!
SNORKELKEG: Well tell Charles you love him to Sha!
Lorin25: Folks, did you see that all the web pages are going black on the dreaded 19th?? :**(
JAZKRZ: We are all sick about Frankie/Alice
Charles: That's O.K.
Steelhawk1: Yes, Lorin!
Kibaba99: I read that Lorin. :)
Becca309: Lor-- yes!!! wish I had a HP to black out...think I can get one by then? <g>
AWorldFan: Charles what do you think about your home page
KPeter611: I read that it's supposed to be a very violent episode...not looking forward to it
Gaileliza: Charles, have you seen any of the many web pages about AW?
Nicolettah: Yes Lorin :(
FORMALI: Yes. We are all so sad about that.
Lorin25: :) It's a tribute to Alice and Frankie.
SnowDrift7: Poor Edie, Aug 19th is her Birthday and it's AW's BLACK MONDAY
Charles: My feelings as to Alice Barrett are obvious and shared by the company, it seems to most of us that this wasn't especially well thought out, but there it is.
AWorldFan: Thanks for reminding me Cyn
FORMALI: I have young children, can not bear to watch a young mom die...too depressing
Gaileliza: I agree, Charles...
Lorin25: I just can't see the benefit from letting her go, especially with the outpour from her fans.
KPeter611: But unfortunately it will be too late
Snowrun506: Charles.. do TPTB realize what a strong following AW has?
SNORKELKEG: Not thought out well at all! And for what..beefcake? YUCK
Kibaba99: ITA Lorin!
Charles: I can't bear to watch it either - Mary
JAZKRZ: I've wondered if they aren't killing off some favorites to cast them in the new soap. Comments?
SnowDrift7: Are things adrift these days without JFP or more calm...we feel so uncertain about the fate of AW
Gaileliza: +Yeah, its just sucks
Lorin25: If I have the nerve to watch, I'll have a years' supply of hankies handy.
Nicolettah: You never know Deanne
SNORKELKEG: Don't think so Deanne.....Alice is going to look into fall season!
Kibaba99: I am so sick about Frankie's death.
Kibaba99: I have to watch...but I think it will be through my fingers.
SNORKELKEG: HATE the thought of losing Alice B!!! :(
Charles: We are all uncertain these days, but I am assured that NBC want this show to work. P&G want this show to work. JFP wanted this show to work.
Lorin25: Charles, does letter writing help? I work with Tom and the AWFB and it'd be good to know the efforts of the fans pay off, if only a little.
Becca309: Frankie and Ryan will be together now :**(
Nicolettah: Me too, Kibs
Jensfan: I'm sure we'll all be screaming at out TV's across the country.
Lorin25: Awwww, Becca!!! :*(
Steelhawk1: Becca- yes
Kibaba99: BEC!! <SOB>
Snowrun506: I sure hope so!!!!!! Don't want to lose AW :(
Gaileliza: Me too...that is the sort of violent crap that should stay on the movie screen
KPeter611: Well, that's encouraging.....but it won't work if they keep killing off all the characters that we love.
Lorin25: I definitely will if I can find my voice. :(
Charles: The letter writing that continue to produce, has I am told an enormous impact, but like all big ships it takes a lot of time and space to move around in.
Shababy: My nieces want to be Sofia?dahlia and Vicky/Jensen! I started them on AW!
KPeter611: Charles...we all loved your scenes with Vicky Monday..
Becca309: I'll be too choked up to yell-- I sobbed so much for Ryan, this may be as bad :(
SnowDrift7: Charles, thanks for answering :) about the future of AW.
Steelhawk1: Charles, you seem to be a mentor to a lot of the actors at AW, I talked to Lisa and Les (at the MSN chat) and they all look up to you and your expertise!
KPeter611: We hope to see much more of you and're the heart and soul of the show.
Becca309: Yes, thank you charles-- we hope AW has a very looooong future ahead!
Byndclulys: I hope AW is on forever, I couldn't bear to lose it.
Snowrun506: Yes Charles .. Thanks... with actors such as you and Victoria, etc.. I can't see how it can fail...
SnowDrift7: Carl & Rachel are the cornerstone of AW
Lorin25: Me neither. There is just too much talent on that show.
SNORKELKEG: Hey Charles..can't you put Maggie over your knee and give her a good spanking!
