Harli's How-To Page 8


Skin prep 2

Still on the skin layer if there is nipples and/or muff showing duplicate the skin layer (naming it nipples & muff) Now highlight that layer select out the nipples and muff invert your selection (no need to save this selection) and cut away the rest of the skin just leaving the nipples and muff.

Skin prep 3

Now turn off the nipples and muff layer highlight the skin layer. Duplicate the skin layer so that you have 2 skin layers this new skin layer I always call "skin blurred"

Now on this "Skin blurred" layer, You need to erase all the delicate details in the skin with the eraser tool on the tool bar. Things like around the nose and arm lines ect.

A big thank you to Kandor for the help on this one :)

Just like this:

05-SkinErased.JPG (51268 bytes)

Page 9