My Family

My mom decided to get re-married not too long ago and I'm finally getting around to putting the pictures on this site. So, if you want to see the pictures, click here.

I also have a couple of cats who might as well be a part of my family. To my mom, Gracie & Shelbi, is her grand-kittys. But anyway, if you want to see what my cats look like, click here.

This is me, my sister, my two step-brothers, my mom and my step-dad at Christmas time. These are my two cousins with my aunt and uncle at Christmas time.
These are my step-brothers Jeff, Joey and Justin. This is my dad and my step-mom Cindy.
This is my step-brother Jeff and my sister Jennifer at their HS Graduation Party. This is Mike with his mom, Jane.
This is the newest edition to the family, my cousin Joel with his mom. This is Thanksgiving at my step-mom and dad's house. Pictured are Madeline, Cindy and Grandma JoAnn.
These are more of my cousins with my aunt and uncle at Christmas time.
This is me, my grandma, my cousins James & Joel at my other cousin David's HS Graduation.