Welcome one and all to my realm of craziness. (I know, I stole that from Alicia and Danielle...not that I care, or they care either for that matter...) This is, of course, my Newsies banner. I'm, of course, Beth. Many of you know me by my many nicknames, but my name, needless to say, is Beth. : ) This is my page. Of course, it's mostly entirely and almost completely Newsies related, because anything involving me generally is. Still, the page is my page and therefore there will be some Newsies unrelated stuff on here. Just a sorta kinda warning-type-thing. So, with no further ado, welcome to my realm!
7/1/00 at 2:52 pm (CDT)

Okay, all of you wonderful folk, I have a website for you to visit, run by a couple of fun and dedicated young ladies. The Unofficial Jack and Spot Homepage. Please look at it sometime. Have fun at my site!

~Your fearless leader, Beth

You are really bombos conspato number to come to my website. Well, since I got the counter, anyhow...
Now for some random stuff, links, and advertising for cool people and their websites...
First and foremost, Scribe's wonderful and worthy petition to get Newsies back in theaters.

You can e-mail Scribe for details!

And if you really love me, you'll go to my Annie Scott page, check it out, and sign the guestbook!

Member of a newsgirl lodging house? Need information to write your stories and simply can't find it anywhere? Never fear, Beth is here!

Ok, here's a link to the second most wonderful webpage in "da woyld"! It's Angie's, of course! (And second only to mine, of course! Hehe...just kidding...yeah right...)

Visit my Pokémon page! Well, actually, don't. I just like the banner. There is literally nothing on the page. Literally.

If ya wanna link to my page, please use this banner:

Oh yes, and of course, both banners courtesy of my best pal Angie at
Angie's Swingin' Banners

But of course I got them from you, Angie. : ) Okay, everyone listen to me - if you want a banner, get them from Angie at Angie's Swingin' Banners, because they're free and really cool and she always does a darn good job, so if you need a banner, ask her. (How's that for advertising, Angie? Hehe...) Seriously, if you get a banner from anyone else you will have to answer to me, and it won't look very cool. So there.

Spacey requested that I link to her Roundhouse petition, so, if you like(d) the show and are interested in signing her petition to get it back on the air, go ahead and sign it! : )

This site was created by Matchie (also known as Dice McKenzie) in memorial of a newsgirl who was killed by a drunk driver in October of 1999.

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Copyright notice:
Most of the stuff on this page is copyrighted to me. All poetry is copyrighted to the author, which is stated in the byline at least twice on each poem. All fanfiction is copyrighted to the author(s), except for the characters from the 1992 Disney movie/musical "Newsies". In this situation the characters are still under copyright laws, it's just that they aren't ours. They're Disney's. And I realize that using the characters could potentially be taken as some sort of copyright infringement. If you have an issue with something on this page, tell me. I'll take care of it...well, within reason that is. So just...that's it. Oh yeah, and don't sue me for any reason whatsoever. It's really not worth your time. Or your money. Because, well, I have no money to speak of.