Some of my all-time favorite songs







After we love, we bathe in a glow 
Remembering what happened a moment ago 
Like after the rain, when the wind breezes a sigh 
While it's resting on pillows of sky 
Deep in your arms, it's peaceful and warm 
Together we lay in a calm that comes after a storm 
In a moment or two, we can hear the stars coming through 
I love the quiet right after the rain here with you 
After the rain, the birds wanna fly 
The trees all in green hang the leaves out to dry 
Like puddles and pools, what your eyes let me see 
Are their loving reflections of me 
After a while, you touch me and then 
I feel like a flower that longs for a shower again 
And then lost in a kiss, 
I could stay for hours like this 
Though I don't know just what magic the raindrops contain 
I know that everything's wonderful after the rain 


All is fair in love, 
Love’s a crazy game 
Two people vow to stay 
In love as one they say 
But all is changed with time 
The future none can see 
The road you leave behind 
Ahead lies mystery, but all is fair in love 
I have to go away 
A writer takes his pen to write the words again 
All in love is fair... 
All of fate's a chance 
It’s either good or bad 
I tossed my coin to say, to say 
In love with me you’d stay 
But all in war is so cold 
You either win or lose 
When all is put away 
The losing side I’ll play... 
All is fair in love 
I could have never left your side 
A writer takes his pen to write the words again 
That all in love is fair 
A writer takes his pen to write the words again... 
That all in love is fair... 


Time and again I‘ve longed for adventure 
Something can make my heart beat the faster 
What did I long for I never really knew 
Finding your love I found my adventure 
Touching your hand my heart beats the faster 
All that I want in all of this world 
As you are the promised kiss of springtime 
That makes the lonely winter seem long 
You are the breathless hush of evening 
That trembles on the brink 
Of a lovely song 
You are the angel glow that lights a star 
The dearest things I’ve known are what you are 
Someday my happy arms will hold 
And someday I’ll know that moment divine 
When all the things you are, are mine... 
Someday my happy arms will hold 
And someday I’ll know that moment divine 
When all the things you are, are mine... 


Dans un sommeil que charmait ton image 
Je revais le bonheur, ardent mirage; 
Tes yeux etaient plus doux, ta voix pure et sonore 
Tu rayonnais comme un ciel eclaire par l'aurore; 
Tu m'appelais, et je quittais la terre 
Pour m'enfuir avec toi vers la lumiere; 
Les cieux pour nous entr'ouvraient leurs nues; 
Splendeurs inconnues, lueurs divines entrevues... 
Helas, helas, triste reveil des songes ! 
Je t'apelle, o nuit, rends-moi tes mensonges; 
Reviens, reviens radieuse, 
Reviens, o nuit mysterieuse! 


I don't know why I'm frightened 
I know my way around here 
The cardboard trees, the painted scenes, the sound here 
Yes a world to rediscover, 
But I'm not in any hurry 
And I need a moment 
The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways, 
The atmosphere as thrilling here as always 
Feel the early morning madness 
Feel the magic in the making 
Why everything's as if we never said goodbye 
I've spent so many mornings 
Just trying to resist you 
I'm trembling now 
You can't know how I've missed you, 
Missed the fairy-tail adventures 
In this ever-spinning playground 
We were young together 
I'm coming out of make-up 
The lights already burning, 
Not long until the camera's will start turning 
And the early morning madness 
And the magic in the making 
Yes everything is as if we never said goodbye 
I don't want to be alone that's all in the past, 
This world has waited long enough 
I've come home at last 
And this time will be bigger, 
And brighter than we knew it 
So watch me fly, we all know I can do it 
Could I stop my hand from shaking? 
Has there ever been a moment with so much to live for? 
The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways 
So much to say not just today but always 
We'll have early morning madness 
We'll have magic in the making 
Yes everything is as if we never said goodbye 
Oh, please don't ever ever make me say goodbye!!! 


You must remember this, 
A kiss is just a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh,
The fundamental things apply, 
As time goes by. 
And when two lovers woo, 
They still say "I love you,"
On that you can rely,
No matter what the future brings, 
As time goes by. 
Moonlight and love songs, 
Never out of date,
Hearts full of passion, 
Jealousy and hate,
Woman needs man, and man must have his mate,
There's no one can deny. 
It's still the same old story, 
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die,
The world will always welcome lovers,
As time goes by.


Uber den Wipfeln des westlichen Haines 
Winket uns freundlich der rotliche Schein; 
Unter den Zweigen des ostlichen Haines 
Sauselt der Kalmus im rotlichen Schein 
Unter den Zweigen des ostlichen Haines 
Sauselt der Kalmus im rotlichen Schein; 
Ach! They just don’t write tunes like that anymore: 
"Auf Dem Wasser zu Singen". It is really one of my 
favorites and I’m sure it’s one of yours! In fact it it 
so much fun to sing...Why don’t you join in with me 
for the last chorus know, sing along with 
Bis ich auf hoherem strahlendem Flugel 
Selber entschwinde der wechselnden Zeit. 
Sel...wonderful, wonderful.. 
Selber entschwinde der wechselnden Zeit... 


Et les vents du Nord, les emportant 
Dans la nuit blanche de n’oubli 
Que moi, je n’ai pas oublie 
La chanson que tu me chantais 
The falling leaves drift by the window 
The autumn leaves of red and gold 
I see your lips, the summer kisses 
The sun-burned hands I used to hold 
Since you went away the days grew long 
And soon I’ll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all, my darling 
When the autumn leaves start to fall... 


Avinu malkeinu sh'ma kolenu 
Avinu malkeinu chatanu l'faneycha 
Avinu malkeinu alkenu chamol aleynu 
V'al olaleynu v'tapenu 
Avinu malkeinu 
Kaleh dever v'cherev v'raav mealeynu 
Avinu malkeinu kalehchol tsar 
Umastin mealeynu 
Avinu malkeinu 
Avinu malkeinu 
Kotvenu b'sefer chayim tovim 
Avinu malkeinu chadesh aleynu 
Chadesh a leynu shanah tovah 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Avinu malkeinu 
Avinu malkeinu 
Chadesh a leynu 
Shanah tovah 
Avinu malkeinu 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Sh'ma kolenu 
Sh'ma kolenu 



Lorsque au soleil couchant les rivieres sont roses, 
Et qu'un tiede frisson court sur les champs de ble, 
Un conseil d'etre heureux semble sortir des choses 
Et monter vers le coeur trouble. 
Un conseil de gouter le charme d'etre au monde 
Cependant qu'on est jeune et que le soir est beau 
Car nous nous en allons, 
Comme s'en va cette onde: 
Elle a la mer, 
Nous au tombeau 


Everyone comes from 
One father one mother 
So why do we complicate 
Our lives so much 
By  being  at  war  with  each  other 
Mmm...maybe I’m crazy 
But I don't understand it 
Why do we seem to vote 
To dig more holes 
It's such a waste of a planet 
There must be a reason 
That I can’t see 
Maybe somebody else now 
Knows better than me 
All I know is 
Everyone else is 
A sister or a brother 
So we've got to look around 
Again and stop 
Being at war with each other 
Being at war with each other 
Oh. . . 
Maybe I'm crazy 
But I don't 
No, I don't understand it 
(There must be a reason) 
There must be a reason 
(There must be a reason) 
There must be a reason 
That I can’t  see 
Somebody else must be 
Better than me 
AII I know is 
Everyone else is 
A sister or brothers 
So we've got to look  around 
Again and stop 
Being at war with each other 
Being at war with each other... 


Aren't you glad its finally over?
Don't you feel a whole lot better?
Isn't it a joy to lie alone at night?
Aren't people more exciting?
Doesn't music have more meaning?
Don't you close your eyes 
The moment you close the light 
To be rid of all the feelings
How it cluttered up the morning
To be free of all the memories
Every one
Take a bow then take another
Isn't loneliness a winner
Wasn't leaving me 
The best thing you've ever done 
To be rid of all the feelings
How it cluttered up the morning
To be free of all the memories
Every one
Take a bow then take another
Isn't loneliness a winner
Wasn't leaving me 
The best thing you've ever done 


Between yesterday and tomorrow 
There is more, there is more than a day 
Between day and night 
Between black and white 
There is more, there is more than gray 
Between the question and the answer 
There is the silence of the see 
Between the cradle and the grave 
There is the someone that is me 
Between yesterday and tomorrow 
There is more there is more than a day 
There is every dawn you've ever seen 
And every wind you've ever heard 
There is every hand you've ever touched 
Or that ever was, or that could have been 
Or that should have been 
Between yesterday and tomorrow 
There is more, there is more than a day 
Between day and night 
Between black and white 
There is more, there is more than gray 
Between the summer and the winter 
There is a multitude of falls 
Between the entry and the exit 
There's a lover and a cause 
Between yesterday and tomorrow 
There is more, there is more 
Then a day 
There is every plan dare ever make 
And every dream you dare to dream 
There every word you hope to say 
Or that's yet to be 
Or that ought to be 
All that has to be 
Between yesterday and tomorrow 
Between yesterday and tomorrow 


I'm wild again, beguiled again 
A simpering, whimpering child again 
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I... 
Could not sleep, would not sleep 
Till love came and told me I should not sleep 
Bothered and bewildered am I... 
Lost my heart, so what of it? 
He was cold, I agree, 
He can laugh and I love it 
Although the laugh's on me; 
I'll sing to him, each spring to him 
And long for the day when I'll cling to him, 
Bewitched, bothered so bewildered am I... 


