Summer/Fall 2002
This is a site to show all of you what I was up to this past summer and fall...
This is a link to more pictures from our trip to Cedar Point. 
June 2002...
Jerry, Glenn, Arika, Jen and Ginger
Pictures from my birthday!!
This is a link to more pictures from my birthday party.  Gotta love the Lube! 
Jen, Brian and Ginger
More pictures from Michigan!!
The Beautiful sunrise in Tawas City, MI!  This is a link to all the pictures from our trip!!
Crazy Lube pics...
Ahhh, good 'ole Quaker Steak and Lube!  Where we spend our days and nights bustin' our butts!  This is a link to a bunch of crazy Lube pics.
Pics from Cedar Point!!
hockey pics
nuff said!
Back to Michigan!
Our trip back to Michigan in September!
Assorted Pictures from this Fall
A vast assortment of pictures from this past fall.  From my trip to Penn State for the Homecoming game, to the Lubers trip to Sharon...also Thanksgiving pictures with Michelle and Andrea!