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Wedding countdown: months days

One week and counting!! Amy and I will be in Florida beginning Tuesday, October 9th. Please feel free to call us on the cel phone at 1-818-398-2079 with any questions, or to get directions.

The wedding starts at 2:00 PM on Saturday, October 13.

If this is your first visit, please go to the Wedding FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). If you have any further questions, please feel free to call or email and ask. Thanks.

New on the site (updated Oct. 6, 2001)

  1. It's almost here. We're running around trying to fix any last minute details. We look forward to seeing you in Florida!
  2. The Hotels page has been finished! We're also mailing out maps to many of our guests.
  3. Wedding invitations have been mailed out! Now it's real!
  4. We are now living in Los Angeles. Check out the Contact page for updated address and phone numbers.
  5. We graduated! After more than 45 combined years in school, we're done. Wow. Now what are we going to do?
  6. Sign the Guestbook! We want to know who is visiting.
  7. Check out pictures of the wedding dress in the Photos section.
  8. Check out About Adam and About Amy for creativity and insight at its worst!


Links on this site:

What's New?
Wedding FAQ
About Adam
About Amy
The Proposal

Contact Us
Sign Wedding Guestbook
View Wedding Guestbook