By the way did I hear you say 
If some night I seem too lonely 
You would stay 
Oh and by the way 
Have I told you yet that only recently 
He moved out on me 
Took the towels we stole 
From some motel in Tennessee 
He was gone long before he really left 
I knew it ... 
By the way he began to say: 
Love takes time, I’m in a hurry 
Anyway that’s all yesterday 
Let’s get back to us 
Why worry? 
If you try calling by and by 
Oh, and by the I thought I mention 
You can’t stay... 
Near the lights 
You don’t look a thing like he did 
And it’s time to play 
It’s another day 
Why can’t we make love fall 
By the way? 



"CAN'T HELP LOVIN' THAT MAN" (From "Show Boat")
Oh listen sister, 
I love my mister man, 
And I can't tell you why 
There is no reason why I should love that man, 
It must be somethin' that de angels have planned. 
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, 
I gotta love one man till I die. 
Can't help lovin' that man of mine. 
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow, 
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know. 
Can't help lovin' that man of mine 
When he goes away, that's a rainy day, 
And when he comes back that day is fine, 
The sun will shine! 
He can come home as late as can be, 
Home without him ain't no home to me, 
Can't help lovin' that man of mine. 
Can't help lovin' that man of mine. 


Can you tell the moment 
Spring becomes the summer 
Maybe it's a moment 
Only known to a tree 
Even as we're watching 
Blades of grass are growing 
Leaps and bounds so tiny 
That our eyes can not see 
And how does a bud 
Decides it's a rose 
Perhaps there's a time 
When it somehow knows it 
Can you tell the moment 
If there's such a moment 
When you just become what you are 
Not before 
Is there any sign or warning 
Or do you awake one morning 
Knowing that you must have turned a special corner 
Maybe in an April shower 
Something tells a bud to flower 
What is it that tells you you're a child no more 


All I want for Christmas is you
You’re the gift that's made my dreams all come true
All I need for Christmas is here 
Finding every sweet surprise wrapped up in your eyes
Waiting there for me underneath the tree
We'll the spend the day exchanging kisses
Smile and say ‘What a Christmas this is’
Long before the snowflakes appear
Without bells or mistletoe or the tinsle silver glow
You just look at me and Oh! 
Christmas is here!
We will smile and say What a Christmas 
This is
Long before the snowflakes appear
Without bells or mistletoe
Or the tinsle silver glow
You just have to look at me and Oh!
Christmas is here...


"CLOSE TO YOU" (duet with Burt Bucharach)
Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near
Just like me
They long to be
Close to you 
Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by
Just like me
They long to be 
Close to you 
On the day that you were born
The angels got together and
Decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moondust in your hair
And golden starlight in your eyes of blue 
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me
They long to be
Close to you 
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me
They long to be
Close to you 
Just like me
Close to you
They want to be
Close to you
Just like me
Close to you
Just like me
Close to you


As close as the sea is to the seashore
The tide still rises twice a day
That's just the ocean's way of getting closer
As close as today is to tomorrow
At midnight they can finally touch
'Cause every minute brings them too much closer
So on this silent night
I call your name and suddenly
All time and space between us disappear
I see your face in firelight
I hold you close in memory
And even though I know you're gone, I know you're here
As close as the glow is to the ember
You've always been a part of me
Now living in my heart you're even closer

I see your face in firelight
I hold you close in memory
And even though I know you're gone, I know you're here
As sure as there's snowfall in December
Your love lives on in everything
Summer, winter, fall or spring
Every thought of you will bring us closer
The distance may be large or small
Someday I pray that we may all be closer


Deep in the night, I remember
There I am reaching for you
Longing to turn to you
That's all I want oh so much
Deep in the night I need you
To touch me 
Deep in the night, I wait for daylight
Daytimes I always get through
But when the sun goes down 
That's when I feel
I feel oh so alone
Deep in the night I need you
To hold me 
Read a book and I think about you
Put it down and I think about you
I make some coffee and I think about you
Wash up the cup and I think about you
Wind the clock and I think about you
Turn on the light and I think about you
When I punch the pillow and I think about you 
Deep in the night I feel lonely
Why didn't I try someone new?
It didn't work out I know 
But I know but I know
Because I try I try 
Deep in the night 
I need you beside me
Deep deep in the night. 


It’s darker than the dark bottom 
It rumbles more than the Rumba 
If you think that the two-steps got ‘em 
Just take a look at this number 
It’s got that certain swing 
That makes you wanna sing 
Don’t go left, but be polite 
Move to the right
Doing the reactionary
Close your eyes to where you’re bound
And you’ll be found
Doing the reactionary
All the best dictators do it
Millionaires keep steppin’ to it
The Four Hundred love to sing it
Ford and Morgan swing it
Hands up high and shake your head
You’ll soon see red
Doing the reactionary
Don’t go left, but be polite
Move to the right
Doing the reactionary
Close your eyes to where you’re bound
And you’ll be found
Doing the reactionary
All the best dictators do it
Millionaires keep steppin’ to it
The Four Hundred love to sing it
Ford and Morgan swing it
Hands up high and shake your head
You’ll soon see red
Doing the reac-
Doing the reac-
So get in it, begin it
It’s smart, oh, so very smart
To do the reactionary!


Don't tell me not to live 
Just sit and putter
Life's candy and the sun's 
A ball of butter
Don't bring around a cloud 
To rain on my parade 
Don't tell me not to fly
I've simply got to
If someone takes a spill
It's me and not you
Who told you you're allowed 
To rain on my parade. 
I'll march my band out
I'll beat my drum
And if I'm fanned out
You'll turn at that, sir
At least I didn't fake it
Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it,
But where they're on the rows 
of sheer perfection
A freckle on the nose 
of life's complexion
The cinder or the shiny apple of its eye
I gotta fly once
I gotta try once
Only can die once
Right, sir,
Ooh life is juicy,
Juicy and you see
I'm gonna have my bite, sir 
Get ready for me love coz I'm a comin'
I'm simply gotta march, my heart's a drummin'
Don't bring around the cloud 
To rain on my parade 
I'm gonna live and live now
Get what I want, I know how,
One road for the whole shebang
One throw the bell will go clang
Eye on the target and wham
One shot, one gunshot and bam!
Hey Mr Arnstein, here I am. 
I'll march my band out
I'll keep my strum
And if I'm fanned out
You'll turn at that, sir
At least I didn't fake it
Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it,
Get ready for me love coz I'm a comin'
I'm simply gotta march, my heart's a drummin'
Nobody, nobody is gonna rain on my parade.



It's raining, it's pouring 
My lovelife is boring me to tears, after all these years 
No sunshine, no moonlight, no stardust, no sign of romance 
We don't stand a chance 
I've always dreamed I found the perfect lover 
But he turned out to be like every other man 
Our love, our love 
Raining (raining) 
Pouring (pouring) 
There's nothing left for us here 
And we won't waist another tear 
If you've had enough, don't put up with his stuff, don't you do it 
If you've had your fill, get the check pay the bill, you can do it 
Tell him to just get out, 
Nothing left to talk about 
Pack his raincoat show him out 
Just look him in the eye and simply shout: 
Enough is enough 
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no 
Enough is enough 
I want him out, I want him out that door now 
Enough is enough 
Enough is enough 
That's enough 
If you've reached the end, don't pretend that is right when it's over 
(it's over) 
If the feeling is gone don't think twice just move on, get it over 
(over, over) 
Tell him to just get out, say it clearly, spell it out: 
Enough is enough is enough 
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no 
Enough is enough is enough 
I want him out, I want him out that door now 
Enough is enough 
Enough is enough 
That's enough 
I've always dreamed to find the perfect lover, 
But he turns out to be like every other man 
Our love (I had no choice from the start) 
Our love (I've gotta listen to my heart) 
Our love (Tearing us apart) 
Enough is enough is enough 
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no 
Enough is enough is enough 
I want him out, I want him out that door now 
Enough is enough 
Enough is enough 
That's enough 
No more tears (No more tears) 
No more tears (No more tears) 
No more tears (No more tears) 
No more tears (No more tears) 
Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough 
I've had it, you've had it he's had it, we've had is 
I always dreamed I find the perfect lover, 
But he turned out to be like every other man 
I had no choice from the start 
I've gotta listen to my heart 
Tearing us apart 
Enough is enough is enough 
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no 
Enough is enough is enough 
I want him out, I want him out that door now 
Goodbye mister, goodbye, goodbye mister 
Goodbye sugar 
It's raining, it's pouring, 
There's nothing left for us here 
And we won't waist another tear 
No more tears 
Is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough 
Is enough! 


