"The Titanic was called the ship of dreams...and it was. It really was" ~Old Rose |
The maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines! ~Bruce Ismay |
I'm the king of the world!! ~Jack Dawson |
I see you........you wouldn't have jumped. ~Jack Dawson |
I'd rather be his whore than your wife! ~ Rose DeWitt Bukater |
Your money can't save you anymore than it can save me! ~First Officer Murdoch |
I feel as if I'm standing in a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up! ~Rose DeWitt Bukater |
I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Hockley:it will insure our survival! ~Ruth DeWitt Bukater |
I can see the Statue of Liberty already-very small of course! ~Fabrizzio |
You actually believe this is you, Grandma? ~Lizzy Calvert |
Don't come any closer-I mean it! I'll let go! ~Rose |
No you won't. ~ Jack Dawson |
You jump, I jump, right? ~Rose |
I believe this ship may sink. ~Spicer Lovejoy |
You gonna cut her meat for her too, there, Cal? ~Molly Brown |
I believe you'll get your headlines, Mr. Ismay. ~Captain E.J. Smith |
There's nothing I couldn't give you. There's nothing I'd deny you...if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me, Rose. ~Cal Hockley |
There are women and children down here! Let us out so we can have a chance! ~Tommy Ryan |
If your grandma is who she says she is she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank. And that makes you my new best friend. ~Brock Lovett |
I saw my whole world as if I'd already lived it...an endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches..always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared...or even noticed. ~Rose |
Mr. Hockley and Mrs. DeWitt Bukater continue to be most appreciative of your assistance. They asked me to give you this in gratitude...and to remind you that you hold a third-class ticket and your presence here is no longer appropiate. ~Spicer Lovejoy |
She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached. But not five. As she goes down by the head, the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads...at E deck...from one to the next...back and back. There's no stopping it. ~Thomas Andrews |
Son, do you have the slightest comprehension of what you're doing?...Well, you're about to go into the snake pit. What are you planning to wear? ~Molly Brown |
That's right. The distress call. CQD. Tell whoever responds that we are going down by the head and need immediate assistance. ~Captain E.J. Smith |
I don't understand you. It's a fine match with Hockley that will insure our survival. ~Ruth |
A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. ~Old Rose Calvert |
Where to, miss?~Jack To the stars.~Rose |
Put your hands on me, Jack. ~Rose |
We have to stay on the ship as long as possible! ~Jack |
I'm not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command. I'm your fiance! ~Rose |
When the ship docks, Im getting off with you!~Rose This is crazy! ~Jack I know, it doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it! ~Rose |
1,500 people went into the sea when Titanic sank from under us. Six were saved from the water, myself included. Six out of 1,500. Afterward the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait...wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come. ~Old Rose Calvert |