Stupidly Sarcastic: EvE6 Links Page

Well... I gave up... I'm not really too into EvE6 anymore like I use to be and I have school and friends and things like that to handle at the moment, so I figured taking down this site would be best for me. I'm sorry I couldn't even keep it up for a year, but thanks to all of you who did stop by. I have left up the list of sites that I had on the site as well as mailing lists to join. Feel free to check them out and stay on the road with EvE6.

December 21, 1999

Alluring Exotic Twisted Heros

Alternative Music...Eve 6

Always Stupidly Sarcastic

Candys Eve6 Web Page

Choking Me with Apathy

Clarissa's Eve 6 Page

Dabeastie's Homepage

Erica's Eve6 Page



Eve 6


Eve 6er -

Eve6 Fan Club

EvE 6
*EvE 6*

Eve6/Marvelous3 Web Site

Feeding The Obsession

Feed Your Ego

Head Case Story

H y P e R S p A s T i C - E v E 6

Hyper Spastic: The ORIGINAL Eve 6 List & Fan Club

I'm Still A Fan.... Get It???

Inside Out

Inside Out: The Unofficial Eve 6 Page

Jon Siebels

kj_funpage's Eve 6 page!

Leech5- The Eve6 Site


Max Collins

One Thousand Faces

On The Road With Eve6

Open Road To The Small Town

OurLPEve6's Eve 6 Page

Perloe's EvE6 Site

Put You're Heart In A Blender

Rendezvous In The Sun

Rendezvous then I'm through with you

Saturday Nitelite

Shattered Glass

Shower Heads United!

Smalltown Trap

Something Up My Sleeve

StarSeed's Launch Pad

Sucking On My Brain!
Sucking On My Brain

Supersonic Boys

The Blender: EvE 6!

The Open Road

There's A Beautiful Face... A Tony Fagenson Dedication

The Right Place

The Showerhead

The Tender Heart of Eve 6

=+Tie Me To The Bedpost+=

Unofficial Eve 6 Page

Water From A Well

eve6 - OneList

eve6no2 - OneList

Eve6-Fan-List - OneList

EvE6FoReVeR - OneList

Eve6rocks - OneList

Eve6smaxinafilm - OneList

Eve6and3eb - OneList

Eve6peeps - OneList

Evesix - OneList

Eve6_4_ever - OneList