Keeper of the heart

by Shelly


Doubar tried to keep his attention on what the Caliph of Baghdad was saying, but all could think about was his brother.

The Caliph touched Doubar's arm. "How is Sinbad?" he asked.

"Not well." Doubar shook his head. "Maeve is slipping away from us with each passing minute, and neither magic nor medicine seems able to save her."

"My healers say that they don't expect Maeve to live through the night," said the Caliph.

Doubar grimaced. "I know. Firouz says the same. And I fear that Sinbad will not last much longer once she is gone."

The Caliph felt Doubar's pain and wished he could do something to ease it. But he was helpless. "Sinbad truly loves Maeve," he said softly.

"With all his heart," Doubar replied. "And the real tragedy of this situation is that he may never get the chance to tell her."


In a corner chamber of the palace, Maeve lay in a four-poster bed. Sinbad was sitting beside her, as he had been for the past five days....holding her hand.

Firouz watched his friend, and felt his heart ache. From the moment Maeve had collapsed and fallen into unconsciousness, Firouz had sensed that a part of Sinbad had died. No one could determine the cause, or the cure, for Maeve's illness. Firouz was certain only that there was little time left. Maeve would die, and the soul of Sinbad would die with her.

" need to eat something." Firouz stepped forward carrying a tray laden with fruit, bread and cheese.

Sinbad waved him away. "I'm not hungry, Firouz," he said softly, his eyes never leaving Maeve's pale face.

Firouz set the tray down on a nearby table then put a hand on Sinbad's shoulder. The young Captain was markedly thinner, and he could ill afford to lose any weight. "Sinbad...I know that you care only for what happens to Maeve, but you can't ignore your own health. You haven't eaten or slept since she collapsed. You can't go on like this."

'Leave me be, Firouz," Sinbad said hoarsely. "Just leave me be. Think you that I care about what happens to me now?"

"Sinbad..." Firouz fell silent. For he knew that anything he said would fall on deaf ears. But he left the tray and walked away. Doubar was waiting just inside the door. Firouz went to him, seeing the question in the big man's eyes, and he sadly shook his head. "There's no change, Doubar. Maeve has very little time left."

Doubar nodded. "How is Sinbad?" His eyes fell upon his little brother.

Firouz sighed. "Sinbad is near collapse himself. I don't know what to do, short of knocking him out. And that won't help the fact that he refuses to eat. It's like he's punishing himself."

"You're right. I think Sinbad blames himself for Maeve's illness," Doubar remarked.

"But that's ridiculous!" Firouz countered hotly. "It's no one's fault. Certainly not Sinbad's."

Doubar patted Firouz's shoulder. "I know that, and you know that. But Sinbad....He feels helpless. He wants to save her and he can't. I know that he would give his own life to save Maeve."

Firouz wanted to scream with frustration. "Well...if he doesn't eat soon, his life may be forfeit...but for nothing. There's nothing anyone can do to save Maeve."

Sinbad heard Firouz and Doubar talking, could even guess that they were discussing him. But he didn't care. All that mattered was Maeve. Sinbad squeezed her hand gently, then reached out to touch her cheek. She was so still, so pale. "Maeve..." Sinbad felt his voice break and he had to swallow hard to continue. "I know that you can hear me. And I want you to listen...listen close. We need you, Maeve. All of us. But me especially." Sinbad had to blink back sudden tears. "I've known alot of women...but no one like you. You're special, Maeve. I wish that I had had the courage to tell you that before now. But it's not too late. We've got all the time in the world...Maeve. There's so much I want to tell you. So much that you need to know..." Sinbad broke off as a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away and continued. "You have to get hear me? Please, Maeve. Open your eyes. Smile at me. Or, better yet, glare at me like you do so well. Yell at me...Something. Anything!" Sinbad had been watching the rise and fall of her chest, and his blood ran cold when it stilled. He heard a soft sigh expelled from Maeve's lips, and in that moment his heart shattered.

Doubar and Firouz froze when they heard Sinbad's cry.


They looked at each other and knew what had happened. Maeve was dead. Doubar ran to Sinbad, who had gathered Maeve up in his arms and was rocking her. He saw tears roll down his brother's face as Sinbad pleaded with the sorceress to wake up.

Firouz checked Maeve's pulse, but it was unnecessary. Then he touched Sinbad's shoulder. "You have to let her go now, Sinbad," he said gently.

Sinbad shook him off. "No! I won't!. I can't...." He stared at Firouz through eyes blurred with tears. His voice was a broken whisper as he pleaded, "Please bring her back."

"I...I can't." Firouz felt tears sting his own eyes. "I'm sorry, Sinbad. I'm sorry."

Doubar tried to take Maeve from Sinbad's arms. He couldn't bear to see his brother's pain. "Give her to me, Sinbad. Please, little brother."

"No...." Sinbad shook his head. "Leave us alone. Please...Doubar."

"All right, Sinbad. All right." Doubar took Firouz's arm and led him out of the room. Maybe it was for the best that Sinbad grieve now.

