Lets take a trip, shall we? a trip down Gerard Street.. a trip down.. memory lane.

Remember THIS episode?!

remember when kimmy is learning how to play the bagpipes.. in her backyard and so jesse gets pretty upset.. cuz shes really loud (and he thinks that she is pretty bad, also) so clever and competitive jesse hooks ups his keyboard to some super duper speakers and tries to blow kimmy out of the yard.. but she just plays louder.. so he puts in arms over the fence in attempt to ring kimmy's neck! kimmy ducks down and an osterich pops up and bops jesse on the head? ..

... well this is a picture of them hugging afterwards.

Remember when Stephanie wants to take up dancing so she asks her dad to pay for lessons and she practices all the time.. only to find out that dancing is not something she wants to be doing.. all the time. and danny is taking this dancing thing waaay too seriously.. by planning out her future and everything.. so steph decides to try and do bad at her dance competition (cuz theres a well known dance teacher there who wants to see her) and she does ballet in the middle of mo-town philly by boyz 2 men?!

shes stephanie tanner... thats me!

remember THIS episode...?? of course you dont!! ITS A PICTURE OF A NAKED JESSE WITH A NAKED MICHELLE.

Remember THIS.. page two

Have Mercy!