Love Hurts...
Have you were had one of those nights
When you're all alone?
When  you're full of fear, sadness, love,lonlyness,
And mad at tha same time?
I'm sure you have.

When a person you care said
They would be there for you,
Yet you seem to be alone in you room.
You don't know where they're at,
Or what... they're doing,
Those times when you have
A pit in your stomach.

As you stare into space you want
To cry asking yourself
What you did wrong?
Well... Guess what, it wasn't you,
No...  it was them.

They think you have them on a leash
So they ask you for some space.
Though when you give it to them,
They seen to run away.

Oh!... Why make a commitment
If your still going to the seeing others?
It makes no sense,
But love isn't easy, Oh!... No its not.
It may come with beautys,
But also whith beasts.

How can you tell them
How you feel... When they're not there
To listen to you?
Love is weird... Oh, yes it is,
But it's not, always for the best.

                                            ~Nataly Fernandez~
Hello , My name is Nataly , I was born on
January 13 , 1985. I wrote this peom when I  was
12 years old , when my parent were going through
there seperation. I am very greatful that my mother
gave me the space to put my poem on her page.
Some people say kids don't understand things like
divorce , yet I was only 12 when I wrote this
and I knew exacly what I felt. I knew my father
wasn't home and we were alone. I love my mom for
everything she has done to keep us happy and
for putting up with me.  I love you.
Do you like my poem?

Copy Right - All Rights reserved by
         ~Nataly Fernandez~