Sinbad looked down at Maeve's beautiful face. He saw his own tears splash upon her pale skin and he felt as if he would die from the pain that ripped him apart from the inside out. "Maeve....Maeve! Why? This isn't's not fair. You've done nothing wrong...committed no sins. Why would Allah take you from me? Why...why would you go?" Sinbad pulled her against him and buried his face in her soft hair. "I never got to tell you I love you, Maeve. But I can forgive you for that. But...I will never forgive you for not giving me the chance to say...goodbye." Sinbad felt a sob choke him and it took a moment for him to regain control enough so that he could continue. He laid Maeve down again and smoothed back her hair. "May Allah grant that I join you soon," Sinbad whispered. He stood up, then leaned over to brush a kiss against he cool lips. "Goodbye...Maeve. I will never forget you." And with those words Sinbad ran from the chambers.

As Doubar, Rongar and Firouz waited in the outer chamber, they were startled by the sudden appearance of an old friend. Cairpra.

Doubar moved forward to greet Dim-Dim's wife. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Basra?"

Cairpra nodded. "I was. But I heard about Maeve. I came as soon as I could."

Firouz shook his head. "I'm afraid you're too late, Cairpra," he said sadly. "Maeve is gone."

"I know." Cairpra smiled. "My fault, I'm afraid."

"What?" Doubar stared at her in disbelief. "What are you saying?"

Cairpra sighed. "This is going to be difficult to explain. Maeve isn't dead. Not yet. But I put her in a state that simulates death."

Firouz was stunned. "But...why?"

"Because it was necessary," Cairpra replied.

Doubar shook his head. "Do you realize what you've done to Sinbad? He's devastated."

Cairpra gave Doubar a look of understanding. "I did it because of Sinbad. Listen closely. I'm not certain what's wrong with Maeve, but I can guess that it's related to magic. I might be able to save her, but the chances are none. Better for Sinbad to grieve now and let her go. I don't want him to know the truth. If he were to cling to that hope and then she were to die...he would die with her."

"He's dying already," Doubar declared.

"Yes.." Cairpra said softly. "I know. But I think that I can help spark the embers of life within him. I'm going to put Sinbad into a deep sleep and I will appear to him in a vision. I'll tell of a new sighting of Dim-Dim in the Isle of Fire. And I will ask him to go there."

Firouz shook his head. "I don't think Sinbad will leave Maeve."

Doubar agreed. "Especially to go on a wild goose chase."

Cairpra shook a finger at them. "The news of Dim-Dim is true. I would go there myself, but Maeve needs me more." She would have said more, but Rongar came running over, waving his arms to get their attention.

"What is it, Rongar?" Firouz asked.

The Moor pulled him over to the door of the bedchamber and pointed. Firouz peeked inside then gasped. "Oh no!"

Doubar grabbed his arm. "What is it, man?"

"Sinbad is gone."

"What?" Doubar shoved open the door and ran inside, but Firouz was right. Maeve lay on the bed...pale and still. And of Sinbad there was no sign. "We have to find him!" Doubar shouted. "There's no telling what he'll do."

Firouz nodded. "I'll tell the Caliph and he give us some men to help us search for Sinbad. We should all split up."

Doubar was already heading for the door. "I'll check the beach. Maybe he's returned to the Nomad."

Cairpra followed Doubar and stopped him when he had reached the palace gates. "Sinbad did go to the beach," she said softly. "He needs someone to talk to, Doubar. He needs you right now. Go to him, and I will follow. I'll give him the visions there, then send the rest of your crew to follow."

"Thank you, Cairpra," Doubar told her. He took her hand and shook it, then turned to go. But he stopped and turned back to ask, "Can you save Maeve?"

"I...don't know." Cairpra smiled sadly. "I will do my best, but there is powerful magic at work. If I can save her, I will send her to you at once."

Doubar was grateful. "I don't think I could bear to lose Sinbad as well."

Cairpra nodded. "I know. Go on with you now," she said, making shooing gestures with her hands. When Doubar was gone she raised her eyes heavenward. "Oh Dim-Dim...Allah grant me the power to save them both."


Doubar found Sinbad sitting on a rockfall about twenty yards from the shore line. He climbed up to sit beside his brother, who was staring out at the water with unseeing eyes. "Hello, little brother," he said softly, in greeting.

Sinbad heard him, but did not respond. He couldn't speak for he was afraid that the tears would come again. So he waited.

"I wish that I knew what to say, Sinbad." Doubar spoke after the silence between them became unbearable. "I know that you're hurting right now, and I would give anything if I could ease your pain." Doubar shook his head. "I would give my life in exchange for Maeve's if it would bring you back to the living."

"What?" Sinbad stared at his brother in disbelief. "What are you saying, Doubar? That I would trade your life for Maeve's?" Sinbad shook his head. "No...that's not what I want," he whispered, as he pushed himself upright.

Doubar grabbed his arm and made him sit down. "You can't run away from the pain, Sinbad," he said, tightening his grip on his brother's wrist when Sinbad tried to pull free. "I won't let you go."

