Thanks to everyone who visits my page plus:
Katie Casey-thanks for all the tip's, e-mail, phone calls, and just plain old being a friend!
Jessica Lowry-thanks for helping me with my page by e-mailing me before I even had it up and posting my link!
Regina S.-thanks for bein' a pal! I really appreciate it!
Emily S.-thanks for talking to me at golf camp when the instructor got really boring!
Stacy C.-thanks for calling me and giving me tips on things to put on my page!
Christine-thank you sooo much for posting my link!
There are also a lot of little people that I need to thank (like my cousin A.J. who is 5 years old)So just thank you to everyone! Love, Jessica Stoller :~)
Thanks an oodle everyone (I know, that's corny)!
© 1997