Love soft as an easy-chair
Love fresh as the morning air
One love that is shared by two
I have found with you 
Like a rose under the April snow
I was always certain love would grow
Love ageless and evergreen
Seldom seen by two
You and I will make each night a first
Every day a beginning
Spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed
They warm and excite us
'Cause we have the brightest love 
Two lights that shine as one
Morning glory and the midnight sun 
Time we've learned to sail above
Time won't change the meaning of one love
Ageless and ever, evergreen. 


Everything must change 
Nothing stays the same 
Everyone must change 
No one stays the same 
The young become the old 
And mysteries do unfold 
Cause that's the way of time 
Nothing and no one goes unchanged 
There are not many things in life 
You can be sure of 
Except rain comes from the clouds 
Sun lights up the sky 
And hummingbirds do fly 
Winter turns to spring 
A wounded heart will heal 
But never much too soon 
Everything must change 
The young become the old 
And mysteries do unfold 
Cause that's the way of time 
Nothing and no one goes unchanged 
There are not many things in life 
You can be sure of 
Except rain comes from the clouds 
Sun lights up the sky 
And butterflies do fly 
Rain comes from the clouds 
Sun lights up the sky 
And music 
And music 
Makes me cry 



Did you hear that?
Yeah, the guy said
"Honey, you're a funny girl."
That's me
I just keep them in stitches
Doubled in half, 
And though I may be all wrong for a guy,
I'm good for a laugh,
I guess it's not funny,
Life is far from sunny,
When the laugh is over
And the joke's on you,
A girl oughta have a sense of humor
That's one thing you really need for sure
When you're a funny girl
The fella said "A funny girl"
How it ain't so funny,
Funny girl


Then that's got shall get 
Then that not shall loose 
So the Bible said 
And it still is news 
Mama may have 
And Papa may have 
But God bless the child 
That's got his own 
That's got his own 
Yes, the strong gets more 
While the weak one's fade 
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade 
Mama may have 
Papa may have 
But God bless the child 
That's got his own 
That's got his own 
Mother, mamie, mamie 
You've got lots of friends 
Crowding 'round and crowding 'round your door 
When you're gone 
And you've spent all ends 
They don't come around no more 
Rich relations give 
Crust of bread and such 
You can help yourself 
But don't take too much 
Your mama may have 
Papa he may have 
But God bless the child 
That got his own 
That got is own 


Ave Maria 
Gratia plena 
Dominus tecum 
Benedicta tu in mulieribus 
Et benedictus fructos ventri tui Jesus 
Santa Maria... 
Santa Maria... 
Ora pro nobis 
Nobis pecatoribus 
Nunc et in ora, 
In ora mortis nostrae 
(Santa Maria, Santa Maria) 
Ora pro nobis 
Nobis pecatoribus 
Nunc et in ora, 
In ora mortis nostrae 


Grandma's  hands 
Clapped in church on  Sunday  morning 
Grandma's  hands 
Played  the  tambourine  so  well 
Grandma's  hands 
Grandma's hand used to issue out a warning 
And she’d say 
Baby,  don't  you  run  so  fast 
Might fall on a piece of glass 
Might be snakes there in my grass 
Grandma's hands 
I'm talkin' 'bout my grandma's hands 
Soothed the local unwed mother 
My grandma's hands 
Used  to  ache  sometimes  and  swell 
Grandma's  hands 
Used to lift her face 
And tell her she'd say 
Baby, grandma understands 
But you really loved that man 
And put herself in Jesus' hands 
Grandma's  hands 
Yeah. . . 
I'm talking...  I’m  talking 
'Bout my grandma, ah yeah! 
Grandma’s hands 
Used to hand me a piece of candy 
Ah Grandma's hands 
Picked me up each time I fell 
Grandma's hands 
Boy, they  really came in handy 
She'd say 
Nettie, don't you whip  that girl 
What you wanna  spank  her  for 
She didn't drop no apple core 
But  I  don'  have  grandma  anymore 
If I get to heaven I’ll look for 
Grandma's hands 
I'm talking 'bout my grandma 
Talking 'bout my grandma 
I’m talking 'bout my grandma... 


When you're down and out 
Lift up your head and shout 
There's gonna be a great day 
Angels in the sky 
Promise that be by and by 
There's gonna be a great day 
Gabriel will warn you 
Some early morn 
You will hear his horn 
It's not far away 
Lift up your head and say 
There's gonna be a great day 
Great day 
When you're down and out 
Lift up your head en shout 
There's gonna be a great day 
Angels in the sky 
Promise that by en by 
We're gonna see a great day 
Gabriel will warn you 
Somebody born 
You will hear his horn, his horn 
It's not far away 
Lift up your head and say 
There's gonna be a great day 
When the skies went darker, oh Lord! 
Came Noah’s Ark, oh Lord! 
Amen and Amen! 
Amen and Amen! 
He came in January, February,March, April, May, June 
July, and August, September, October, November, 
De De December 
It was a great day 
It was a great day 
One of those great days 
And on Judgment Day 
If you believe he will receive you and me 
Gabriel will warn you 
Some early morn 
You will his horn, his horn 
It's not far away 
Lift up your head and say 
There's gonna be a great 
We're gonna see a great 
There's gonna be, 
Be a great day. 


You say you love me 
I say I love you 
So why don't you stop your cryin' 
Dry your weeping eyes 
You know I love you 
Baby, here I am,
Come rub it on my belly 
Like Guava Jelly 
Baby, here I am,
Come rub it on my belly 
Like Guava Jelly 
You say you need me 
I say I need you too
So why don't you stop your cryin' 
Dry your weeping eyes 
You know I love you 
Baby, here I am,
Come rub it on my belly 
Like Guava Jelly 
Baby, here I am,
Come rub it on my belly 
Like Guava Jelly 
Ooh rub it baby (repeated to 
background voices)
Ooh Rub it over me….
(Chorus in background)
Keep rubbin' on my belly (X2)
Rub it Rub Rub it…
Ooh rub it on my belly
Keep rubbin on my belly (fade)



Kol od balevav penimah 
Nefesh Yehudi homiyah 
Ulefa-atej mizrach kadimah 
'ayin LeTsion, tsofiah 
Od lo awvdah tikwatenu 
Ha'tikvah sh'not alpayim 
Liheyot am chofsi beartsenu 
Erets Tsion Yerushalayim 
Liheyot am chofsi beartsenu 
Erets Tsion Yerushalayim 


Ain't she got fun, 
She's the luckiest one 
Satin on my shoulder and a smile on my lips 
How lucky can you get 
Money in my pocket right at my fingertips 
How lucky can you get 
Every night a party where the fun never ends 
You can circle the globe with my circle of friends 
Someone I am crazy for is crazy for me 
I'm his personal pet 
Wow how lucky can you get 
See her diamonds are gleam her life is a dream 
Wrap it up and charge it that's my is my favorite phrase 
How lucky can you get 
When I see the chauffeur think I'll give him a raise 
How lucky can you get 
Weekends in the country with the baron of course 
And a wardrobe to shock Mrs Asters pet horse 
Making merry music with the one that I love 
We're a perfect duet 
Gee how lucky can you 
Wee how lucky can you 
Wow how lucky can you get 
Ain't she got fun 
She's the luck the luck the luck the luck the luck 
The luck the luck the luck the luck the luck 
The luck 
Satin on my shoulder how lucky can you get 
Money in my pocket how lucky can you get 
Every night's a party where the fun never ends 
You can circle the globe with my circle of friends 
Someone I am crazy for is crazy for me 
I'm his personal pat 
Wow how lucky can you get 
Hi there gorgeous! 
Big success! 
What's your secret gorgeous! 
Just lucky I guess 
You wanna know what it's really like 
Satin on my shoulder and a smile on my lips 
Money in my pocket right at my fingertips 
Wrap it up and charge it that's my favorite phrase 
How lucky 
When I see the chauffeur think I'll give him a raise 
How lucky 
Life's a bed of roses whirling perfume on me 
You can spare me the blues I don't sing in that key 
And if there's a man who'd leave me I am happy to say 
I haven't run into him yet 
Gee Wee Wow 
How lucky, how lucky can you get! 