Sinbad gave up trying. "Please, Doubar. Leave me alone."

"No." Doubar laid a gentle hand in Sinbad's hair. He felt awkward trying to offer comfort to the man Sinbad had become, but he suddenly saw before him the little boy his brother had been. A little boy who had run to him for comfort when he was hurt or frightened. Or sad. "Maeve is gone, Sinbad. But you're still here. Here among the living. And you have to stay here with me. I can't lose you, little brother. I won't allow it. You're all I have left."

"Doubar..." Sinbad realized that Doubar was hurting as well, but he couldn't say anything to reassure him. He couldn't promise to be there for him. Not when he so longed to be with Maeve. Sinbad heaved a sigh and shook his head. "I never knew that I could feel this way, Doubar," he said softly. "I never thought I would love a women with all my heart and soul. I thought that my heart belonged to the sea. But then Maeve came along and from the moment I first saw her, I think I lost control of my heart then and there."

Doubar smiled, pleased to see a spark of life flash in Sinbad's blue eyes. "I know, little brother. I think that you and Maeve were destined to be together."

Sinbad caught his breath and felt tear sting his eyes. "Not in this life," he whispered. "I pray to Allah that he sends me to be with her soon."

"No Sinbad!" Doubar suddenly realized the mistake he had made. "I didn't mean it that way. Little brother, Maeve would want you to live your the fullest. She told me once how must she admired your zest for life."

"Did she?" Sinbad smiled at the thought. "I wish she had told me that. I wish....I wish so many things that can be never be." Blinking back tears, Sinbad rose to his feet and walked to the edge of the rock. For a long moment he said nothing...he simply stared at the white sand below. "We wasted so much time...Maeve and I. Playing games. Pretending that we didn't care about each other. So afraid to show each other how we really felt." Sinbad turned to look at Doubar. "She did care about...didn't she?" he asked.

Doubar nodded. "Maeve loved you, Sinbad," he said firmly. For there was no doubt in his mind that it was the truth.

Sinbad turned away again. "Magic took her from me," he spat suddenly. "Dark magic. To punish me....or maybe both of us. Perhaps it would have been kinder for me to have run my sword through her heart. Quicker, certainly. And why not? For her blood stains my hands even now."

"NO!" Doubar moved to stand beside his brother. "Sinbad, you don't know what you're saying. Little're exhausted, and weakened. You're not thinking clearly."

"I speak the truth, Doubar." Sinbad smiled sadly. "I'm to blame for Maeve's death."

Doubar felt frustration wash over him. He knew no matter what argument he offered, Sinbad would neither listen...nor believe. Silently...Doubar called out for Cairpra. It was now or never, if she were going to help his brother. "Sinbad..." Doubar forced a smile. "You loved Maeve, and there is no blame to be found in loving someone."

Sinbad laughed, a hollow sound without mirth. "Allah has always smiled upon me, big brother. But perhaps I displeased him in some way and this is my punishment."

"No, Sinbad!" Doubar was astonished that his brother could even think such a think. "You have committed no sin worthy of punishment."

"Neither did Maeve!" Sinbad shot back. "She didn't deserve to die." Sinbad was about to turn and run off, but he felt dizziness wash over him. Then darkness.

Doubar caught Sinbad as his brother's knees buckled. He realized that Cairpra was there and that this was her hand at work. So he cradled Sinbad in his arms. He nearly jumped when he heard Cairpra's voice in his ear. Then she was kneeling beside them. She pressed the fingertips of both hands against Sinbad's temples, then whispered softly, "Dream, Sinbad....and believe."


When Sinbad opened his eyes, it was to discover that he was in his cabin on board the Nomad. He didn't remember returning to the ship. He remembered being on the rocks with Doubar....and then the visions.

"Dim-Dim.." Sinbad whispered, as he sat up and slid off the bed. Master Dim-Dim had appeared to if in a dream. He had been crying out for help. Sinbad had tried to reach him, tried to speak to him. But couldn't. But in the vision he had seen a land formation that he was familiar with. The Isle of Fire. And on the Isle he had seen a tower. High up on a mountain slope. And then....Maeve. Sinbad felt his heart skip a beat. She had seemed so beautiful. In his vision she had asked Sinbad to go to the Isle of Fire and find Dim-Dim. 'Do it for me...' she had pleaded.

Sinbad closed his eyes and could almost see her face. "Maeve..." he whispered. Then his eyes flew open at the sound of a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Sinbad called out.


"Come in," Sinbad told him.

The door opened and Doubar strode in. He smiled as he saw Sinbad standing. "How do you feel, little brother?" he asked hopefully.

Sinbad shrugged. "I'm not sure. How did I get back on the Nomad, Doubar?"

"I brought you back," Doubar replied. "We were talking and you suddenly collapsed."

"How long have I been out?" Sinbad queried.

Doubar frowned. "Well...not quite a full day."

Sinbad shook his head. "Why didn't you take me back to the palace?" He headed for the door. "I have to go back, Doubar. Maeve is there."

"Sinbad!" Doubar grabbed his arm and yanked him to a halt. "It's too late."

