What were they thinking?


What were the Backstreet boys thinking when they did these photos? Well...

What was....

...AJ thinking: Poseurs! The lot of them! All poseurs!

...AJ thinking: Haha, I'm closing my eyes and no one will ever know!

...nick thinking: I am so cool!

...Kevin thinking: Fine, I'll smile. But this is the only time, damn it!

...Howie thinking: I am very unhappy. Gay Boy's trying to take the spotlight again.

...nick thinking: I gotta go to the bathroom!

...AJ thinking: Calm down nick! You don't look good!

...AJ thinking: OK, I'm here taking pictures with the crop top wanna have, Afro boy, the alien fish, and a gay boy with a zit on the side of his face!

...Kevin thinking: Heeeeeellllpppp meeeee... they are all crazy....

...Brian thinking: Hey, if we had someone in a green suit we could make a stop light!

...Brian thinking: Ouch... Kevin... that hurts!

...Kevin thinking: Please, someone, get these losers off me!

...nick thinking: Duhhhhh..... huh?

..Brian thinking: I can flair my nostrils! Look!

...Howie thinking: I look so cool in my Michael Jackson jacket!

...AJ thinking: Where are my glasses?!?! I'm gonna cry! Hey, who's that fine girl on the floor?

...AJ thining: I'm going to zap you with my magical powers! Hahaha!

...Brian thinking: Damn, that cameraman's ugly!

...Howie thinking: Help... I'm falling... my legs, they're sliding apart... my shoes are too slippery!

Got any good pics? Got any good captions for good pics? Send 'em to me!