Harli's How-To Page 10


Putting it back together & Finishing Touches.


Starting from the "Hair" layer down to the "Whole girl" layer Click the eye icon in the layers tab to display all of the layers I just said.

You will see that all the hair and eyes ect are now clearly above the blurred skin and under the blurred skin the original skin layer has fill back in the bits that you have rubbed out. 

Now flick & highlight  to each layer at a time to touch up the eyes, clothes ect.

Lots of thanks to TF for this tip :)

To fix up any harsh ugly selection line use the blur tool & a small brush to smooth out the edges.

When you have done all that turn on your "Background" Layer & "original" layer.

Backtogether-1.JPG (53357 bytes)Backtogether-2.JPG (37936 bytes)






















I always put my signature on a seperate layer and to put in the border if you look up at the floating pallete pic there you will see the icon next to the bin on the bottom it looks like a square with a page curl this will add a blank transparent layer, Select all go to Select -> Modify -> Border

I do 2 pixels but you might like something more. Then just fill in this selection with you favorite fill.

To finish Do File -> Save copy

Change the file extentsion to *.jpg Give it a name Change the Directory to where you want your new *.jpg file save to.

Now my personal tip here: Take the ticks off save thumbnail & in the next dialogue box take the tick off save paths as this is extra data that is not used in *.jpg file but do cause the file size to increase so turning them off reduces byte size :)

I also save mine as Quality 6 - High and base line optimized. I have found that it gives me a good result with a smallish byte size.



14-Finished.jpg (190344 bytes)

in only 2 hours this is the result I got.

Admittedly if the was more to do in the background layer it may take more time.