Welcome to my web site!

Thanks for visiting my web site. Here you will find out a little about me (probably more than you would ever want to know). If you feel the need, stop and sign my guestbook. I love to read what people think about my site. Or just e-mail me, whichever is easier.

About Me

I went to and graduated from Texas City High School in 1995. Then I went on to College of the Mainland (COM) where I got my Associates of Applied Science in May of 1997, majoring in Microcomputer Systems Specialist. I also worked in the Electronics Lab at COM and spent my two years there as an active member of the Student Government. While in college, I designed and maintained the web site for the ISCET Organization (among other things). I returned to school (don't ask me why) at UHCL to get my Bachelors Degree in Applied Design and Visual Arts.

My Home Away From Home

I suppose that's a bad way to describe work, but how many computer people don't feel that way at some point. Ha, ha.

In July of 1997, I started working at my current job. I work in Houston,TX for a contractor to Johnson Space Center called InDyne, Inc. I work under the IMPASS contact. I am a Programmer Analyst and work around a bunch of computer nerds. I'm sure they'd love to hear me say that!

I totally love the group of people that I work with. They are great!! We love to play all kinds of jokes on each other and here is our latest adventure. A co-worker, James, turned 30 years old on June 12 and this is what we did to him.