Resources on Lion Behavior in the Wild
Here are a few links that you might find useful if you need to write a paper, want some information so you can do more realistic roleplaying, or are just curious.
Africam- this isn't too useful, but it is fun. This is a link to live cameras set up at waterholes located at several South African game reserves. I took these (rather fuzzy) pictures of lions hunting on the weekend of March 14th. Note the lion eating in the lower right-hand corner of the picture on your right. :)
This cheetah pic was taken by Yazzi, a frequent forum roleplayer and a cheetah herself. Thanks, Yazzi!
A jackel at a waterhole. Two great finds in one day, a new record for me!!
Ok, for those of you who can't STAND to wait to see lions, go to the Lion Cam from the National Zoo. Your luck is bound to be better here (and if you get a really great picture, save it onto disk and e-mail it to me :) .
Kalahari Conservation Society - this site has a bibliography that will be helpful to the more academic reseacher. It is a part of an application for a grant, so it contains college level resouces.
WildlifeAfrica - this site has a nice quick summary of the main aspects of lion behavior, along with many other animals lions can be expected to encounter in the wild.
King of Beasts- an educational website with lots of pages. You may be able to find the information you want here.
The Asiatic Lion Information Center - Did you know that there are lions in India? Go here to find out more.
Lion Research Institute - This site contains lots of easily-digested information, including a section on lion society and an interesting article titled "Divided We Fall: Cooperation Between Lions." Well worth checking out.
The Lion's Den - be certain to look at this site by frequent forum role player Blue Lion. It will also get you into a webring of other sites devoted to explaining the ecology of these magnificent animals. Enjoy!
Feline Paradise - This site is by Scar's Domains pride member Kiruu. It has information on many not so well known feline species.
I will add more links and references in the future.
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