My Favorite and Least Favorite BsB Videos


Least Fave: As Long As You Love Me

6 Reasons Why:

1) We have to watch nick sing lead

2) That lame chair dance

3) Those 5 stupid girls

4) Everyone exept Howie gets shots of them over three seconds long in their funny look clothes.

5) Those girls are biased--they only have pictures of Fish Face.

6) Who are those people at the very very beginning when it sounds like they're playing a tape in fast forward? Why did they put that part in? Why?!? What is it's purpose?

My Fave Video: Everybody

6 reasons why:

1) It even more confirms the belief that nick is gay (even though he pretended he liked those girls).

2) Howie finally looked decent when he wore his curly hair down (while they were dancing)

3) Brian makes an awesome werewolf.

4) Kevin really does look like a real monster. He scared me even more than usual.

5) AJ is a totally awesome singer.

6) It's a totally awesome video and one of the only well made BsB videos.