VW Article July 8, 1997

Soap Opera Update
July 8, 1997

Soap Opera Update July 8, 1997

Moving On Often what appears to be handing over a soap character's identity is really just a new maturity settling in. Producers claim that's the case with the seemingly-Stepfordized version of Another World's Rachel. Since she married Carl, she's given up on empire-building; her primary concern these days is her family.

"Rachel brought a lot of her growing up with Mac to her marriage with Carl," offers AW executive producer Charlotte Savitz. "She and Carl are intellectual and spiritual equals. She makes strong choices that are against her children's wishes - like her decision to keep the baby-and she's very involved. But if you're equating having a life with having a business, that's not very important to her."

Savitz thinks Rachel's focus changed: "She can look at what's important to her and have what matters most. Her marriage is her number-one priority."