I believe for every drop of rain that falls 
A flower grows 
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night 
A candle glows 
I believe for every one who goes astray 
Someone will come 
To show the way 
I believe 
I believe 
I believe above the storm a smallest prayer 
Will still be heard 
And I believe that someone in the great somewhere 
His every word 
Every time I hear a newborn baby cry 
Or touch a leaf 
Or see a star 
Then I know why 
I believe 
When you walk 
Through a storm 
Hold your head up high 
And don't be afraid 
Of the dark 
At the end of the storm 
Is a golden sky 
And the sweet silver song of a lark 
Walk on through the wind 
Walk on through the rain 
Though your dreams be tossed 
And blown 
Walk on 
Walk on 
With hope in your heart 
And you'll never walk alone 
You'll never walk alone 
You'll never walk alone 
I believe 
I believe 
I believe 


(Feeling love is feeling good
I believe in love) Yeah 
(Feeling love is feeling good
I believe in love) Yeah 
Feeling love… that's all,
That's enough for me,
Yet I see… I see… 
Covered-up and empty-eyed,
Empty spaces…
Where there used to be a soul inside. 
Nothing and no-one ever gets to you,
Seems the wind could blow right through you,
Believing in Gods that never knew you.
I believe in love, I believe in love
I believe in feeling good, and that's feeling love. 
Now, worry… climbing up your money tree,
You got to hurry… monkey do what monkey see.
You're on a one-way street and you're speeding,
Missing the signs you oughta be reading,
Passing things you'll later be needing
I believe in love… what? 
I believe it - nobody sold me
Always knew it - nobody told me
I believe in someone to hold me
I believe in love, I believe in love, I do
Yes, I believe in feeling good
And that's feeling love… 
(Feeling love is feeling good)
Feeling love… that's all,
That's enough for me, I won't be… 
Don't want to be lonely… 
Sleeping in an empty bed
Shouldn't be only a place to rest my head
But I don't wanna find myself one day
Waking up and looking at Monday
With some "what's his name" left from Sunday
I believe in love… what! 
I believe it - nobody sold me
Always knew it - nobody told me
I believe in someone to hold me
I believe in love, I believe in love, I do
I believe in feeling good
Now everybody should 
Believe in feeling good
Believin', Believin' love!



I don't care much
Go or stay
I don't care very much
Either way
Hearts grow hard
On a windy street
Lips grow cold
With the rent to meet me
So if you kiss me
If we touch
Warning's fair,
I don't care very much
I don't care much
Go or stay
I don't care
Very much
Either way
Words sound false
When your coat's too thin
Feet don't waltz
When the roof caves in
So if you kiss me
If we touch
Warning's fair
I don't care
Very much...


Funny day 
Looking for laughter 
And finding it there 
Sunny day 
Braiding wild flowers 
And leaves in my hair 
Picked up a pencil 
And wrote "I LOVE YOU" 
In my finest hand 
Wanted to send it 
But I don't know 
Where I stand 
Even the sound of your voice 
Is still new 
All alone in California 
I'm talking to you 
I'm feeling too foolish and strange 
To say the words that I had planned 
I guess it's too early 
Cause I don't know 
Where I stand 
Crickets call 
Courting the ladies 
In starred apple green 
Thicket's tall 
Until the morning 
Comes up like a dream 
How muted and misty 
Such rouse 
And I'll take 
What sleep I can 
I know that I miss you 
But I don't know 
Where I stand 
I know that I miss you 
But I don't know 
Where I stand 
I loves you Porgy 
Don't let him take me 
Don't let him handle me 
And drive me mad 
If you can keep me, 
I wants to stay here 
With you forever and I’d be glad 
I loves you Porgy 
Don't let him take me 
Don't let him handle me 
With his hot hand 
If you can keep me, 
I wants to stay here 
With you forever 
I got my man 
Someday, I know he's comin' back 
To call me... 
He's gonna handle me and hold me so 
It's gonna be like dyin', Porgy, 
Deep inside me, 
But when he calls I know I have to go 
Porgy, I's your woman now 
I is, I is... 
And I ain't never goin' nowhere 
‘Less you shares the fun 
Want no wrinkle on your brow, 
No how 
Because the sorrow of the past is all 
Done, done 
My Porgy, 
Now the real happiness is just begun 
There's no wrinkle on my brow 
No how 
And I ain't goin' 
You hear me saying, if you ain't goin', 
With you I'm stayin' 
Porgy, I's yo' woman now, 
I's yours forever... 
Mornin' time and evenin' time 
And summer time and winter time 
Oh my Porgy... 
My man Porgy... 
From this minute I'm tellin' you, 
I keep this vow... 
Porgy, I's yo' woman now! 


I finally found someone, that knocks me off my feet
I finally found the one, that makes me feel complete

It started over coffee, we started out as friends
It's funny how from simple things, the best things begin

This time it's different,

Dah dah dah dah

It's all because of you,

Dah dah dah dah

It's better than it's ever been

'Cause we can talk it through

Oohh, my favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?"
It's all you had to say

To take my breath away
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night

'Cause whatever I do,
It's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone,
Ooh, someone

I finally found someone,

Oooh . . .

Did I keep you waiting,

I didn't mind

I apologize,

Baby, that's fine

I would wait forever

Just to know you were mine
You know I love your hair,

Are you sure it looks right?

I love what you wear,

Isn't it too tight?

You're exceptional,
Can't wait for the rest of my life . . .
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night

'Cause whatever I do,

It's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone,
And whatever I do,

It's just got to be you

My life has just begun
I finally found someone


We kiss in a shadow 
We hide from the moon 
Our meetings are few 
And over too soon 
I have dreamed 
That your arms 
Are lovely... 
I have dreamed 
What a joy 
You'll be... 
I have dreamed 
Every word you whisper 
(We speak in a whisper)
When you're close to me 
Close to me 
Afraid to be heard 
Alone in our secret 
Together we sigh 
For one smiling day 
To be free... 
How you look 
In the glow of evening 
(To kiss in the sunlight) 
I have dreamed 
And enjoyed the view 
(And say to the sky... ) 
In these dreams 
I've loved you so 
That by now I think I know 
What it's like to be loved by you 
(Behold and believe) 
I will love 
Being loved by you 
He will not always say 
What you would have him say 
But now and then he'll say 
Something wonderful 
The thoughtless things he'll do 
Will hurt and worry you 
Then all at once, he'll do 
Something wonderful 
He has a thousand dreams 
That won't come true 
You know that he believes in them 
And that's enough for you 
You'll always go along 
Defend him when he's wrong 
And tell him when he's strong 
He is wonderful. 
He'll always need your love 
And so he'll get your love 
A man who needs your love 
Can be wonderful! 


I'm dreaming tonight
Of a place I love
Even than more than I usually do
And although I know
It's a long road back
I promise you
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have some snow
And mistletoe
And presents round the tree
Christmas eve is gonna find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas 
If only in my dreams
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have some snow
And lots of mistletoe
And presents round that tree
Christmas eve is gonna find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas 
If only in my dreams
If only in my dreams....
I done lost my ugly spare 
I am cheerful now got the warmth all over 
To smother my worried brow 
Oh the girl I use to be 
She ain't me no more 
I closed the door on the girl I was before 
Feeling fine and full of bliss 
What I really wanna say is this 
I never has seen snow 
All the same I know 
Snow ain't so beautiful 
Can't be so beautiful 
Like my love is 
Like my love is 
Nothing do compare 
Nothing any where with my love 
A hundred things I see 
A twilight sky that tree 
But none so beautiful 
Not one so beautiful 
Like my love is 
Like my love is 
Once you see his face 
None can take the place of my love 
A stone rolled of my heart 
When I laid my eyes on that 
Near of me boy with that far away look 
And right from the start I saw a new horizon 
And a road to take me where I wanted to be took 
Needed to be took 
Needed to be took 
I never has seen snow 
All the same I know 
Nothing will ever be 
Nothing can ever be 
Beautiful as my love is 
Like my love is to me 
Nothing is as beautiful 
To me 


I  never meant  to  hurt  you 
I’m not that way at all 
Please  believe  the  words  of  the  heart 
A heart that seems so small 
And I swear I never meant to hurt you 
I  guess I  lost  my place 
Please,  believe the wards of the heart 
A heart that hides its fails 
Why  do  I  do  things 
I  never mean to do? 
Oh,  why did  I  speak  so  carelessly 
When all that  I  felt 
Was  love  for  you? 
And  I  swear  I  never 
I  never meant  to  hurt  you 
I've  got  to make you  know 
Please,  believe  the  words  of  the  heart 
A heart that didn’t show 
I  never meant  to  hurt  you 
I  only  meant  to  love  you 
It’s  true 
And  when  I  saw you  crying 
I  cried  too... 


