Welcome to the KCR Guestbook!

- 12/17/00 07:08:58

Lancashire Lass - 08/25/00 21:25:22
Will tune in to you end of Sept....just wanted to find out more about Keith - birthplace of mother-in-law! Just curious!!! Interested in names of Watson, Winchester, Moir. Cheers xxx

Mo - 07/29/00 17:29:39
My URL:Haddocks
My Email:Yes- Cliff-We Don't Talk Anymore.
Terrific Web Site--- Extremely interesting and very informative. Well done and keep it up.

raymond - 05/30/00 22:20:56
good pages keep up the good work raymond peters kcr presenter

ZULU - 05/21/00 12:03:00
My Email:r kelly (turn back the hands of time )
please play it on monday night when mark is the dj listen to it all the time .. hey make the compitions a bit easyier they are to hard ..........(joke)

Andy - 05/15/00 12:50:27
Excellent site and found throughYahoo uk search engine

Shuna - 05/11/00 20:01:49
Looking good Steve, keep up the hard work :o)

Linz - 05/08/00 20:21:24
My Email:Anything with a bit of a tune.
KCR is great. Just one thing - change the jingle!!!! Have fun and keep up the good work.

HOMER - 05/03/00 09:46:00
ACE Website. Keep up the good work

"Tony Blackburn" - 04/27/00 07:40:10
What a great website, don't you think Arnold? Woof woof!

HADDOCKS - 04/14/00 19:13:25
My URL:http://www.haddocks@quarryhill22.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:Update to 5 nights.
A Really very Professional and first class informative site . Keep up the good work, and Continued Success. Good Luck.

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