
Hey, I haven't updated this page in a while so a lot of the poems are old, but I am adding newer ones now at the beginning. Yeah, they are depressing but that is just because I usually am just inspired to write when I am depressed. It's not that I'm not generally a happy person, just very emotional.


Wanting to die,
Wanting to cry,
Full of a painful love,
I can't deny.

I've never known,
True pain til this day,
There is no other way,
No other words to say.

Forever I will hide,
The pain I feel inside,
There is no other way,
No other words to say.

Still full of a grain of hope,
But for now I will mope,
Trying so hard to cope,
To hold onto this rope.

Singing my hearts desire,
Gazing into the fire,
I cannot be called a liar,
But trust I can't acquire.

Whispering Soul

Oh whispering soul,
Let me dance,
Give me wings,
And eyes to glance.

Oh whispering soul,
Lead me to light,
Let me not cry,
These tears tonight.

Oh whispering soul,
Make my dreams true.
See that this road,
Will soon lead to you.

The sun will always set,
But oh whispering soul,
Let it not set on you.
I can feel your pain.
I understand your thoughts.
Will my life ever be the same?
You say it is a world of hate,
And that is true,
But I can also see a world of love.
Oh how I want to see you smile.
I just wanna see one smile to stop the tears.

I look in the sky every night.
How can I describe those starry-nights?
It gives me such hope,
Thinking you are looking at the same star.
Why can't I wipe the tears from your eyes?
Let's forget all the hatred around us.
Please show me your angelic smile.


The sun is gone,
But the stars will guide you.
You still have your soul,
As beautiful as can be.
Soon I will be there to wipe the tears away.
So wait a little longer.
Bring the color back to your face,
And show me a smile.

Oh how i want to put my arms around you,
And never let go.
I promise.
I will never hurt you or leave you,
Like she did,
And the rain will stop soon.
Just be optimistic, Try not to focus on the world.
Don't you see how far you have gotten?
You are an inspiration.
Thank you so much.

People have so much love for you.
You have a gift,
The gift of music,
And to see what you have done with it,
Fills me with joy,
So be cheerful.
There can be no more pain for you.
Not today.
Not ever.


The sun is gone,
But the stars will guide you.
You still have your soul,
As beautiful as can be.
Soon I will be there to wipe the tears away.
So wait a little longer.
Bring the color back to your face,
And show me a smile.

music break

(Change of Key)

It hurts me so much to see you sad.
There is no reason to cry now.
I am here and will always be here for you.

Chorus again (still changed)



I walk in clouds alone.
Noone is there for me.
Noone ever will be.
I was nothing to you,
And I never will be.

I feel so lost.
Where am I to go?
What's the point?
I used to have happiness.
I can barely remember that feeling.
It has all faded into the horizon.

All I have are memories.
The memories aren't enough.
I never even got to feel your touch,
To look into your ice blue eyes.

I have no direction in life.
I am already dead.
Just look at me.
I am only a ghost,
Haunting this miserable world.

If I could leave I would.
It just isn't that easy.
Something holds me back.
I have yet to find out what that is.

Maybe one day i will happy again,
But right now, when I look ahead,
My future seems to be filled with emptiness.
Oh, sweet love, save me,
Or I shall be nothing,
For all eternity.


Never Before

Never before,
Have I felt this way.
All I can do,
Is think of you.
All I can feel,
Is your soul,
And my love for you,
That's deeper than any sea.
All I can see,
Is the reflection of the stars,
In your deep ocean blue eyes.
Looking at you,
Is to look at an angel,
Strait from the clouds of heaven.
Never before.

Hearing your voice,
Carry on with the Spring breeze,
Makes my heart beat unbearably fast,
While the warm tears,
Descend from my lonesome eyes.
The tears are endless,
And will only stop,
On the day I can feel,
Your radiant soul,
As I sink into your arms.
Never before.

Will that day ever come?
Or am I just fooling myself?
But I know,
This true lucious love,
Will never dissapate.
Never before.


Frozen In A Tear

I feel as cold as ice.
My heart has frozen;
Frozen in time,
Yet it still bleeds.
Funny how my heart bleeds,
When for blood to flow,
You need to be warm.
I guess that's what love does.
It screws up everything.
You get your heart set on something,
But then you find out you can't have it.
That is what freezes my heart now.

Love can only bring joy,
When it is given back to you,
But love can be just as bitter as hate,
If the love is not returned.
That is why I sit here on my bed,
Just frozen in thought,
As I feel myself die,
I think only of him,
As a tear rolls down and freezes.
The tears show my pain,
And since they are frozen,
Pain will go on forever,
Just frozen in a tear,
Like the pain in my soul is,
Forever frozen.
My love is my pain,
And it will never stop.

You, my love, are also frozen in my tear,
But you'll live.
You have better things to worry about than me.
Farewell my true love.


