
4/18 Two Dragonballs are found upon Earth by Piccolo 4/19 The first space flight takes place as Vegeta and his Sayain Space Pod blast off into the stars. The first natural death in DBZ occured today as Brolly tripped and feel into a lake drowning. 4/20 Two deaths in one day! After a valient fight in Oozaru King Vegeta fell to the wicked changling Koola. Then just to prove his strength Vegeta slew the victorious Koola with a single blast! 4/21 A vicious fight broke out upon Earth between Goku and the Sayain Prince Vegeta. It escalated until Goku found himself facing Vegeta in Oozaru form, only to be saved by certain death by a well timed Destruco Disc from Krillin. Vegeta then beat the injured warrior more before he himself felt his energy leaving, fleeing in his space pod. 4/21 NEWS FLASH. The evil that has been proclaimed has appeared upon Earth, Cell came and began tearing through Earth's warriors who consisted of King Vegeta, Goshin and Goku. Brolly also betrayed his fellow warriors in this battle killing Goshin before fleeing to the other side of earth. After a long battle Goku and Vegeta combined in a fusion..emerging as Vegetto which chased Cell off til a later day. 4/22 Capsule Corp. Labs is now open for buisness 4/23 The warriors of Earth gathering upon Kami's to train for battle, only to find battle was what awaited them. A vicious attack by the Spice Boys and Garlic Jr. attracted more attention as Cell and Brolly showed up also. The Earth warriors consisted of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Goten, Goshin, Bardock, Bra, Gohan, and Mirai Trunks. The Spice boys were quickly over matched several being killed quickly before Cell showed up. He unleashed a brutal attack at Bra causing Trunks to sacrifice himself for his sister. An enraged Vegeta burst into Super Sayain-Jin attacking Cell with incredible force but was unable to defeat him until a fusion with Goku produced Super Gogeta who quickly killed the villan. Brolly caused much chaos before he was killed by the Son family..Goshin, Goku and Goten all contributing to his fall. Then Garlic Jr. appeared attacking with a Dead Zone that caught all by surprise. An injured Bardock was sucked in with the surviving spice boy Cinnamon. Tormented by the oncoming death of his friends and family Gohan's hidden powers emerged as he to burst into Super Sayain for a brief moment..the onflux of power hurling Garlic into his own Dead Zone and saving Earth. 4/26 A large energy force was felt in space by the Namek leader Guru, who sent Nail to earth to warn the warriors there. They begun preperations for it's arrival, though Vegeta took off to meet it in space. 4/27 The energy force reached Earth but to the surprise of the gathered warriors if was just the legs of a huge creature called Hildegarn. The battle was fierce resulting in the death of Goshin, this caused his father Goku in a fit of rage to reach Super Sayain for the first time. The combined forces of Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Mirai Trunks, and Chaozu appearently managed to destroy the creature in a single massive attack.