Nothing is so good that lasts eternally 
Perfect situations must go wrong 
But this has never yet prevented me 
Wanting far too much for far too long. 
Looking back I could have played it differently 
One of few more moments who can tell 
But it took time to understand the man 
Now at least I know I know him well. 
Wasn't it good? Oh so good 
Wasn't he fine? Oh so fine 
Isn't it madness he can't be mine? 
But in the end he needs
A little bit more than me
More She needs security 
He needs his fantasy and freedom 
I know him so well. 
No one in your life is with you constantly 
No one is completely on your side 
And though I move my world to be with him 
Still the gap between us is too wide. 
Looking back I could have played it differently
Could have played things some other way. 
Learn about the man before I fell
I was just a little careless
But I was ever so much younger then. 
I was so much younger then
Now at least I know I know him well
Wasn't it good? Oh so good 
Wasn't he fine? Oh so fine 
Isn't it madness he won't be mine? 
Didn't I know how it would go?
If I knew from the start 
Why am I falling apart? 
Wasn't he fine? Isn't it madness 
He won't be mine?
But in the end he needs a little bit more than me 
More She needs security 
He needs his Fantasy and freedom 
I know him so well 
It took time to understand me 
I know him so well. 


I wonder as I wander out under the sky 
How Jesus, the Savior 
Did come for to die 
For poor only people 
Like you and like I 
I wonder as I wander out under the sky 
If Jesus had wanted far anything 
Star in the sky or a bird on the wing... 
Or all of God's angels 
And Heaven for to sing 
He surely could help it 
For He was the king 
I wander as I wander out under the sky 
How Jesus, the Savior 
Did come for to die 
For poor only people 
Like you and like I 
I wonder as I wander out under the sky 


Day after day I must face a world of strangers
Where I don't belong, I'm not that strong
It's nice to know that there's someone I can turn to
Who will always care, you're always there 
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you 
So many times when the city seems to be without 
a friendly face, A lonely place
It's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile 
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you 
Touch me and I end up singing
Troubles seem to up and disappear
You touch me with the love you're bringing 
I can't really lose when you're near, 
when you're near
And love, if all my friends 
have forgotten half their promises
They're not unkind, just hard to find
One look at you and I know 
that I could learn to live
Without the rest, I found the best 
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you 
When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you 


If I close my eyes
I can fly,
If I close my eyes
If I close my eyes
I can fly,
I can drink the rain
And taste the sky,
I can catch the wind
And make it mine
Like the sun
I shine. 
Suddenly a door
Opens wide
To a thousand paths
I've never tried
"Follow follow me"
I hear them say
And you'll find 
Your way 
Maybe dream's a dream
So that we can see
Just how real the dawn
Can be. 
All the dawn can be
Comes as no surprise
If I simply close my eyes.


If I Could 
I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes 
Give you courage in a world of compromise 
Yes I would 
If I could 
I would teach you all the things I've never learned 
And I'd help you cross the bridges that I've burned 
Yes I would 
If I could 
I would try to shield your innocence from time 
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine 
I've watched you grow 
So I could let you go 
If I could 
I would help you make it through the hungry years 
But I know that I can never cry your tears 
But I would 
If I could 
If I live in a time and place where you don't want to be 
You don't have to walk along this road with me 
My yesterday won't have to be your way 
If I knew 
How I'd try to change the world I brought you to 
And there isn't very much that I can do 
But I would 
If I could 
If I could 
I would try to shield your innocence from time 
But that part of life I gave you isn't mine 
I watched you grow so I could let you go 
If, if I could 
I would help you make it through those hungry years 
But I know that I can never cry your tears 
But I would 
If I could 
Yes I would 
Yes I would 
If I could 


I often wonder why he came to me 
Brought such a flame to me 
Then let it die 
And if another love should find my heart 
It will remind my heart of your goodbye 
With every new love 
You’ll come back to me 
In other eyes it’s you I see 
If I love again 
Though it’s someone new 
If I love again 
It will still be you 
In someone else’s firm embrace 
I close my eyes but see your face 
If I love again 
I’ll find another charms 
But I’ll make believe 
You are in my arms 
And though my lips whisper "I love you!" 
My heart will not be true 
I’ll be loving you 
Every time I love again... 


If I loved you
Time and again 
I would try to say
All I'd want you to know 
If I loved you
Words wouldn't come 
In an easy way
Round in circles I'd go 
Longing to tell you
But afraid and shy
I'd let my golden chances 
Pass me by 
Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go 
In the mist of day,
Never never to know
How I loved you
If I loved you.


If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell
Just like an old time movie
'Bout a ghost from a wishin' well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
You know that ghost is me
And I will never be set free
As long as I'm a ghost that you can't see. 
If I could read your mind, love,
What a tale your thoughts could tell,
Just like a paperback novel
The kind that drugstores sell
When you reach the part 
Where the heartaches come
The hero would be me
But heroes often fail
And you won't read that book again
Because the ending's just too hard to take. 
I'd walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script
Enter number two
A movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me
But for now love, let's be real
I never thought I could feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it
I don't know where we went wrong
But the feeling's gone
And I just can't get it back. 
If you could read my mind love
What a tale my thoughts could tell
Just like an old time movie
'Bout a ghost from a wishin' well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
But stories always end
And if you read between the lines
You'll know that I'm just tryin' to understand
The feeling's that you lack
I never thought I could feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it
I don't know where we went wrong
But the feeling's gone
And I just can't get it back.


I'm all smiles, darling 
You'd be too 
If you knew, darling 
All of the smiles were for you 
I'm all chills, darling 
Through and through 
But my cold hands, darling 
Warm to the touch of you 
Rain hasn't fallen for days now 
But rainbows are filling the skies 
My heart must have painted those rainbows 
Shining before my eyes 
Can't you tell that I'm in love, darling? 
Deep and true, with guess who, darling 
Someone I die for 
Beg steal or lie for 
Eat humble pie for 
Someone to fly 
To the sun, moon and sky for 
Someone to live for 
To love with and cry for 
And that someone is you... 


I'm always chasing rainbows
Watching clouds drifting by
My schemes are just like all my dreams
Ending in the sky 
Some fellas look and find the sunshine
I always look and find the rain
Some fellas make a winning sometime
I never even make a game 
Believe me
I'm always chasing rainbows
And waiting to find a little bluebird
In vain
I'm always chasing rainbows
And waiting to find a little bluebird
In vain


Make believe we've landed
On a desert island
Bathe me in the waters
Warm in the moonlight
Taste me with your kisses
Find my secret places
Touch me till I tremble
Free my wings for flying
And catch me when I'm falling
Keep your arms around me
Like there's no tomorrow
Let me know you love me 
On our little island
Not a soul can see us
Show me how to love you
Teach me how to please you
Lay your dreams beside me
Only stars will listen
To our cries and whispers
You were made to love me
And I was made to love you
Keep your arms around me
Lose yourself inside me
Make it last forever 
I can see the island
Shining in the distance
Now we're getting closer
Keep your arms around me
Oh now we're almost there
On our little island
Not a soul can hear us
Silently exchanging
Fantasies and feelings
Endlessly exploring
Learning one another
Till the morning finds us
You were made to love me
And I was made to love you
Keep your arms around me
Lose yourself completely
Make it last forever 
I can see the island
Shining there before us
Now we're getting closer
Just keep your arms around me
Come my love, we're there….


It's a funny thing. 
I look at you. 
I get a thrill 
I never knew. 
Isn't it a pity 
We never met before? 
Here we are at last. 
It's like a dream. 
The two of us 
A perfect team. 
Isn't it a pity 
We never met before? 
Imagine all the lonely years we've wasted. 
Me with the neighbors. 
You at silly labors. 
What joys untasted. 
My nights were sour, 
Spent with Schopenhauer 
Let's forget the past. 
Let's both agree 
That I'm for you 
And you're for me. 
And it's such a pity 
We never, never met before. 
Imagine all the years we've wasted. 
Fishing for salmon 
Losing at backgammon. 
What joys untasted. 
Me at the Prado, 
You in Colorado. 
Happiest of girls I'm sure to be 
If only you would say to me 
That it's such a pity 
We never met before. 
What an awful pity 
We never, never met before. 