Fatal Love

How could I do this?
How could I love you?
I don't even know you,
yet I feel I do.
I almost wish I didn't.
It hurts too much.
I feel like I'm drowning,
And freezing in my own salty tears.
Why? I ask.
You have no answer,
Because you don't love me.
You never will.
If I am wrong,
Show me,
Or just let me freeze.
Push me away.
Hit me.
Shoot me.
drown me.
It's not like it will hurt,
Anymore than the pain I've been in.
Just don't be secretive.
It's not getting us anywhere.

We are great friends.
I haven't really met you,
But we have great memories.
I look back and smile,
While at the same time,
I'm crying in the inside.

I feel we are meant to be,
But you don't see that.
Why can't you?
I would do anything for you,
And maybe you could send some red roses,
But no,
The roses you send,
Are as black as a midnight sky,
And cold.
They show no color,
And no love.

I have nowhere to go.
I'm trapped for eternity.
Never shall I see the light again.
At least not until you love me,
If that day ever should come.

Just remember.
I love you,
And if we never shall meet,
Then keep this holy kiss,
And live life to the fullest,
But I have one request.
When you look at the sky at night,
And you see a bright star,
Think of me.
Remember me.
Never let go of me.
Then close your eyes,
And you'll see me,
Still loving and looking down on you.
I'll always be with you,
And you'll forever be in my heart.
Sleep tight and sweet dreams my love.
With a kiss,
I die.


The Star in His Eyes

Whispering in my head all day.
His quotes linger in my head.
He is nothing but a phantom,
And yet he's so real.
He's as real as a raindrop on a rose.

I kiss him in my dreams,
Just wishing that I never wake up,
And that my dream is reality.
It's as if the moment,
Could go on for an eternity.
Everything I worried about yesterday,
Is forgotten.

His lips are like sweet nectar when tasted.
His eyes are like a mysterious shadow,
Just holding onto the secrets of his soul,
But the secrets cannot be hidden from me.
I see him like noone else.

The moon glistens and luminates his eyes.
This one star twinkles in his eye,
Showing the colors of his soul,
And the sand becomes moist,
By the crashing waves.
No words can explain this moment.
It's like trying to explain,
The mysteries of the galaxy.

For once in my life,
The one I love, loves me.
He is the only one for me,
And I am the only one for him.
We have finally found eachother.

Now I am awake.
It was so real though,
But now misted ice gusts at my soul.
He is gone and I am here.
Tears, tears, tears, never ending.

I look in the sky now,
And I see a star,
There is something about the star,
That reminds me of him.
That star seems so familiar.
It's almost as if it's the same star
That twinkled in his eye.

So, I guess that's all,
I have left of the dream.
Just that star in the sky.
When I look at it, I feel him with me,
And I remember that night.
That enchanted night.

I don't know what will happen in the future,
But somehow, I have to find him.
I know deep in my soul,
That shadow belongs to a body and soul,
But when I see the star in his eyes,
I'll know.


Alone and In Love

I drown in your eyes.
I am out of breath.
I am dying from love,
But you do not look at me.

It is her whom you love.
I don't understand.
Why her?
She seems nice,
But she can never make you happy,
Like I know I can.

Why do you always make me cry?
Just when life gets better,
Something you do makes it worse.
Then why in God's name do I love you?

I just can't help it.
I wish I could.
It feels like my heart is in my stomach.
My eyes are filled with such sorrow.

You will never love me.
Oh how I wish it weren't true!
It just is.
It's a fact I must except.

I am too weak to deal with this though.
So what can I do?
I wish I could end it all now,
But I'm afraid of hurting my friends.

So am I to be alone my whole life,
Or am I to marry and not really be in love?
Either way,
My life will tumble to the swamps.

Oh I wish you knew how I felt.
You take everything I say for granted.
What you have never gotten,
Is that, when I say "I love you" I mean it,
With all my heart.

It's not just a friendly love.
It's real true love.
I can't describe it.
All I know, is it hurts.

Everyone always tells me,
It's just lust.
What the hell do they know!
They don't know how I feel!

They just say "Get over it Holly"
Or "Oh it's just a phase."
Why can't people understand?
It isn't fair.

Only my close friends care,
And have faith in me.
They understand.
I thank you all.

Oh Sweetie, please heal my broken heart.
Just talk to me about this,
So then you might understand,
And maybe one day you will love me.

I just don't know.
I guess fate will take it's place.
God be with me.
And if you, my love, stay with her,
Then I wish you two the best of luck.

I will continue to cry.
I will live in darkness.
Without you ever loving me.
I will only sit in a rocking chair,
Staring at your eyes,
In the painting I so carefully made of you.
I do love you **** and always will.

Hi I'm hollycarter4eva.
