A Note To The Guys

To the Backstreet Boys, if they ever visit my site (It could happen...). OK, I know I'm rude sometimes, but I really do love you. I've prepared a little message for each of you, just to let you know how i really feel about you.

AJ: I never really say much bad stuff about you, not really either good stuff for that matter. But, I think you are a cool guy and I wish you would have kept your blue hair. You seem so nice and funny, and I wish I was your friend.

Kevin: I have never really been mean to you either, I don't think, but if you think I have, I'm sorry. I don't really mean it. Well, except the part about those funny flip flops you wore in "I'll never break your heart" I mean, what was up with that? But you also seem cool and I would never want to change you.

Brian: Well, I strongly doubt you would like me much at all, because I call you gay, but come on. Probably over 2,000 girls in this world think you are the best thing in the entire world, and probably over 50,000 think you are pretty damn fine. so if i were you, I would not let me get to you. You know who you are and that's all that matters. You matter. You don't need to worry about what I say, and if you did, That would be pretty stupid because you will never meet me, and I have influence over only one person, and that's myself.

Nick: Ok, I've heard how much it hurts you when you hear people on the internet picking on you. I mean, I can understand what it's like to be picked on. Trust me. But, you just can't let it get to you. You are one of the most popular people in the world. Why do you have to let people get to you if there are more than likely over 5 million people, seriously, i'm sure there are that many, that really think you are great. I find it hard to feel sorry for someone who has that many people who like them that much. I wish even 5 people felt the same way about me that they do about you. You are such a lucky person. You have to remember that always.

Howie: I love you. Well, I mean, I don't love you in the sense that it sounds like. Don't get me wrong, I think you are so beautiful and so amazing, but I also think you are a great guy. I wish I could know you and just be your best friend or something. I think that would be the coolest thing in the whole world. If i could ever even talk to you, I would be so happy. Don't feel bad when so many others make fun of you, because you are amazing. Just know there are others like me that feel the same way about you as i feel. How does it feel? To have people love you that much without even knowing you?

So, to any of you I offended, just remember what I said, and never let it get to you. You are all amazing people, or how else would you get to how you are today? If you like who you are, and millions of others love you for who you are too, what is the point of dealing with those few people that hate you, even if they have never met you? Those people are jerks, you won't change them, you don't need to change them, you don't need them. Just remember that.


PS--I made this article after I read my friend's article on this site, and I felt bad for nick. But it really made me feel even more sorry for howie, and anyone else that gets made fun of, because so many less people care. So many people raise hell if nick gets made fun of, but there are a million people a day that get made fun of, and we are feeling sorry for the one who has millions of fans?? Is that *really* fair? Just think about it. You don't have to agree.

E-mail Kickboxzer@yahoo.com