

The Story Part 4

The Story Part 4

It's the same wall Kira emerged from at the beginning of the movie....the song "The Fall by E.L.O." plays while he skates back an forth to the wall. He then backs far away from it, gets a head start.....then rushes the wall faster than a bullet and then disappears into the wall! He is transported into another dimension......but what will he find on the other side?


Sonny realizes what has happened and starts to call Kira's name....she appears and asks him how he found her, how did he get there....he tells her "you didn't really think I would let you get away from me did u? I love you Kira" then he tells her, he is going to take her back with him, she tries to explain that its impossible for her to go, then we hear from Zeus and Hera....Sonny and Kira both beg them to let them have one more night together, just one moment.....they won't hear of it and Sonny is sent back to Earth.  Kira then sings her heart out in "Suspended in Time."


The next day is the club opening......a grand opening with dancers and skaters all around, putting on shows...in every room of the club......and the title song begins to play....and we see Kira appear......dancing and singing the song....."A place, where nobody dared to go...the love that we came to know, they call it Xanadu......the song continues and we see Sonny and Kira dancing together, happy in love.  Kira then goes into a wonderful tap dance sequence with her 8 sisters who are there with her. Dressed all in pink, lined up like chorus girls, they turn and all of a sudden they are all wearing leopard print miniskirts and boots....Kira lets go, talking about a Fool!....The scene then changes into a Country western number....


Then the song ends with Kira and her 8 sisters descending back to heaven......leaving Sonny all alone..........

Sonny looks so sad....He has just lost the one person that means the most to him....Danny trying to cheer him up, buys him a drink, Sonny declines but the waitress comes over anyway....bringing him a drink. Sonny looks up to tell her thank you and guess who it is!?! KIRA! It seems she has been allowed to return and stay for good this time.....They begin to talk and laugh and smile as the credits role and the title song plays once again.  Ah movie magic!  I'm guessing they lived happily ever after!