Shifty's Spectacular Spot on the Web
Hello all! Welcome to my little spot on the web. Well...actually this is my second site. My other one is more serious. Here I just want to have fun!
You know those sites that people make to gawk at their favorite celebrities? Well if you don't like those, you probably ought to leave.
Okay, for those still here I created this site after I watched The Matrix. A great movie, I thought. But what I really loved about it was Hugo Weaving...Agent Smith if you are wondering (haven't you seen it yet?)
Well since this is my main page I shall try to keep it brief...if you still interested in wandering through here, follow the links around. I hope you like what you see. If you do, sign my Guestbook. If you don't like it, sign my Guestbook, tell me how to make it better. That's the only way I will ever learn!
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This Labyrinths of The Matrix site is owned by Shifty.