
Welcome to the rules page. Please read over this before you begin playing. If you have any questions, go ahead and email me and let me know.
Definitions Hit Points=Your Life Force when this is gone your deadKi/Energy=This is used to do your moves and powersAD=This adds to the base AD of a move
Power Level and Technical Level
There are two types of advancement here Power Level advancement and Technical Level Advancement. PL(power level) is a measure of fighting ability and strength and uses ki to perform moves. TL(technical level) is a measure of sophistication for Androids and such and use energy to perform moves. The main difference is those with technical level though not able to learn all moves are sure to get moves. They will receive a new move every 200,000 technical level points up until they reach their maximum.
Basic Training
You receive training by going to any planet and chatting. You get the training boost every 10 minutes that you spend in the room doing so. You must say something at least once every 4 minutes to be eligable for the bonus. When you mail your power levels in, please record the times you spent training.
P/T from 350-5,000=500P/T 5HP 2K/E 1AD
P/T from 5,001-10,000=800P/T 10HP 5K/E 2AD
P/T from 10,001-20,000=1,000P/T 15HP 10K/E 5AD
P/T from 20,001-50,000=1,200P/T 20HP 15K/E 7AD
P/T from 50,001-100,000=1,500P/T 25HP 18K/E 8AD
P/T from 100,001-1,000,000=3,000P/T 30HP 20K/E 10AD
P/T from 1,000,001-5,000,000=8,000P/T 35HP 25K/E 12AD
P/T from 5,000,001-10,000,000=12,000P/T 40HP 30K/E 15AD
P/T from 10,000,001-30,000,000=15,000P/T 45HP 35K/E 17AD
More shall be listed as reached
Sparring Sparring is combat between two warriors to increase their own skill. You can spar once a day and receive a bonus of double your normal training stats for a single ten minute block.(i.e.Vegeta has a power level of 3million, he will gain 16,000PL, 70HP, 50Ki, and 24AD during a space.). You cannot die during a spar with a single exception if you use a move that kills you(Kamikazee), you will die as will the person you use it on if you do enough damage.
Immortals and Guardians Immortals are eternal beings who either aid or hinder you. The Dragons can grant moves and wishes while King Kai, Garlic Jr.,Gozu and Fezz(ogres from H.F.I.L.) can offer special training or moves within their realms. The Immortals are King Kai, ShenLong, Porunga, Garlic Jr., Gozu and Fezz. The Guardians are mortal beings they can be fought and slain though they maybe extremely powerful, they can grant special training, money, moves, and items in their respective areas. The Guardians are Master Roshi, Bubbles, Gregory, Kami, Guru,korin,Mr.Popo,and Dr.Briefs(someones got to get your butts to other planets).
Dying and Death itself When you die you can go to two places, either King Kai's if your good or neutral, or the Home for Infinite Losers if you are evil. You may also be claimed for the Dead Zone if you die and are evil and Garlic takes a shine to you. You stay dead for a period of a week. To reach King Kai's you must also spend an hour on Snake Way before reaching his planet.
Aging Some characters will start as children(Chibi) and age through out the game, each age step Chibi, Teenage, Adult takes one month to progress through. At each stage you get a boost of 2% to all of your stats. The characteres who must age are Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan, Bra, Goshin, and Videl. Everyone but Gohan and Videl can only go to Teenage stage then they will stop. Gohan and Videl can become adults.
Transforamtions and Healing When you transform you will heal 50% of the damage you have taken so far in the fight.i.e.Goku is hurt bad, he's take 5,000 damage out of his 10,000 maximum he goes SSJ which increases his hit points by 2,500 he also heals 2,500 damage so his hit points would be 10,000 out of a maximum of 12,500.
Money You receive money for fights, for winning a money fight you receive $10,000, for a Death fight $30,000. The Guardians can also grant money to you if they see you as worthy.
Moves Moves can be taught from Immortals and Guaridans. Or you can gain them upon reaching the next technical level(thought check with Vegeta first on what you gain.) You can also teach each other though this will be very limited and you must ask before doing so also.
The Bosses OK you got problems refer most everything to Vegeta, the step after that is Piccolo for problems and finally through Goku. Remember if you have a problem and get the answer from Vegeta, end of story. Also keep us updated of all major events(death fights, etc.) and mail your power level every other day or else it will NOT be counted.
Starting Stats and Combat All can be found on the Fighting Page
Traveling To travel between places you need a mode of transportation. Kami's Tower, Capsule Corp. Labs and Master Roshi's Island can be reached through flight or a Capsule Corp Speeder. Other Planets take a bit more doing, you will need some sort of space vessel and to go through space. The amount of time you spend in space varies on your space vessel or your space flight power. You can battle in space if you have a Space Suit or don't breathe. Teleportation can take you between planets at will. Also the max number of times you can travel between planets using anything but teleport is two times a day.
Stat Reduction Right now not much you can do to get one of these. Just don't be outside th realm of the dead when you are dead, and don't play to far out of character. Also don't clutter up the message boad with stupid stuff....that will get you a huge reduction.
Inactivity I would like to see everyone at least three times a week on the RPG. If your not going to be there for longer then that mail and let me know. If it goes two weeks without someone showing up their character will be up for grabs again and five minutes stopping in to say hi does not freaking count.
Referees To do fights with other players you will need a ref, the refs at the moment are as follows. Vegeta, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, and Koola. If you do a battle without one of them around it will be illegal.