"Too late?" Sinbad repeated. "For what?"

Doubar hated the lie he was about to tell, but Cairpra was right. For now it was necessary. "The Caliph ordered a funeral pyre for Maeve. Her ashes were scattered to sea at dawn."

Sinbad felt himself grow pale, felt his knees begin to buckle. When Doubar grabbed his arm, he accepted the support. "How could he do that?" he countered plaintively. "I wasn't there to see her, Doubar. I didn't get to say goodbye to her."

"I know." Doubar supported Sinbad over to the bed and made him sit down. "The Caliph felt that it would be better this way. That to see Maeve's funeral pyre would only make it worse for you."

"He had no right to decide that!" Sinbad shouted, leaping to his feet as fury gave him strength. A sudden thought occurred. "Where's Dermott?"

Doubar heaved a silent sigh of relief at the change in topic. "He's around. He seems to be sticking close by to wherever you are, Sinbad."

Sinbad felt his rage dissipate, and he sank back down on the bed. "Dermott is all I have left to remember Maeve by," he whispered.

"I know." Doubar cleared his throat. It was time to see whether or not Cairpra had been successful. "We've been waiting on you for orders, Captain. To where should I set course?"

"I..." Sinbad had been about to say that he couldn't care less. But then he remembered the visions. Remembered Maeve's plea. "To the Isle of Fire," he said firmly. "Full speed ahead."

Doubar smiled and saluted. "Aye aye, Captain." He turned smartly on his heel and left the room.

Sinbad remained sitting on the bed. He felt at a loss. From Baghdad to the Isle of Fire was a three week journey...with good winds Three weeks of idleness...and memories.


Sinbad stood at the railing, apart from the others. The past three weeks had passed both slowly, and quickly. Sometimes too quickly, for Sinbad found it difficult to accept that Maeve had been dead for that long. How could it be possible when just a moment ago he could have sworn he'd heard he laughter dancing on the wind.

"Sinbad.." Firouz stood behind the Captain, and waited for a response. A long moment passed before he realized that his friend hadn't heard him. "SINBAD!" Firouz nearly jumped himself at the loudness of his voice.

"What is it, Firouz?" Sinbad asked softly. He did not turn to face the inventor.

Firouz moved to stand beside him. "We're less than an hour from the Isle of Fire. You wanted me to tell you."

Sinbad nodded. "Thank you. Tell Doubar to bring us as close as he can, then weigh anchor. We'll take the long boat to shore."

"Of course." Firouz waited, hoping that Sinbad would say more. The young Captain had barely spoken to anyone throughout the course of the voyage. Other than to give orders, that is. Firouz was truly worried, for he knew that Sinbad barely slept and he hardly ate enough to keep Dermott alive. He had grown alarmingly thin. The beautiful, young face was pale as marble, and the spark of life that had once glowed in the sea-blue eyes was gone. " you know where to search for Dim-Dim once we reach the Isle?"

"I see a tower on a mountainside, " Sinbad replied. "I'm not sure where it is, but we'll find it."

Firouz clapped him on the shoulder. "I know we will." With a sad sigh, Firouz turned and walked away.

Sinbad knew that his friend was worried about him, they all were. But he couldn't help what he felt. He couldn't be who they wanted him to be. That Sinbad was gone. He had died with Maeve. Sinbad felt a sudden flash of anger. If only his body had died as well. Then he would be free of the hell that living had become. Sinbad heard a screech overhead, and looked up to see Dermott soar above his head. Maeve's gauntlet was nearby and Sinbad retrieved it and pulled it on. Then he raised his arm. Dermott came to rest and Sinbad stroked the soft feathers. In the past three weeks, he and Dermott had formed a special bond. Sinbad knew that Dermott was more than just a hawk Exactly what he was didn't matter. Dermott was connected to Maeve, and he had been a great comfort to Sinbad. There were times when he was almost certain that Dermott spoke to him in his thoughts. And a spark of what had been Maeve lived on in the hawk. Sinbad didn't share this belief with the others, but he clung to it as a lifeline.

"Land ho!" A crewman shouted from his perch in the crow's nest.

"We're almost there, Maeve," Sinbad whispered. He looked into Dermott's dark eyes as he spoke. "If Dim-Dim is there, I'll find him, Maeve. I promise you." And so saying, Sinbad moved off to check the long boat. The moment they weighed anchor he wanted to be ready to go.


As they pulled the longboat onto the shore, Doubar looked about him with a frown. The Isle of Fire was a dark place. Even though the sun was shining, and it was not yet midmorning, the very air about them seemed gloomy. "Nice place," Doubar drawled.

Sinbad nodded. He had Dermott perched on his arm and he spoke to the hawk. "See if you can find the tower, Dermott. It should be to the east." A moment later, Dermott was soaring through the sky.

Firouz moved to stand beside Sinbad. "Well, do we wait for Dermott to return?"

"No." Sinbad pulled off the gauntlet and hooked it to his belt. "We travel east as well." Without looking at his companions, he moved off.