I loved the man 
Truly I did 
When he would touch me I act like a love-hungry kid 
Isn't this better 
Somebody nice somebody new 
Someone who lets me react as I normally do 
Isn't this better 
Passion is fine but passion burns fast 
Passions design seems never to last 
Better a match better a blend 
Who needs a lover I need a friend 
Now I am calm, safe and serene 
Heartache and hurt are no longer a part of the scene 
Isn't this better 
The way it should be 
Better for him 
And also much better for me 
Isn't this better 
Passion is fine but passion burns fast 
Passions design seems never to last 
Better a match better a blend 
Who needs a lover I need a friend 
Now I am calm, safe and serene 
Heartache and hurt are no longer a part of the scene 
Isn't this better 
The way it should be 
Better for him 
Much better for him 
And also much better for me 


It must be you. 
Making me feel things I can't explain. 
For some reason I'm just laughing at the rain. 
I can't believe who I am has changed to suddenly. 
I'm doing things I never thought I'd do. 
This is not like me. 
It must be you. 
It's must be love. 
Nothing else could turn me upside down. 
Or plant my feet so firmly on the ground. 
What's happening? 
Everything I say 
I wanna sing. 
Everything I've dreamed is coming true. 
What's this feeling in my heart? 
It must be you. 
Hold me now like this forever 
Let this moment go on endlessly. 
I'm alive when you're beside me. 
That's how I know that we were meant to be. 
What's happening? 
Everything I say I want to sing. 
Everything I've dreamed is coming true. 
What's this feeling in my heart? 
It must be you. 
It must be you. 
It must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air
That feeling everywhere
It must have been the pretty lights
That glistened in the silent night
It may be just the stars so bright
That shined above you
Our first Christmas
More than we'd be dreaming of
Ah, Saint Nicholas had his fingers crossed
That we would fall in love!
It could have been the holiday,
The midnight ride upon sleigh 
The countryside all dressed in white
The crazy snowball fight!
It could have been the steeplebell 
That wrapped us up in its spell
It only took one kiss to know
It must have been the mistletoe!
Our first Christmas 
More than we'd be dreaming of
Ah, St. Nicholas must have known that kiss
Would lead to all of this!!
It must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air
That made me love you!
On Christmas eve our wish came true
That I would fall in love with you
It only took one kiss to know
It must have been the mistletoe!
It must have been the mistletoe!
It must have been the mistletoe!
I've never been in love before 
Now all at once it is you 
It is you forever more 
I've never been in love before 
I thought my heart was safe 
I thought I knew the score 
But this is why 
That's all too strange and strong 
and full of foolish song 
and out my song pall 
So please forgive this helpless haze I'm in 
I've never really been in love before 
So this is why that's all too strange and strong 
and full of foolish song 
and out my song must pall 
So please forgive this helpless haze I'm in 
I've never really been in love before! 



Jubilation  with  some   celebration  beginning 
Total  rejection  to lies  and  deception and  sinning 
Sinners take  key 
For  the life that  you lead is  deceiving 
Nothing  replaces  a man 
That embraces believing, no! 
People  take  heart 
It’s the time to be sport 
To be honest 
Total reunion 
There’s one last  communion upon us 
Sinners take the key 
For the life that you lead is deceiving 
Nothing replaces a man 
That embraces believing,  no! 
(You know I’m betting, I’m betting on Jesus) 
I'm betting on Jesus, I'm hoping 
I’m hoping hell freezes 
I’m hoping it just freezes 
The  devil, I’m talking 'bout the devil 
Oh oh oh, Oo Oo Oo 
As for the children 
God bless and  God will 
They’d  know  sorrow 
Share the confusion 
And life’s disillusion tomorrow 
Sinners take key 
For the life that you lead is deceiving 
Nothing replaces a man that embraces believing, no! 
(You know I'm betting) 
I’m betting on Jesus 
I’m hoping,  I'm  hoping  hell  freezes 
I’m hoping, I’m hoping it just freezes the devil, 
Get down on the devil 
Hey Jubilation with some celebrating  beginning 
Total rejection to lies and deception and  sinning 
Sinners take key 
For the life that you lead is deceiving,  yeah! 
Nothing replaces a man 
That  embraces believing,  no! 
Jubilation,  jubilation,  jubilation 
I  said jubilation 
Oh  oh  oh,  (hey, jubilation) 
I  need  it  now(Hey Jubilation) 
Hey,  Jubilation 
I'm gonna have a great jubilation... 
Get some celebration 
(Hey Jubilation) 
Let me hear you say 
Let me hear you say 


Just a little lovin' 
Early in the morning 
Beats a cup of coffee 
For starting off the day 
Just a little lovin' 
When the world is young 
And makes you wake up 
Feeling good things 
Are coming your way 
This old world wouldn't be half as bad 
And wouldn't be half as sad 
If each and everybody in it had 
Just a little lovin' 
Early in the morning 
A little extra something 
To kinda see them through 
Nothing turns the day on 
Or really gets it dawning 
Like a little bit of lovin' 
From some lovin' someone like you 
This old world couldn't be half as bad 
And wouldn't be half as sad 
If each and everybody in it had 
Just a little lovin' 
Early in the morning 
Just a little lovin' 
Early in the day 
Just a little lovin' 
Early in the morning... 


Just in time
I found you just in time
Before you came, my time
Was running low,
I was lost, 
The losing dice were tossed,
My bridges all were crossed
Nowhere to go,
Now you're here
And now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fear
I found my way
For love came just in time
I found you just in time
And changed my lonely life and lucky day






Mmmm, Mmmm, 
Once upon a time 
I was afraid 
Of letting go 
Letting someone in 
My feelings stayed 
Behind a door that had no key 
Leading with my heart 
Never was for me 
Living in my mind 
Running away 
Till someone's arms 
Caught me by surprise 
I never knew 
The power of love that I suppose 
Deep in every heart 
There's a part that knows 
Listen to it's voice 
For it whispers what your dreams are made of 
So why be afraid of 
What you know is true 
Every day you learn 
Leading with your heart 
Can lift you higher 
Where your hearts desire 
Will be waiting for you 
Follow what you feel 
Feelings are wise 
Believe your heart 
As you believe your eyes 
And like a child 
Who's wandered off and lost its way 
You can find a place 
Where you soul believes 
That your home to stay 
Follow what you feel 
Anywhere it goes 
Believe your heart 
Trusting that it knows 
As the dark of night 
Will always find the light of day 
Listening with your heart 
You will hear it say 
Leading with your heart 
You will find your way 


Last month 
While thinking of love 
I wrote him some words and mailed them away 
But the next day 
I found at my door a letter from Spain 
He’d sent long before 
And it’s not read 
I haven’t heard from you in weeks 
I must assume that you no longer care 
Too bad that’s it, goodbye 
It’s just amazing 
How loving can fail 
From letters that cross in the mail 
A life, a love, a chance to win it all 
Can pass you by, in the far gone seen 
And you think you’ll find your fate tomorrow night 
And he finds somebody else in-between 
I sat with swords in my heart 
And pen in a hand I wrote 
I’m glad that we’re through 
Full of hate I mailed it 
But then in a week a letter arrived 
With love did it speak 
I loved the tender words you sent 
It seems I wronged you please forgive me 
I’ll return by ship real soon 
But I know now that he’ll never sail 
Our letters will cross in the mail 
It’s just amazing 
How time brings a loss 
And loving can fail 
Like letters that cross in the mail... 


It's a god-awful small affair 
To the girl with the mousy hair 
But her mother is yelling "No" 
And her daddy has told her to go 
But her friend is nowhere to be seen 
As she walks through her sunken dream 
To the seat with the clearest view 
And she's hooked to the silver screen 
But the film is a saddening bore 
For she's lived it ten times or more 
She could spit in the eyes of fools 
As they ask her to focus on… 
Sailors fighting in the dance hall 
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show, 
Take a look at the Lawman 
Beating up the wrong guy, 
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know 
He's in the best selling show 
Is there life on Mars? 
It's on America's tortured brow 
Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow 
Now the workers have struck for fame 
'Cause Lennon's on sale again, 
See the mice in their million hordes 
From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads,
Rule Britannia is out of bounds 
To my mother, my dog, and clowns, 
But the film is a saddening bore 
'Cause I wrote it ten times before 
It's about to be writ again 
As I ask you to focus on 
Sailors fighting in the dance hall 
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show, 
Take a look at the Lawman 
Beating up the wrong guy, 
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know 
He's in the best selling show 
Is there life on Mars? 


Don't want to stay here 
Not very nice 
You boiled me over 
Now you're cold as ice 
From what you gave me 
To what you made me 
I should be homeward bound 
Why am I hangin' round knowing 
You're life story began with somebody else 
Find your glory out there with somebody else 
I'll be where you find me 
I'll be somebody else 
Somebody else 
Dog in the manger 
Teller of lies 
I see a stranger laughing in your eyes 
Though I don't know how 
I'm in the way now 
No matter what you do 
I go on loving you knowing 
Your life story began with somebody else 
Find your glory out there with somebody else 
I’ll be where you find me 
I'll be somebody else 
Deeper than your valleys 
Longer than your memory 
I got to your story's end 
Your life story began with somebody else 
Find your glory out there with somebody else 
I'll be where you find me 
I'll be somebody else 
Somebody else, Somebody else, Somebody else 
Somebody else, Somebody else, Somebody else 
I'll be somebody else... I'll be somebody else... 


