

~ As of 4-25-00: ~
I added the generic link to my webring (finally). So those of you Angie fans who wish to join, please do so. Thanks,Wendy.

~ As of 4-11-00: ~
Today I added a few images, That's it!!

~ As of 3-22-00: ~
Latest News!!!! Angelina Jolie will be playing Lara Croft in the up and coming Tomb Raider movie. They are beginning the process of filming the movie in England, but have not set a release date. For more information and a Real Audio clip, visit this site: Dutch ToBe's Tomb Raider Site.

~ As of 12-03-99: ~
Today I added more links on the Links page. I am pretty much finished with my site, except for the fact that I am working up to a request one of you had in my guestbook to make a page for myself. I have not done much to it, but I will post it for you guys to see when it is updated.

~ As of 10-15-99: ~
OK. I have corrected the links in the Images section. Hopefully I will have created a new banner for each page instead of having the same one on every page. I will keep adding pics as they come to me. Please come back soon!

~ As of 09-27-99: ~
I have added FOUR new image galleries. You can view them by going to the main images page. Coming sooner than I expected are different areas such as a sounds page and an articles page. Thanks for stopping by!

~ As of 09-17-99: ~
I changed the main page to look still needs work (and tables!). I have uploaded about 60 pictures to my space and so far I have the first page done.
You can view it by clicking on the first image on the Images page.

~ As of 09-15-99: ~
I added and changed lots of links on the main page work correctly now, I added the News page (which you are viewing), and I have created my own Angelina Jolie webring (not yet available).

~ As of 09-10-99: ~
The whole thing is new because I just created this web site. Changed the name from "Angelina Jolie- My Tribute" to "Angelic Fire-A Tribute to Angelina Jolie."