*****Welcome to My  John Malkovich  Page*****
"Johnny English" released August 2003, "The Dancer Upstairs" releases September 2003,  "Ripley's Game" releases October 2003," Knockaround Guys"  released  2002, "Shadow of a Vampire" released  2001
" Being John Malkovich " --  It's a really good movie  that will give you lots of laughs.  It's about a puppeteer who finds a passageway into John Malkovich's brain.  Many people enter this passageway, even John himself enters it. So even if you are just alittle bit interested, and are thinking about seeing it, be prepared,  you are about to go on the biggest  "trip" of your life!!!!!!
" The Messenger" --  John plays King Charles VII in this story of Joan of Arc.  This movie was so incredible and very good !! 
                                        My Favorite  JM Movies
Being John Malkovich        Con Air            Dangerous Liaisons       In the Line of Fire                    Mary Reilly           Object of Beauty     Of Mice and Men         The  Messenger                    Johnny English
" Dangerous Liaisons "
" Mary Reilly "
" Con Air "
" Rounders "
" Of Mice And Men "
" The Man In The Iron Mask "
Birthdate:  December 9, 1953
Hometown:  Benton, IL
Parents:  Dan & Jo Ann Malkovich
Siblings:  Danny, Melissa, Amanda, and Rebecca
LifePartner:  Nicoletta Peyran
Children:  Amendine & Lowey
Theatre:  Steppenwolf in Chicago, IL
Production Company:  Mr Mudd
Residence:  France 
John was planning to move in June 2003....I wonder where
                                  Black Hole
                                 by Julia Burks

Where do I go to end this stage, to find the answers and escape my rage.  I am stuck in this life with nothing to do, and no outlet of my emotions for you.  Easy things hold no rewards, complex things fall through, and the one thing still here is my love for you.  But I can not love you, because we are worlds apart, so I will just hold you deep in my heart.  I wish you knew how much this makes me blue.  I know you won't ever know that my heart aches for you.

Though many worlds apart, your enchanting spirit awakens my heart.  A quest for words, that their meaning will somehow impart, admiration, honor, love that dwells deep in my heart.   Suspended expressions frozen in time and space, desperately seeking a reaction from your sweet face.  And so you are my morning angel, hope that lightens my day, In mind you will forever stay.
Hello,  thank you for visiting my web page. I hope you found it interesting.   I'm 37 years old. I enjoy movies, music, gardening, sewing,  Lake Michigan,  animals, and many other things.  I love the arts, so I enjoy going to gallaries and museums.  I live in Southwestern, Michigan; only a couple of  hours from Chicago; and North of South Bend.    I'm currently looking for work.  I have dishwashing, cleaning, inventory, and clothing dept. supervisor experience.  I'm a graduate of Davenport University where I studied office administration.  I also graduated from Patricia Stevens Career College  where I studied  fashion  merchandising, interior design, and professional modeling.   I'm married and have one child.  I would like to find work with an enviromental company,  and/or non-profit organization.
Me in Fall of 1996 at Lake Michigan
Visit  Angelbell's site at (www.malkovichonline.com)  for  much more. 
Send your comments to:   Blondzy66@hotmail.com
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