Gary's Movie Reviews and Ratings

1999 Movie Chart

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All Time Movie Chart

The Matrix = 88 =

The Matrix is a stylish, ground breaking, action spectacular. The special effects are mind blowing, the action sequences thrilling, and the storyline compelling.

The Wachowski Brothers have pulled off a masterstroke with the release of The Matrix. Armed with an interesting storyline and a B list cast, they have managed to create one of the most important movies of the decade. This success is due in no small part to the spectacular special effects but the rest of the movie works as well to create an overall excellent result.

The storyline is simple b ut devastating. In fact, little of the plot was even revealed before the movie's release with only the tagline 'What is the Matrix?' to pique audience curiousity. Keanu Reeves (in a career resurrecting role) stars as Thomas Anderson a computer hacker who moonlights under the pseudonym Neo. His life is turned upside down when he is contacted by fellow hacker Trinity (Carrie-Ann Moss) and the mysterious Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). Immediately he is tracked down by sinister looking government agents, led by the villainous Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). This sets Neo off an an adventure that shakes his very understanding of the world around him.

There are so many places where this movie could slip up. We have all seen films that have been over dominated by special effects (can anyone say The Haunting?) but The Matrix manages to blend the awesome effects into the overall story so that they have the enhancing effect that they are intended to. Hats off to the costume and set designers as well for the creation of a stylish yet bleak feel for the future that also adds to the overall atmosphere of the narrative.

The acting is generally good although it would be fair to say that most of the characters do not stretch the limits of their actors capabilities. Reeves is ideal as the action man of few words, while Weaving is devilishly sinister as Agent Smith. Throw in an electrifying soundtrack and you have the makings of a movie that will be watched many times over into the future.

A true blockbuster. Roll on Matrix 2 . . . . . .



All Time Movie Archive

  Director: Larry and Andy Wachowski  
  Starring: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Ann Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Gloria Foster, Joe Pantolanio
  Date seen: 18 June 1999  
  Last Updated 26 January 2000  

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