Doubar looked at Firouz and shook his head. "Let's go," he said, falling into step behind his brother. They all knew that Sinbad was near collapse. Determination and desperation propelled him forward, not youth or strength. No matter...Doubar would follow Sinbad into hell, if that is where his brother chose to lead him.

"Right behind you," Firouz replied, gesturing for Rongar to proceeded him.

They had been walking for nearly an hour when Dermott returned. Firouz watched in amazement as Sinbad spoke silently with the hawk. It was as if they could truly communicate with each other, in the way that Maeve had done. "And perhaps they can," Firouz muttered to himself. For though Sinbad proclaimed to be only a simple sailor, Firouz believed his young friend to possess a special kind of magic. And why not, he had been raised by Dim-Dim.

Sinbad sent Dermott off again then turned to his crew. He pointed towards a cloud formation of in the distance. "That's where we must go," Sinbad announced. "Dermott told me of a shortcut, so we should reach it in a day and a half."

Doubar sighed. "Well, then. I guess we should get started. Lead on, little brother."

"Doubar..." Sinbad paused, uncertain of how to say what was on his mind. "I was thinking that maybe you and the others should return to the Nomad."

"What?" Doubar was stunned. "Why, Sinbad?"

Sinbad bit his lip. "I sense that it's going to be a dangerous trek. We...I...might not survive. And if Dim-Dim isn't here, then someone needs to continue searching for him. That someone is you, Doubar."

Doubar knew what Sinbad was doing and there was no way he was going to allow it. "No, Sinbad," he stated firmly. "I'm coming with you."

Firouz stepped forward to confront the Captain. "We all are, Sinbad. We're in this together. Maeve would have wanted us to be with you," he added softly.

"You're right." Sinbad found that he could smile, for he could almost hear how Maeve would have yelled at him had he tried to send her back. "Let's go then." Sinbad turned and headed for a grove of black wood trees. In less than an hour they would begin climbing.


The climb proved to be difficult, made all the more so by the fact that no sooner had they had started then they were attacked by cloaked creatures. Sinbad and his crew fought them off, only to discover that their opponents had no substance. Beneath the cloaks was only...air.

Sinbad kicked at a cloak and shook his head. "This is a place of black magic...and evil," he muttered.

Doubar couldn't have agreed more. "Everyone keep a sharp eye out," he cautioned. "We don't know what other surprises are waiting for us."

"Come on," Sinbad said, as he started forward once more.

They continued climbing for several hours. The incline was mild for now. But still tiresome. Firouz called for a break, and as he rested against a tree he watched Sinbad pace back and forth impatiently. He was about to caution his friend to take advantage of the rest period, when he heard a soft mewling. Frowning, Firouz gazed about. Then he heard it again. "What the..." Out from under a bush scampered a tiny kitten. "Well...look at you," Firouz whispered. He reached out for the kitten only to snatch back his hand with a yelp when it was nearly bitten off by the mighty jaw of a lion. The cute little kitten had morphed into the giant cat. "HEY!"

Sinbad and the others whirled around. Drawing his saber, Sinbad leaped forward to confront the mighty beast. Only he ran into resistance. Doubar. "Out of my way!" Sinbad cried out.

Doubar shoved him back. "No, little brother. Let Rongar handle the beast," he replied, for the Moor was confronting the lion, even as he spoke.

Firouz scuttled over to Doubar and Sinbad. He swallowed hard, his eyes never leaving the King of beasts. "You guys won't believe this but...a second ago, that was a cute, fluffy little kitten."

"You're right," Doubar told him. "I don't believe it."

Sinbad struggled to get past Doubar, but a moment later he gave up for the Lion suddenly turned and ran off. "More magic," Sinbad said, pulling free of Doubar's grasp. "What is this place?"

Firouz wiped a film of sweat off his forehead with his sleeve. "It's what you said before, Sinbad. An evil place of black magic."

Doubar congratulated Rongar on his efforts, then turned to Sinbad. "What say you, little brother? Do we continue, or make camp for the night? It'll be dark in a few hours and we'll need to scout for food and water."

"We continue," Sinbad said firmly. He had little concern for food and drink. And he already knew that he would not sleep. So he turned and continued walking, not bothering to see if his crew followed.

Doubar sighed and started climbing. Firouz and Rongar followed suit.

Dusk was less than an hour away when they reached a shallow valley. A valley filled with crimson flowers. It spread out before them as far as the eye could see.

"It's beautiful," Firouz commented.

Sinbad grunted. "Come on. We're losing daylight." He strode forward into the field of flowers, oblivious to their color and beauty. Without Maeve, the world was merely shades of gray.

Doubar wanted to shake his brother, not that it would do any good. Shaking his head, he followed. Firouz was right beside him, with Rongar trailing behind a bit. The Moor was enchanted by the flowers and stopped to study them more closely.

It took nearly half an hour to cross out of the flowers, and Sinbad stepped back onto the green hillside with relief. All that color was beginning to make his head ache. He stopped and stretched, then looked back to watch the others come over. Doubar was nearly out when Firouz cried out and fell to his knees. Sinbad noticed that the flowers had shaded from red to black.

