This Homepage was created in memory of the students and their Engineering Academy of Denmark, which was the department of the Technical University of Denmark.

The Academy does not exist any more, but the students do. Some of them may have been successful in their careers. Others may have a little trouble. But they still meet each other regularly every year in the address of one of them, whose name is Paul Christensen.

the Engineering Academy of Denmark

Study Tour in Sweden in1984

Stockholm. December 1984 Stockholm. December 1984 ASEA Company. December 1984

Study Tour in Germany in1985

On the train to Munich. Otober 1985 Transform Station. Otober 1985 On the Town. Otober 1985 Transform Station. Otober 1985

Transform Station. Otober 1985 Transform Station. Otober 1985 Munich. Otober 1985

The Diploma of Engineering Academy of Denmark

Certificate of the Engineering Academy of Denmark

Ten years later, employed at the Private Cultural Institution FOCUS in Frederiksberg district

FOCUS 1995

FOCUS 1995 FOCUS 1995

The employment of an Academic

The Power Station of Copenhagen Stopped after the probation period by the reason of not to be qualified.
The Hospital of Hvidovre district in Copenhagen

This job offer was arranged by the Public Employment Agency in Copenhagen.
Stopped after term of the contract.
The Technical University of Denmark

Again an arranged job offer from the Public Employment Agency in Copenhagen.
Stopped after term of the contract.
The Private Cultural Institution in Frederiksberg district in Copenhagen

Working but still unemployed.
This special job offer was an agreement between the Academic and the Public Employment Agency, it should not be called a job offer, but an activity offer for a long term unemployed.
Stopped after term of the contract.

Pham, Huu Dung

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