Tad and Liza Home page

   Welcome to my page dedicated to my favorite potential couple on All My Children.

In Tad's own words. "Look we've got this history, ok? We've been lovers. We've been enemies. We've been rivals. We've been through it all. We've been through the ringer and we've come out of it friends."

   While I don't exactly see this happening, I still don't think they are finished with each other. At least I hope not.


 Fan Fiction




 News and Spoilers



I have started an email mailing list for people who would like to talk about Tad and Liza. If you would like to be put on the list click here.

Actor Biographies:

Michael E. Knight

Marcy Walker

If you want Tad and Liza together, speak up. You can write to All My Children at:
All My Children
77 West 66th Street
New York, New York 10023
Or email them at: daytime@ccabc.com
Here are some more addresses.