The idea behind computer animation is to have the actors perform in some setting and then add in computer animated sequences or characters afterwards that correspond with their actions. A good example of this is the scene in Jurassic Park where Sam Neill and the two children are running away from an approaching herd of small dinosaurs. After the three actors filmed that scene, the computer animated dinosaurs were created to match the eye movements of the characters.
Even though special effects have always been part of cinema, one of the biggest criticisms of this area is that movies are now too reliant on special effects. Many movies are applauded for their amazing special effects, but criticized for their lack of plot or story, which if you have seen Starship Troopers you would know is true.
For detailed information on special effects visit Nova-online
Technology Page
Last Updated October 24, 1999
Web Page by John Princiotto
Murdoch University
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