"Firouz, what's wrong?" Sinbad cried. And in that moment he watched Rongar fall. Without thinking, Sinbad ran to his friends. "Firouz, what is it?"

Firouz shook his head. "I'm okay, Sinbad. It's Rongar. He pushed me down." He examined the Moor who was unmoving. "I think we need to get out of this field." Firouz noticed Doubar coming towards them and shouted, "Go back, Doubar! Get out of the flowers!"

Sinbad reached for Rongar and slung the Moor over his shoulders. Then he ran for the green valley. He felt something tap at his boots...repeatedly. But figured he could wait till they were on the other side before questioning what it was. Doubar took Rongar from Sinbad, and laid him out on the soft grass.

"Let me see him," Firouz requested, moving Doubar out of the way. He shook his head. "We need to start a fire. Right away."

"What is it, Firouz?" Sinbad asked.

Firouz held up a small, thin reed. It was needle sharp. "It's from the flowers," he explained. "And I believe it's poisoned."

Sinbad caught his breath as he stared down at Rongar. "Is he....I mean?" He couldn't say the words.

"He's alive," Firouz said, knowing what Sinbad was thinking. "I can help him. But he won't be in any condition to travel."

"That's okay," Sinbad replied as relief flooded through him. It didn't even bear thinking how he would have felt had Rongar died. "I'll continue on alone at first light," he declared.

Doubar had been collecting wood for a fire, but had remained in earshot and so he heard what Sinbad said. "Oh no you won't, little brother," he said firmly. "I'm going with you."

Sinbad jumped up to confront him. "I'm the Captain, Doubar," he countered. "And I order you to stay here."

"Sorry, Sinbad." Doubar shook his head. "Right now you're my little brother, not my Captain. And if you try to give me a hard time about it, I'll give you a whomping that will make it impossible for you to sit down for a week. Do you hear me?" Doubar asked the question with a smile on his face, but there was steel in his voice.

"I..." Sinbad was ready to argue, but he realized that Doubar meant what he said. And that he could, and would, do as he threatened. Sinbad sighed, then nodded. "I hear you," he said softly. He knelt beside Firouz. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Firouz nodded. "I need water."

Having a purpose brought a smile to Sinbad's face. "I'll be right back," he said, as he jumped to his feet. He whistled sharply and Dermott appeared. "Find water, Dermott," he requested. And when the hawk flew off, Sinbad was close behind.


No one really slept through out the night, except for Rongar. And when dawn approached, Sinbad was thrilled when the Moor felt feisty enough to give them a hard time about staying behind. So a smile lit up Sinbad's face as he and Doubar headed off again. Firouz and Rongar would make their way back to the beach once Rongar had regained his strength. Sinbad assured them that he and Doubar would not be far behind them.

The climb soon steepened, and by midday Sinbad could see the spiral of the tower in the distance. "Only a few more hours," he announced.

Doubar didn't reply. He was too busy trying to catch his breath. Sinbad climbed the rocks like a billy goat, but Doubar's much larger form had a difficult time. Still, he knew better than to request that Sinbad slow his pace. Whatever it took, Doubar would stay with him. He didn't dare even consider letting his little brother continue the trek alone. In his present state of mind, Sinbad was far to reckless. It was as if he had no fear. Pushing away from the rock he had been sitting on, Doubar waved one arm. "Come on, little brother. Let's get going."

They continued on and as Sinbad had predicted, they reached the base of the tower in a few hours. But it would still be another hour of steep, and most literal, climbing to reach tower itself.

"Let's rest for a moment," Doubar requested, dropping onto the nearest flat stone.

"But only for a moment," Sinbad allowed. He paced a half circle on top of a large rock formation. And he was glad he had the foresight of a watchful eye for he saw the creatures that came towards them, as silently as shadows. Drawing his saber, Sinbad shouted, "We're under attack!"

Even as he drew his sword, Doubar gazed about and shook his head. "I don't see anyone, little brother. I think you've been out in the sun too long." But as he spoke, a shadowy figure appeared before him, armed with a battle axe. Doubar raised his saber in defense, and realized that he was fighting a knight. Only it wasn't a knight of flesh and blood, but rather appeared to be the spirit form of the knight. "What kind of creature is this?!" Doubar shouted. For the knight might have been of the spirit, but the weapon he carried was solid enough.

Sinbad was fighting off two knights of his own, and steel clanged against steel as he parried their broad swords. "The worst kind of magic!" he shouted back as he disarmed one of the spirits. And in that moment it faded out of existence. "Disarm them and they disappear!" Sinbad told his brother.

"Gotcha!" With a mighty battle cry, Doubar swung his saber and sent the battle axe flying. His opponent disappeared before his eyes. Turning, he saw that three of the knights had ganged up on Sinbad. So Doubar went charging forward, only to feel his foot slip in soft soil and twist beneath him. With a cry of pain he fell to his side.

"Doubar!" Sinbad shouted, having heard his brother's cry.