Time has come again
And love is in the wind
Like some music in a dream
You made them all come true
When you came inside of my life
Now I'm lost 
Inside of you
Lost in the music
And lost in your eyes
I could spend all of my time
Hearing songs you sing
Feeling love you bring
Darling being close to you 
Made all ...
Made all my dreams come true
When you came inside my life
Now I'm lost inside of you


Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved. 
Love is you, you and me,
Love is knowing it can be
Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved.


Love in the Afternoon, 
Love in the Afternoon
He walked right up and told me that he liked my style
I noticed something different in the way he smiled
He said "You're quite a lady and I know a place that's shady
Would you like to come and lie with me awhile?" 
And deep in my soul I could feel a quiver
Then he went down and found that sweet old river
And he showed me the way to find love in the afternoon. 
I knew he was a stranger but I didn't care
We had something in common but it wasn't clear
He said that life's a lover when you love and like no other
Don't you think it's time for you to get your share? 
And deep in my soul I could feel a quiver
Then he went down and found that sweet old river
And he showed me the way to find love in the afternoon. 
I never could remember or recall his name
But I hang on to that memory just the same
I know it makes me crazy, it makes my head all hazy
To think about the way he played that game 
And deep in my soul I could feel a quiver
Then he went down and found that sweet old river
And he showed me the way to find love in the afternoon. 
Yes, deep in my soul, I could feel a quiver
Then he went down and found that sweet old river
And he showed me the way to find,
Showed me and showed me and showed me 
The way to find love in the afternoon 


My dearest love who existed in a dream till this evening
When a wave came and swept me out to sea,
None of the loves that you known could prepare you 
For the love raging everywhere in me. 
For all the arms that have covered you,
The hands that have touched you,
And the lips you have lingered on before,
Added together would be less than an Hors d'ouvre
In the banquet of love I have in store 
Love seasoned to entice,
Love with all the trimmings
Filled with spice,
Love flavored to your whim
Served piping hot with all the trimmings. Mmmm… 
For I'll decode every breath and every sigh
Till your every lover's wish is fulfilled before it's made,
Toss in some jealousy and doubt
Should it be required,
Not rest till there's nothing more desired,
Thus loving as I do
Never never will you ever be untrue,
Having love with all the trimmings 
Waiting all for you.


So the word is goodbye
Makes no difference how the tears are cried
It's over
And my heart lives alone
I can make believe you need me
When it's over 
And we can't take it home
The fire that was burning
When all around was turning
And we were cruising for the ride 
Got to give a little of the love inside
Not to take it all
And watch me fall
I got me loving you
I had you loving me 
And we both played along
Love is easy on the young
Life was together
As the world fades away
Into yesterday
I'm losing you forever 
I'm just an empty shell
With nothing for tomorrow
I'm here to face the sorrow
The dream we sailed was far & wide 
Got to give a little of the love inside
Not to take apart
This breaking heart
I got me loving you
I had you loving me 
So the word is goodbye
Makes no difference how the tears are cried
It's over
And my heart lives alone 
I can make believe you need me 
When it's over 
And we can't take it home 
The fire that is burning
When all around is turning
The dream we sailed was far & wide 
Got to give a little of the love inside
The love inside
The love inside 
(Repeat till fade…)


Horace Vandergelder, Mrs. Horace Vandergelder 
Just leave ev'rything to me 
Though it wont be like the first time 
How can it be like the first time? 
But Why does it have to be? 
Don't look for shooting stars 
For love is only love 
You touch and still you touch the proud 
Don't listen for those bells 
For love is only love 
And if it's love you've found 
Your heart won't hear a sound 
And you hold his hand 
You only hold his hand 
The violins are all a bluff 
But if you're really wise 
The silence of his eyes 
Will tell you 
Love is only love 
And it's wonderful enough 
Without the shooting star 
Without the sounds of bells 
Without the violins 
Love is wonderful enough! 


Self-contained and self-content
No promises to keep
I've got things so together
That I just can't fall asleep
Walked the night and drank the moon
Got home at half-past four,
And I knew that no-one marked my time
As I unlocked my door. 
It's really lovely to discover
That you like to be alone
Not to owe your man an answer
When he gets you on the phone
Not to share a pair of pork chops
When you crave champagne and cheese
And your aim becomes to please yourself
And not to aim to please
Oh they sold me when they told me 
Two can live as cheap as one
But I'm learning twice you're earning
Doesn't mean it's twice the fun
If you spend your each dime and all your time
On someone else's schemes
I'm not needy but I'm greedy
And I live my deepest dreams
Take an hour in the shower
Use the water while it's hot
In the tub a hand to scrub my back
Is all I haven't got. 
Self-aware with self-esteem
Is selfishness a crime?
I take the day for quite a ride
And I take my own sweet time
Time to spare and time to share
And grateful I would be
If just one damn man would share the need
To be alone with me. 



Extra! Extra! 
I’m in love 
I gotta thank my luck stars above 
Hurry, hurry don’t be late 
Cause I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
It’s a fact 
We got a first rate act 
It’s evident when we make love 
The main event 
You’re my every thought 
You’re my own attraction 
You must be heaven’s saint 
You give me so much satisfaction 
(You’re the one) 
You make life worth fighting for 
You’re the one-ah! 
And there is nobody quite like you 
Baby, you’re the one... 
Extra! Extra! 
I’m in love 
I gotta thank my luck stars above 
Hurry, hurry don’t be late 
I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
It’s a fact 
We got a first rate act 
It’s evident when we make love 
The main event 
You’re my everything 
And it’s my conclusion 
There is no sweeter scent 
When you have found the right solution 
(You’re the one) 
You make life worth fighting for 
You’re the one-ah! 
And there is nobody quite like you 
Honey, you’re the one 
Extra! Extra! 
I’m in love 
I gotta thank my luck stars above 
Hurry, hurry don’t be late 
I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
It’s a fact 
We got a first rate act 
It’s evident when we make love 
The main event 
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! 
Fight for what you want 
Fight for what you need 
Fight to keep the one you love 
With love you might succeed 
(Fight!) Come on and fight! 
(Fight!) Fight for what you want 
Fight! Fight for what is real 
Fight to keep the one you love 
If love is what you feel 
Don’t try to kick me when I’m down 
No love-ah! 
Cause I’m gonna lift you every round 
(Keep it comin’, keep it comin’) 
Look out kid cause I’m a-comin’ 
(Keep on tryin’, keep on tryin’) 
You’re a knockout 
So put up your dukes and fight 
(Fight! Fight!) 
I said fight! 
Don’t try to kick me when I’m down 
My feet are planted on the ground 
You’re gonna give up without a sound 
(Keep it comin’, keep it comin’) 
Look out kid cause love’s a-comin’ 
(Keep on tryin’, keep on tryin’) 
I’m a winner there’s no denying 
(Keep it goin’, keep it goin’) 
You’re a knockout 
So put up your dukes and fight 
Ah...Extra! Extra! 
I’m in love 
Hurry, hurry don’t be late 
Cause I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
It’s a fact 
We got a first rate act 
It’s evident when we make love... 
(Extra! Extra! I’m in love) 
I’m gonna thank my luck stars above 
(Hurry, hurry don’t be late) 
I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
(Extra! Extra! I’m in love) 
I’m gonna thank my luck stars above 
(Hurry, hurry don’t be late) 
I can’t wait 
(When we make love) 
The main eveeeeeeeeeeent 
(When we make love) 
(You’re the one) 
You’re my everything (You’re the one) 
You’re my own attraction (You’re the one) 
You must be heaven’s saint (You’re the one) 
You give me so much satisfaction (You’re the one) 
You’re my everything (You’re the one) 
And it’s my conclusion (You’re the one) 
There is no sweeter scent 
When I’ve found the right solution 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
When we make love 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
You’re the one 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
Uh! You’re the one 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
You’re the one 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
I’ve found the right solution 
(When we make love) 
Extra! Extra! I’m in love 
(When we make love) 
I’m gonna thank my lucky stars above 
(When we make love) 
Hurry, hurry don’t be late 
I can’t wait 
I gotta celebrate 
(When we make love) 
When we make love 
(When we make love) 
I’m gonna thank my lucky stars above 
(When we make love) 
You make life worth fighting for 
I can’t help, I’m running back for more 
(You’re the one) 
When we make love 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
When we make love 
(You’re the one, you’re the one) 
When we make love