JAZKRZ: Does it still seem that TPTB are trying to make AW more like Days?
Snowrun506: And it is more realistic than most of the other soaps.
Kibaba99: Way too much talent! The entire cast is quite an ensamble.
Gaileliza: Yes!
KPeter611: Charles...what are they going to do with Maggie?
FORMALI: Deanne, NO, say it isn't so!!!!
Charles: It seems to so many of us, a simple task, get a good story teller and have it well told to an audience as enthusiastic and altruistic as you are.
Nicolettah: If the length of the day is any indication, it sure does Deanne
Shababy: NO Days replica! Aw RULES on its own!
FORMALI: Charles, absolutely.
Lorin25: <--Getting dictionary. <G>
***Some LOL's here for me <G>***
Kibaba99: AMEN Charles!!
Gaileliza: And we are vocal, aren't we?
FORMALI: We need something that's a little more mature than the "D***" fare, why does everything have to be a clone of everything else??
AWorldFan: Charles and Mary are you having fun yet? <G>
Lorin25: Ha, got it. Thanks Charles, what a great compliment! :)
JAZKRZ: Charles, It's so simple. Why can't TPTB understand that
Nicolettah: ITA Lisa!
Kibaba99: so what does it mean?
Lorin25: I will be devastated if they try to turn our beloved AW into a clone of Days.
Charles: Yes, we are enjoying ourselves.
Jensfan: Maybe the recent ratings jump will give them pause in changing it too much.
Nicolettah: Me too, Lorin
Kibaba99: Me too Lorin!!
SnowDrift7: I hope so Marie!!
SNORKELKEG: After 30 years I will QUIT watching if they do that..
JAZKRZ: I hope so Marie
KPeter611: Karen...30 years?? Me, too! 31 I think
FORMALI: I know you guys don't agree with me, but RKK will help the ratings. AW follows D*** in many markets
Snowrun506: Charles.... do the actors get much input into the storyline?
Charles: I don't think NBC have any desire to turn AW into DAYS, they recognize the virtue of AW being different.
Byndclulys: If AW is cancelled i'd never watch NBC again!
Kibaba99: I think you are right Lisa.
Lorin25: Lisa, I believe you're 100% correct on that. I hope it helps the show.
Nicolettah: I hope so Marie, but the mags are attributing it to the Olympics- we know better though
Gaileliza: I threaten a lot, but no matter what...I will keep watching...I have since I was a kid
FORMALI: Charles, thank God they realize that
Lorin25: That's very good to hear, Charles!!
JAZKRZ: Thank God, Charles. The rumors have had us worried as well as some of the characters changes
Becca309: I hope so Charles-- AW is so much classier JMO <g>
Jensfan: I know the Mags are saying it was the OLYMPICS, that sucks!
Kibaba99: I am very glad to hear that!!
Shababy: BYe, I really am going now! thanks and see yas! /P>
AWorldFan: Nite Sha
Jensfan: I'll keep watching too, I can't stop with Jensen there, she's a friend.
Lorin25: Even if it is the Olympics that drew in more viewers, it could've hooked a good portion of them and will help the ratings in the long run. No?
FORMALI: Charles, I watched D*** for 23 yrs, and finally gave up with a particularly ridiculous storyline...I like some reality with my fantasy, thank you!!
Byndclulys: May 4, 1964 AW premeired. I want it to continue until...forever.
Nicolettah: The mags never seem to have much positive to say about AW
AWorldFan: Charles they aren't really going to turn you into a Stefano character are they?
Gaileliza: Even out here in Seattle it is given little publicity or respect!
FORMALI: Nicole, when they say something at all.
SnowDrift7: How has RKK integrated into the company? He's gotten so much publicity!
FORMALI: OH, EDIE, shhh!! Hush your mouth!!!LOL
Charles: I will leave before that happens and why on earth would anyone want to turn a superior character into a less than superior character. You can take that to the bank.
Lorin25: Charles, as I loved the He Says/She Says that you and Victoria did a while back. Nice article!
KPeter611: Good for you, Charles
Snowrun506: LOL Charles! Good for you!
Jensfan: COOL
Bizyma: Hooray forCharles:)
Kibaba99: Good for you Charles!!
Gaileliza: Thank you Charles!!
KPeter611: Stefano is dead now, I think!