Gritting his teeth, Doubar tried to regain his feet, but the pain held him captive. "I'm all right, Sinbad!" he shouted. Then he watched his little brother skillfully dispose of the remaining knights.

Having defeated his opponents, Sinbad ran to Doubar. "What happened?" he asked, falling to his knees.

"I twisted my ankle," Doubar muttered, feeling more than a little disgusted with himself. "But I'm all right, Sinbad. Just give me a minute and we'll continue."

"No." Sinbad had checked Doubar's ankle and knew that his brother would not be able to walk until the swelling went down. "You stay here," he said firmly. "I'll climb to the tower. And don't worry," he added, seeing the frown on Doubar's face. "I'll be careful. I'm just going to check and see if Dim-Dim is there. If so, I'll rescue him and be back before you can miss me. And if he's not there...I'll be back even sooner." He moved to stand up but Doubar grabbed his arm.

Staring into Sinbad's beautiful eyes, Doubar made a request. "Give me your word, little brother, that you'll come back to me."

Sinbad smiled, and pulled his arm free. "I'll be back," said softly. Then he turned and strode off towards the rock face. Sinbad paused to look back at Doubar for a moment, then he began to climb.


When he reached the tower, Sinbad felt a chill ripple down his spine. The place was evil....of that he had no doubt. But neither did it deter him. Sinbad drew his saber then headed for the stone steps that would take him to the top of the tower.

Reaching the top of the steps, after what seemed like hours, Sinbad paused for a moment to catch his breath. And his thoughts were suddenly of Maeve. He saw the image of her beautiful face appear before her eyes and, without thinking, Sinbad reached out to touch her. To his amazement he felt warm, solid flesh. "What..." gasped.

Maeve smiled at him and took his hand between both her own. "That's right,'s me."

Sinbad shook his head. "It can't be..." he whispered. "'re dead. You died in my arms."

"My body died, Sinbad. But not my soul." Maeve pushed open the arched wooden door that led to the tower room and pulled Sinbad inside. "Your love for me brought me back. At least long enough for me to come for you."

"I...I don't understand." Sinbad allowed Maeve to lead him to the balcony across the room. "What do you mean, you've come for me?"

Maeve brushed gentle fingertips across Sinbad's face. "Didn't you ask Allah to allow you to be with me?" she questioned.

Sinbad nodded. "I prayed for that often," he admitted.

"And Allah has answered your prayers," Maeve replied. "Come..." She drew Sinbad out onto the balcony.

"Wait." Sinbad froze and pulled away from Maeve. He looked about the tower room, and saw gloomy shadows, decaying wood and crumbled stone. "Maeve....I had a vision that Dim-Dim was here."

Maeve nodded. "I know, Sinbad. But, as you can see, he's not." She gestured about them.

Sinbad sighed. "I had hoped..."

"It doesn't matter now, Sinbad," Maeve said softly, reaching for his hand again. "We must hurry. There's not much time."

"Time for what?" Sinbad countered, even as he followed her onto the crumbling stone balcony.

Maeve moved over to the parapet. "If you truly want to be with me, you must do what I say, Sinbad."

He joined her willingly. He would not lose her again. Sinbad knew that he could not bear it. "What do I have to do?"

"Climb up here," Maeve told him, pointing to the parapet. She did so then held out her hand.

"Be careful, Maeve," Sinbad cautioned.

Maeve laughed. "I'm already dead, Sinbad. Nothing can hurt me anymore..." Her laughter faded. "Except the thought of eternity without you."

Sinbad caught his breath. "I won't let that happen, Maeve!" he cried, stepping forward to clasp her hand. He was surprised at her strength as she pulled him up beside her. "Now what?" Sinbad asked, as he gazed at the rocky chasm below them.

"We jump," Maeve whispered, her fingers tightening over his. "I won't let you fall, Sinbad," she promised. "All you have to do is hold my hand. Don't let go and we will be together forever."

"I.." Sinbad wanted to believe her. His heart cried out for him to do so. "Maeve..."

She lifted her free hand so that her fingers tangled in his hair. "Yes, Sinbad?"

He swallowed hard, but vowed to himself that this time he would speak his heart. "I love you, Maeve."

"I know," she whispered, as softly as the wind. "Don't be afraid, Sinbad." Maeve pulled him closer to the edge. "Just close your eyes and jump."

Since there was nothing left to be said, Sinbad tossed aside his saber then closed his eyes. He was about to step forward when he heard a familiar voice shout his name. "Maeve..." Sinbad whispered. But she was standing beside him, not behind him... which is where the voice had come from. His eyes flew open and he turned. Standing in the doorway of the balcony was...Maeve. Sinbad shook his head. "No..."

The sorceress moved towards him slowly, one hand outstretched. "Take my hand, Sinbad," she beseeched him.

"Maeve..." Sinbad felt her hand holding his already. He turned to see her smile at him from the parapet. Then he turned back to glare at the newcomer. "You're not real!" he shouted. "You're evil...and magic. You want to take Maeve away from me!"

"No, Sinbad!" Maeve felt tears fill her eyes. "I am real," she told him. "I'm alive. Cairpra saved me."