Didn't I like to hold you in my hand 
I was doing you no harm 
I made you understand 
All my life I've been that way 
It happened long ago 
Didn't I pray to love you through the night 
I was dreaming wide awake 
The early morning light shine on me 
A sorry state 
My heart has told me so 
And the storm clouds gather overhead 
No shelter we can share 
Lie down on my flower bed 
I got no control 
I would sell my soul 
To be there 
So forever do or die 
We just belong 
Kiss hello , no wave goodbye 
And the heat is stronger 
For the moment when we touch 
No wind can hold me 
Come from loving you too much 
And the nights are longer 
Make it like a memory 
Make it like a dream unreal 
Make it like we never met 
But I can't forget 
It's how I feel 
Make it like a memory 
Take away the sound and the sight 
There'll never be another love 
With the power of , you and I 
Maybe I'm wrong to hold you in my hand 
I believed you when you lied 
I tried to understand 
All my life , I've been that way 
It happened long ago 
Make it like a memory 
Make it like a dream unreal 
Make it like we never ever met 
But I can't forget 
It's how I feel 
Make it like a memory 
Take away the sound and the sight 
There'll never be another love 
With the power of , you and I 


Avec un doigt sur un piano, 
Avec ma voix autour de quelques mots, 
J'ai tant joue avec ton nom, 
Que j'ai vu naitre une chanson. 
J'avais dans mes mains, 
Ton coeur et le mien. 
Ce vieux piano revient toujours, 
Au premier jour de mon premier amour, 
Chaque seconde avait ton nom, 
Et j'ai trouve cette chanson. 


Some day he'll come along, 
The man I love 
And he'll be big and strong, 
The man I love 
And when he comes my way 
I'll do my best to make him stay 
He'll look at me and smile,I understand, 
And in a little while he'll take my hand 
And though it seem absurd, 
I know we both won't say, we won't say a word 
Maybe I shall meet him Sunday, maybe Monday maybe not 
Still I'm sure to meet him one day 
Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day 
We'll build a little home just meant for two, 
From which I'll never roam 
Who would would you? 
And so all else above 
I'm waiting for the man I love 
Maybe I shall meet him on Sunday maybe Monday maybe not 
Still I'm sure to meet him one day 
Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day 
We'll build a little home just meant for two, 
From which I'll never, ever roam 
Who would, would you? 
And so all else above I'm waiting for... 
The man I love! 


I can see Martina as a child of three 
In the sad seclusion of her nursery 
Go outside, Martina! Go outside and play 
Never speak, Martina, put your toys away 
So her days were loveless 
And her nights the same 
When she cried for someone 
No one ever came... 
Is it any wonder that her eyes grew cold? 
That she loved nobody and her young heart grew old 
All the children crying from the age of three 
Grow to be Martina’s and me... 


I've got a minute
Just a little minute
I have only got a minute
Just a minute
I have only got a minute
That is all the time I have
To sing this tiny little minute waltz
It isn't easy but I'll try it then
I've got to say goodbye
But first I'll take a minute
And put in it
Every note that Chopin wrote
And I shall sing a little minute waltz
And hope that I can sing with no faults
And though it's difficult
I'll give it every last breath that I got within my body
Hope that my performance won't be very shoddy
Singing every moment won't do wonders for my throat
I probably will end up hoarse
Of course I will I've got it down a wager
That I made I will I want
I know its not the money but the
Satisfaction that I get from winning money 
On this silly kind of bet 
Though this kind of solo wasn't his intention
Chopin isn't here to make an intervention
So with your permission
And no intermission
I will sing each note
That that composer wrote
As you can hear my trilling
Isn't very thrilling
But no one can say
I wasn't very willing
To attempt a thing that's not been done
And just for fun to sing the minute waltz 
As I sing the seconds fly
All too soon the minute waltzes by
And now I ask you where am I
Halfway through the tune and I'm falling far behind 
I have less than thirty seconds
Less than thirty seconds
Less than thirty 
Less than half a minute
I have less than thirty seconds
I have less than half a minute
To complete this little minute waltz
But every note that's in the score I buy
The sands of time I know are pouring 
Let me win my bet and I’ll run with the money
Down to some big store and there to buy a honey
And a trophy for myself
To put upon the shelf
To show the world I won 
Oh, the second hand is rushing round the dial
And though I'd like to end this torture with a smile
And lest someone knows how to stop the clock
You're gonna see me cry
Before I say goodbye
Eight little measures to complete the song
But I'm afraid my little lungs will burst before too long
If only I can last to scale 
I won't have failed to sing the minute waltz.


Whether you are here or yonder 
Whether you are false or true 
Whether you remain or wander 
I’m growing fonder of you 
Even though your friends forsake you 
Even though you don't succeed 
Wouldn't I be glad to take you 
Give you the break you need 
More than you know 
More than you know 
Man of my heart, I love you so 
Lately I find 
You're on my mind 
More than you know 
Whether you're right, whether you're wrong 
Man of my heart, I'll string along 
You need you so 
More than you'll ever know 
Loving you the way that I do 
There's nothing I can do about it 
Loving may be all you can give 
But honey, I can't live without it 
Oh how I'd cry, oh how I'd cry 
If you got tired, and said goodbye 
More than I'd show 
More than you'd ever know. 


Nights are lone since you went away 
I think about you 
All through the day 
My buddy...  My  buddy... 
Nobody quiet so true 
Miss your voice, the touch of your hand 
Just long to know that you understand 
My buddy... My buddy... 
Your buddy misses you 
It's over 
All over 
And soon somebody else 
Will make a fuss about you 
But how about me? 
It's over 
All over 
And soon somebody else 
Will tell the friends 
About you 
But how about me 
He'll find somebody new 
But what am I to do 
I'd still remember you 
When you have  forgotten me 
And maybe a baby 
Will climb upon your knee 
And put his arms around you 
But how about me 
My buddy... Your buddy 
Misses you... 


Whatever you are you’re goin’ to be 
Whatever you are is all right with me 
You’re gonna be what you want anyway 
These are the words I heard my father say 
When I was a young girl 
And shy of men 
He said when you’re ready 
You’ll know just when 
And when I was taken and thrown away 
There wasn’t a reason to face the day 
And so he said: 
Whatever you are you’re goin’ to be 
Whatever you are is all right with me 
You’re gonna be what you want anyway 
These are the words I heard my father say 
My father’s song is clear and easy 
And though he’s gone he lives in my heart 
When I go wrong I swear he sees me 
And he smiles for a star, and he says: 
Wherever you are I’m here by your side 
My life is a rope that won’t come untied 
Oh, I’m gonna stand by you right or wrong 
These are the words within my father’s song 
These are the words within my father’s song 


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens 
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens 
Brown paper packages tied up with strings 
These are a few of my favorite things 
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels 
Doorbells and sleighbells and schnitzel with noodles 
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings 
These are a few of my favorite things 
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes 
Snow flakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes 
Silver white winters that melt into springs 
These are a few of my favorite things 
When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad 
I simply remember my favorite things 
Like sliver white winters that melt into springs 
And then I don't feel so bad! 


Be hold the way our fine feathered friend 
His virtue doth parade 
Thou knowest not my dim witted friend 
The picture Thou hast made 
Thy vacant brow and Thy tousled hair 
Conceal Thy good intent 
Thou noble upright, truthful, sincere 
And slightly dopey gent 
You're my funny Valentine 
Sweet comic Valentine 
You make me smile with my heart 
Your looks are laughable 
Yet you're my favorite work of art 
Is your figure less than Greek 
Is your mouth a little weak 
When you open it to speak 
Are you smart? 
But don't change a hair for me 
Not if you care for me 
Stay little Valentine stay 
Each day is Valentine's day! 


I got the feelin' the feeling's gone 
My heart has gone to sleep 
One of these mornings I'll be gone 
My heart belongs to me 
Can we believe in fairy tales? 
Can love survive when all else fails? 
Can't hide the feelin' the feeling' s gone 
My heart belongs to me 
But now my love, hey didn't I love you 
But we knew what had to be 
Some how my love I'll always love you 
But my heart belongs to me 
Put out the light and close your eyes 
Come lie beside me, don't ask why 
Can't hide the feelin' the feeling's gone 
My heart belongs to me 
But now my love, hey didn't I love you 
Didn't I love you, didn't I love you, didn't I love you, baby! 
Don't cry my love, I'll always love you 
But my heart belongs to me 
I got the feelin' the feeling's gone 
My heart belongs to me... 
I got the feelin' the feeling's gone 
My heart belongs to me... 
Didn't I love you, didn't I love you 


Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright,
What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his
Forever more 
It cost me a lot
But that's one thing that I've got
It's my man
Cold and wet 
Tired you bet
But all that I soon forget
With my man
He's not much for looks
And no hero out of books
He's my man
Two or three girls has he
That he likes as well as me
But I love him 
Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright,
What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his
Forever more 


Songs  N-Z











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