Compact Discs



Crossfire - Up Close and Personal

This first CD covers two years of recording by the Cross brothers. It was pieced together on a PC with archival source material plus on-the-spot usual instruments. It fair fuggin bops along and is a limited commodity.






Consumer Productions 1999

the Semblance of Shadowy Forests, Davros G, Patrick St. Pete, Human Host, Page 27,
Kind Winds, Silent Ink, the Gentlemen,
Tim Townsend, Tom S. Egg, End Show,
the Connected Mind of Hollowed, Rent Boy,
Do You Mind If I Stab This




Human Host - s/t

Recorded in one session, February 1998, with all three band members on Opium (Tasmania's largest cash crop) a rare sychronization of drug use which produced some rare moments of musical sychronicity. Ten tracks, all untitled, all improvised using mainly guitars, floor toms, and a keyboard, features a lot of beautiful guitar from Tom S Egg.
Recorded onto 'normal' cassette tape, two channels, two microphones; one being an 8-ohm speaker sellotaped to a drum the other hanging around for the room sound. It began as a regular practice, on the traditional day of Sunday, but surpassed itself to become a masterpiece.

















End Show - s/t

Released in early 1999 limited to only eleven copies. One day there will be more, one day I shall be free from the ringing in my ears, the constant threat of public humiliation. The CD's booklet contains images and text relating to death and dying and living again. Contains live solo BC material plus collaborations with cunts like Tom Salvador Egg, Lach Conn, Jarrod Quarrel and Renai P Gard. Full of noisy shit plus a few dronemesh classics, sucks the cock of the blind man and spits cum in his face.

Rent Boy - Metronome

A result of home recordings from July to September of 1998, this is the most comprehensive and complete Rent Boy release to date. There isn't a moment on it that disappoints. It is all solo material featuring a lot of manipulated cheap keyboard sounds and beats within a framework of highly emotional pop songs. Recorded on 4-track and mastered on a PC, only a limited amount of CD-R copies are available.