Sinbad felt his heart skip a beat. "Cairpra..." he repeated.

Maeve nodded. "That's right. She came to you in a vision, Sinbad, remember? She sent you here to find Dim-Dim." Maeve took a careful step forward, but gasped when Sinbad pulled back and nearly toppled off the parapet. So she froze. "I didn't die, Sinbad. Cairpra put me in a stasis like state so that you would believe that I had died."

"Why would she do that?" Sinbad demanded.

"To spare you any further grief, had she not been able to save me." Maeve blinked back tears as she gazed deep into Sinbad's sea-blue eyes. "I was stricken by black magic, Sinbad. Very powerful magic. But Cairpra was able to break the spell. Then she sent me here to get you."

Sinbad wanted to believe, but couldn't. He remembered holding Maeve as the last of her life's breath left her body. His soul had died with her. It had to be a trick. He shook his head. "I don't believe you," he whispered. He looked at the Maeve who was holding his hand. The Maeve who would guide him over to the other side, where they truly would be together. "I'm ready," he told her.

She smiled and pulled him forward.


Sinbad heard the other Maeve cry out, even as he stepped forward. Then he felt her hand on his arm, yanking him off the parapet. He lost his balance and hit the balcony floor hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him. He didn't see the Maeve on the parapet turn into a dark creature of magic. But he heard the creature's scream when a fireball from Maeve struck it and sent it over the edge and into the chasm.

Maeve then ran to Sinbad and helped him to sit up. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Close enough that she could feel the beating of his heart against her breasts.

"Maeve..." Sinbad whispered, for he felt her heart beat in perfect rhythm with his own. "It really"

"Of course it's me," Maeve countered sharply. She pulled away so that she could look upon Sinbad's handsome face. "Who else would come and rescue you're silly hide?"

Sinbad laughed softly even as he pressed the palm of one hand against her soft cheek. "You're beautiful," he told her.

Maeve felt her face flush with embarrassment. "There you go kissing the blarney stone again," she accused him. But she said it with a smile on her face.

"I'm glad you're back, Maeve," Sinbad countered, as he moved to stand up. He accepted the sorceress' helping hand.

Cairpra suddenly appeared before them in spirit form. "I think you two had best postpone your reunion for later," she advised. "This isn't a safe place."

Sinbad nodded. "You're right." He smiled at the powerful sorceress. "Thank you, Cairpra, for saving Maeve."

"You're welcome, Sinbad." Cairpra smiled back at the Captain. "I hope you can forgive me for deceiving you as I did. But I felt it was for the best."

"Somehow it doesn't seem to matter right now," Sinbad replied, but his eyes were on Maeve. "I learned something from it, though it was a harsh lesson."

Cairpra was intrigued. "And what have you learned, Sinbad?" she asked.

Sinbad took Maeve's hand and pressed it to the left side of his chest. His eyes held hers as he replied, "That, in the future, I will speak what's in my heart. Because Allah will not often allow us a second chance."

Maeve felt her breath catch at Sinbad's words. She knew what was coming and she blinked back tears.

"I love you, Maeve," Sinbad said softly. He lifted one hand to tangle in her fiery hair. "Whatever happens from this moment on, whatever happens between us....I just want you to know that."

"Sinbad..." Maeve heard the quiver in her voice, but as she cleared her throat to try again, she was surprised to be silenced by Sinbad's fingertips against her lips.

He smiled at her. "Don't say anything right now, Maeve. Just think about what I said. And when...and're ready, we'll speak of it again. Okay?"

Maeve could only nod.

"Let's go find the others," Sinbad said. He took Maeve's hand and led her out of the tower.


Twenty-four hours later found the Nomad heading home for Baghdad, and Maeve keeping watch over Sinbad as he slept. He had finally collapsed from exhaustion, soon after they had returned to the Nomad. Doubar and the others had welcomed Maeve with hugs and kisses, and Sinbad had watched them with tears in his eyes. Then his body had finally given out, and he had fallen to the deck in a graceful heap.

Maeve knew she was smiling as she gazed upon Sinbad. Doubar had told her how the he had sat beside her bed throughout her illness, and how devastated he had been when he believed she had died. A soft knock at the door startled Maeve out of her reverie, and she turned to see Dpibar enter the cabin.

He moved to stand beside Maeve and he, too, gazed down upon Sinbad. "He's sleeping like a babe," Doubar commented, with a grin of satisfaction.

"He'll probably sleep for a week," Maeve replied.

"He'll have to if he wants to make up for lost time," Doubar countered. "You know, Maeve, I truly think he would have died if Cairpra hadn't been able to bring you back to us."

Maeve didn't like to think about that. "Sinbad is a fighter, Doubar. He wouldn't give up on life that easily."

Doubar shook his head. "He loves you, Maeve," he said simply, as if that explained it all. And it did.

"I know, she whispered, reaching out to smooth a lock of hair off Sinbad's forehead. "I love him too."

Although cradled in the warm arms of slumber, Sinbad heard Maeve's words...and he smiled.

The end